Keith Waclena
If I could only turn the Etch-a-Sketch of my life upside-down. – Dr. Lynda J. Barry
Web Publications
- Learn to play Schnapsen, the best two-handed card game!
- Play Schnapsen on the web! (Martin Tompa)
- My strange transcriptions of music for the Ukulele.
- Original cocktail recipes.
Currently Reading
- Queinnec, Christian: Lisp in Small Pieces (Computing)
- George, Jean: My Side of the Mountain (Fiction)
- Robeson, Kenneth: The Other World (Fiction)
- Downing, David: One Man's Flag (Fiction)
- Rouse, Mikel: The World Got Away: A Memoir (Memoir / Music)
Song of the Moment
- Pace Or The Patience (Love Of Diagrams)
Latest MP3's
I cherish with fondness the day before I met you
Keith Waclena
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And don't forget to fight the oppressor!