2024 Books

Num Rating Author Title Category
1 *** Boskovich, Desirina Lost Transmissions [Literary Criticism]
2 *** Tey, Josephine The Daughter of Time [Fiction]
3 *** Shippey, Tom The Road to Middle-Earth [Literary Criticism]
4 ** Eager, Edward Magic By the Lake [Fiction]
5 ** Harrison, Harry Star Smashers of the Galaxy Rangers [Fiction]
6 ** Willis, Connie Fire Watch [Fiction]
7 *** Sela, Owen The Portuguese Fragment [Fiction]
8 **** Burroughs, Edgar Rice Swords of Mars [Fiction]
9 *** Disch, Thomas M. The Dreams Our Stuff Is Made of [Literary Criticism]
10 *** Robbins, Trina Sax Rohmer's Dope [Comics]
11 **** Kerr, Philip Metropolis [Fiction]
12 **** Weinersmith, Kelly & Weinersmith, Zach A City on Mars [Science]
13 *** Fleming, Ian Casino Royale [Fiction]
14 ** Amis, Kingsley On Drink [Food]
15 ** Amis, Kingsley The Crime of the Century [Fiction]
16 **** Corbett, John Vinyl Freak [Music]
17 **** Griffith, Bill Three Rocks: The Story of Ernie Bushmiller, The Man Who Created Nancy [Comics / Biography]
18 **** Franklin, H. Bruce Robert A. Heinlein: America as Science Fiction [Literary Criticism]
19 **** Downing, David Masaryk Station [Fiction]
20 *** Amis, Kingsley Every Day Drinking [Food]
21 **** Hemming, Henry The Ingenious Mr. Pyke [Biography]
22 *** Olander, Joseph D.; Greenberg, Martin Harry Robert A. Heinlein [Literary Criticism]
23 *** Jameson, Malcolm Wreckers of the Star Patrol [Fiction]
24 **** Robeson, Kenneth Fortress of Solitude [Fiction]
25 **** Anderson, Poul The High Crusade [Fiction]
26 *** Doyle, Arthur Conan The Land of Mist [Fiction]
27 ** Merrill, Arch The Towpath [History]
28 ***** Bradley, Kimberly Brubaker The War That Saved My Life [Fiction]
29 *** Coles, Manning Diamonds to Amsterdam [Fiction]
30 **** Ashley, Mike Yesterday's Tomorrows [Literary Criticism]
31 **** Gladstone, Jim Gladstone's Games to Go [Games]
32 **** Ure, John Shooting Leave [History]
33 ***** Greene, Graham The Third Man [Fiction]
34 **** Kerr, Philip The Pale Criminal [Fiction]
35 ** Biggers, Earl Derr Behind That Curtain [Fiction]
36 ** Berberich, Christine The Bloomsbury Introduction to Popular Fiction [Literary Criticism]
37 **** Kanon, Joseph The Good German [Fiction]
38 ***** Benjamin, Vernon The History of the Hudson River Valley [History]
39 ** McFarland, Robert Bestseller A Century of America's Favorite Books [Literary Criticism]
40 *** Bujold, Lois McMaster The Mountains of Mourning [Fiction]
41 ** Carr, Caleb The Italian Secretary [Fiction]
42 *** Robeson, Kenneth The Green Eagle [Fiction]
43 *** Cline, Eric H.; Fawkes, Glynnis 1177 B.C.: A Graphic History of the Year Civilization Collapsed [Comics / History]
44 *** Ford, John M. Growing Up Weightless [Fiction]
45 *** Forester, C.S. The African Queen [Fiction]
46 **** Chabon, Michael Maps and Legends: Reading and Writing Along the Borderlands [Literary Criticism]
47 *** Benn, James R. Billy Boyle [Fiction]
48 **** Poundstone, William Priceless: The Myth of Fair Value (and How to Take Advantage of It) [Science]
49 **** Bujold, Lois McMaster Falling Free [Fiction]
50 ***** Bradley, Kimberly Brubaker The War That Saved My Life [Fiction]
51 ** Robeson, Kenneth Death in Silver [Fiction]
52 ***** Parlett, David The Oxford Guide to Card Games [Games]
53 **** Furst, Alan A Hero of France [Fiction]
54 **** Woodring, Jim Weathercraft [Comics]
55 ***** Wein, Elizabeth Code Name Verity [Fiction]
56 **** Ortiz, Luis The Science Fiction Fanzine Reader [Literary Criticism]
57 **** Kerr, Philip The Winter Horses [Fiction]
58 *** Buchan, John The Half-Hearted [Fiction]
59 *** Fowler, Christopher Bryant & May and the Memory of Blood [Fiction]
60 ***** Fowler, Christopher The Book of Forgotten Authors; The Book of Forgotten Authors: Expanded and Updated Paperback Edition [Literary Criticism]
61 * Brophy, Brigid; Levey, Michael; Osborne, Charles Fifty Works of English and American Literature We Could Do Without [Literary Criticism]
62 **** Simmel, Johannes Mario It Can't Always Be Caviar [Fiction]
63 ***** Taylor, Alan Colonial America: A Very Short Introduction [History]
64 **** Cook, Kevin Titanic Thompson [Biography]
65 *** Scarne, John Scarne on Cards [Games]
66 ** Robeson, Kenneth Mystery Under the Sea [Fiction]
67 *** Perdue, Theda; Green, Michael D. North American Indians: A Very Short Introduction [History]
68 *** Christopher, John The Guardians [Fiction]
69 U Langford, David Work for Hire [Literary Criticism]
70 ** Von Eckardt, Wolf; Gilman, Sander L. Bertolt Brecht's Berlin: A Scrapbook of the Twenties [History]
71 **** Dashiell Hammett The Thin Man [Fiction]
72 **** Herron, Mick Real Tigers [Fiction]
73 * Seed, David Science Fiction: A Very Short Introduction [Literary Criticism]
74 ***** Brucker, Roger W.; Borden, James D. Beyond Mammoth Cave: A Tale of Obsession in the World's Longest Cave [Travel]
75 **** Owen, Sri Indonesian Food and Cookery [Food]
76 **** Crimmins, Jerry Fort Dearborn [Fiction]
77 ***** Kestrel, James Five Decembers [Fiction]
78 ** O'Shea, Stephen Back to the Front [History / Travel]
79 **** King, Stephen Later [Fiction]
80 **** Brendon, Piers The Dark Valley [History]

Keith Waclena
This page last updated Mon Feb 24 01:49:58 PM CST 2025.