Index of values

( *** ) [Kw]
diag combinator
($) [Kwmarc]
f$s: content of field f, subfield s
($) [Kw]
Function composition.
(%) [Kw]
Python-like sprintf operator Use (>>) for formats with more than one escape: "foo %d %s" % 12 >> "yikes"
(&&&) [Kw]
cross combinator
(&&) [Kwvalid.Combinator]
(&&) [Kwvalid]
a && b: conjunction of two validators.
(&) [Kw]
(+) [Kwapp.Version]
(+) (name,value): add a new field to the end of the version data.
(+:=) [Kw]
Algol 68-style variable increment: let x = ref 0 in x +:= 1
(+>) [Kwapp.Argv]
(+>): infix operator to combine combinators (arg,optional,valid,rep); really just right-associative function composition.
(+>) [Kwapp.Option]
(+>): infix operator to combine combinators (sw,sws,alias,optional,required,arg,def,desc,valid); really just right-associative function composition.
(-) [Kwapp.Version]
(-) name: remove field name from the version data.
(--) [Kwstring]
Infix version of chars
(--) [Kw]
infix version of upto
(-:=) [Kw]
Algol 68-style variable deccrement: let x = ref 0 in x -+:= 1
(<+) [Kwapp.Version]
(<+) (name,value): add a new field to the beginning of the version data.
(<@) [Kwapp.Version]
(<@) new: add all the fields in new to the beginning of the version data.
(=) [Kwapp.Version]
(=) (name,value): replace the field name (if any) with the new pair.
(>>) [Kw]
Infix function application, right-associative
(@) [Kwapp.Version]
(@) new: add all the fields in new to the end of the version data.
(@.) [Kw]
(|-) [Kw]
(|>) [Kw]
Function application (like unix pipe)
(||) [Kwvalid.Combinator]
(||) [Kwvalid]
a || b: disjunction of two validators.
(~++) [Kw]
succ as a prefix operator: ~++0 = 1
(~--) [Kw]
pred as a prefix operator: ~--1 = 0
(~~) [Kwfile]
(~~): synonym for Kwfile.squiggle.

above [Kwpicture]
above a b: return a picture consisting of pictures a and b on top of each other (a above b).
absolute [Kwvalid.File]
absolute: considers valid any absolute pathname
acc [Kw.Count]
acc ca: extract accumulator from counting accumulator ca
access [Kwfile]
Unix.access with bool range and no exceptions
achange [Kwffa]
achange a i f: set a.(i) to f a.(i).
acmtime [Kwfile.Find]
action [Kwapp.Help]
action ?actions ?sub ?versiondata interface: an action suitable for Kwapp.dispatch that generates a complete help message on stdout and terminates the program with exit status 0.
action [Kwapp.Version]
action versiondata: a version information action suitable for Kwapp.dispatch.
add [Suffix_tree.T]
add st s adds the string s, and all its suffixes in the suffix tree st, unless s has already been added.
add [Suffix_tree.Make]
add [Suffix_tree.Ext]
add [Lset]
add [Kwlookup.S]
add [Kwdbm.DbmType]
add [Cis]
add x cis adds element x to cis.
add [Cdb]
add_leaf [Suffix_tree.Make]
add_link [Suffix_tree.Make]
add_strid [Suffix_tree.Make]
add_utf_8 [Kwcsv.Uutflike.Buffer]
adjoin [Kwmap.S]
adjoin [Kwlist]
adjoin k v alist: adjoins v to the collection of values associated with key k in the alist.
adjoin [Kwmap.Make]
adjoin vadd empty returns a function f k v m that adjoins v to the collection of values associated with key k.
after [Kw]
after f x y: evaluate f x (for side-effect), then return y.
aget [Kwffa]
aget a i: return the value of a.(i).
alias [Kwapp.Option]
alias s opt: add an alias (i.e.
all [Kwdeprecated.Kwarg]
all [Kw]
all p list: Applied to a predicate and a list, any determines if all of the elements of the list satisfy the predicate.
alphabetic [Kwvalid.String]
alphabetic: considers valid any string that contains only alphabetic characters
alphanumeric [Kwvalid.String]
alphanumeric: considers valid any string that contains only alphanumeric characters
always [Kwvalid]
always considers any argument string valid.
any [Kwapp.Argv]
The argv that accepts zero or more arbitrary string args.
any [Kwvalid.Json.Size]
any: considers valid arrays of any size.
any [Kwvalid.String]
any: considers any string valid.
any [Kwvalid.Number]
any considers valid any string that is a number in the domain.
any [Kwvalid]
any considers any argument string valid.
any [Kwdeprecated.Kwarg.Valid]
any [Kw]
any p list: Applied to a predicate and a list, any determines if any element of the list satisfies the predicate.
append [Kwmap.S]
append [Kwmap.Make]
append v to list of values associated with k
append [Cis]
append cis1 cis2 returns the union of cis1 and cis2 assuming that all elements of cis1 are greater than any element of cis2.
arg [Kwapp.Argv]
arg name: define a command line argument with the name name.
arg [Kwapp.Option]
arg a opt: add a short name for the option's argument (used in the help message).
argument [Kwapp]
argument ?def interface name argv: return value of a non-repeating command-line argument named name, as defined in interface, from argv.
arguments [Kwapp]
arguments ?def interface name argv: return value of the repeating command-line argument named name, as defined in interface, from argv, as a list.
argvbut0 [Kw]
Return array of command-line arguments less argv0
argvlist [Kwapp]
Return Sys.argv as a list, less Sys.argv.(0)
argvlist [Kwdeprecated.Kwarg]
Return Sys.argv as a list, less Sys.argv.(0)
aset [Kwffa]
aset a i v: set a.(i) to v.
aslongas [Kw]
aslongas pred f x: while-loop functional for functions with side-effects.
asplit [Kwlist]
extract from an alist all the values associated with key, returning the list of values and the alist with all key pairs removed.
assemble [Kwrefer]
assemble alist: format a refer record (a string) from an alist
asserted [Kwvalid]
asserted t str: check that str is a valid t, raising an exception if not, and return str.

b [Kw]
Haskell's (.)
base2 [Kwstring]
convert int n to binary (base-2) string representation
behead [Kwlist]
Remove prefix pat of list subj.
beside [Kwpicture]
beside a b: return a picture consisting of pictures a and b beside each other (a on the left).
binary [Kwnet.Ipaddr.Ipv4]
blanks [Kwdeprecated.Kwarg.Valid]
block [Kwpicture]
block n pics: return the picture consisting of the pictures in pics taken n at a time.
blockT [Kwpicture]
blockT n pics: the transpose of block n pics.
boolean [Kwvalid.B]
boolean: considers valid either of the strings "true" or "false"
bucket [Kwrefer]
bucket ?empty ?toomany ?none ?err field acc ln alist: group records by a distinguishing field into buckets.

c [Kw]
argument-flipping combinator
canonical [Suffix_tree.Make]
card [Suffix_tree.Make]
cardinal [Suffix_tree.Ext]
cardinal [Lset]
Return the cardinal of a set.
cardinal [Kwlookup.S]
cardinal [Cis]
cardinal cis returns the cardinal of cis.
cartesian_product [Kwlist]
cartesian_product list: Cartesian product of list of lists.
cat_of [Kwparse.LEX]
Returns the category of a lexeme.
catch [Kw]
apply f to x, returning None if an exception was raised, else return Some (f x)
catchex [Kw]
apply f to x, returning (None, ex) if an exception was raised, where ex is the exception, else return Some (f x), No_exception
cdb_creator_of_out_channel [Cdb]
cf [Kwmarc]
cf f a b: content of control field characters a-b.
chan_of_in_channel [Kwcsv.PortalineType]
chan_of_in_channel [Kwcsv.Unicode.U]
chan_of_in_channel [Kwcsv.Portaline.A]
chan_of_in_channel [Kwcsv.Portaline.LF]
changex [Kw]
changex ?this that f x: apply (f x), converting exception this to that.
chars [Kwstring]
chars lo hi: generate a list of the characters between lo and hi inclusive.
check [Kwapp.Argv]
check iargv (m,argv): check parsed command line to assure that all required command-line arguments were provided, that there are no mutually-exclusive option conflicts, and that all option arguments validate.
check [Kwapp.Option]
check iopts (m,argv): check parsed command line to assure that all required options were provided, that there are no mutually-exclusive option conflicts, and that all option arguments validate.
children [Suffix_tree.T]
children st n returns the list of children nodes of n.
children [Suffix_tree.Make]
choose [Kwlist]
choose ?n m lst: choose m random elements from a list of length n.
cidr_of_string [Kwnet.Ipaddr.Ipv4]
classify [Kwlist]
classify f alist x: classify x according to the equivalence relation defined by f into the alist.
clone [Kwio]
clone ?closeout ?bufsize inp out: copy all data from an in_channel to an out_channel
close [Kwdbm.DbmType]
close_cdb_in [Cdb]
close_cdb_out [Cdb]
close_in [Kwcsv.Portaline.A]
close_in [Kwcsv.Portaline.LF]
close_in [Kwchan.String]
close_in [Kwchan.Chan]
close_mbox [Kwmbox]
closelog [Kwsyslog]
Close the log
coalesce [Kwlist]
coalesce an alist with repeating keys into one with unique keys bound to lists of values
col [Kwpicture]
col str: convert string str to a (String.length str)x1 picture representing that string as a single column.
columnate [Kwformat]
columnate ?header ?bar ?sep ?maxwidth ?widths matrix: format a list of lists of strings in neat columns
combine [Kwlist]
combine ?def x y: like List.combine, but if ?def givem, use as default value in the case that either list is short.
commafy [Kwformat]
convert int n to string, inserting commas as appropriate
commafylist [Kwformat]
commafylist ?comma ?n str: add commas to a string, presumably of digits
comp [Lset]
compare [Lset]
compare [Kwlookup.OrderedType]
compare_nocase [Kwstring]
compare two strings, ignoring case
comparer [Kwmap.S]
comparer [Kwmap.Make]
generate a comparison function, using the map as a "sort map" Parameters def and result are mutually exclusive.
compile [Kwxpath]
compile str: compile an XPath string into internal form
compile_channel [Kwrefer]
compile_channel ?loc ?skey channel: compile the schema file open on channel to internal form.
compile_file [Kwrefer]
compile_file ?skey file: compile the schema file to internal form.
compile_stream [Kwrefer]
compile_stream ?loc ?skey stream: compile the schema on stream to internal form.
compile_string [Kwrefer]
compile_string ?loc ?skey file: compile the schema in string to internal form.
concat [Kwstack]
concat_reversed [Kwlist]
concat_reversed lists: reverse each list in lists and then concatenate them.
conjunction [Kw]
return a predicate which is the conjunction of the predicates in a list
cons [Kw]
function equivalent to (::) if that operator were syntactically legal
consof [Kw]
consof f acc x = f x :: acc; handy for use with folds.
const [Kw]
consup [Kw]
consup x: return a list containing x
conswhen [Kw]
conswhen pred acc x: return x :: acc when pred x, else acc
conswith [Kw]
conswith f acc x: is f x :: acc.
contains [Lset]
Return true if the first set contains the second.
contains [Kwstring]
contains cset str: test whether any of the characters in cset are contained in str.
convert [Kwtime]
convert a single %-escape character to a formatted string
convert [Kw]
convert exeception this (raised by f x) to that
copy [Kwpicture]
copy n pic: return a list consisting of n copies of picture p.
copyfile [Kwio]
copyfile infile outfile: copy the input file infile to the output file outfile.
create [Suffix_tree.T]
Suffix trees as string sets.
create [Suffix_tree.Make]
create [Kwmacro.Lookup]
Create a macro lookup table from an association list mapping macro names to the functions that implement them.
create [Kwmacro.Hashtbl]
create [Kwmacro.Map]
create [Kwmacro.Assoc]
crosswalk [Kwmarc]
crosswalk cw record: generate a translation of this MARC record according to the crosswalk cw.
ctpop [Kw]
ctpop: count the population of an unsigned integer: how many bits are set to 1?
curry [Kw]
curry f x y: converts an uncurried function to a curried function.
cw [Kwmarc.DC.Unqualified]
cw: the crosswalk definition.

data [Kwapp.Version]
data ?name ?version ?ident ?author ?www (): return a minimal version datum as an alist.
decode [Kwcsv.Uutflike]
decoder [Kwcsv.Uutflike]
decoder_encoding [Kwcsv.Uutflike]
def [Kwapp.Argv]
def d: : add a default value for an optional command-line arg.
def [Kwapp.Option]
def d opt: add a default value for the option.
default [Kw]
Given default def f x, apply f to x, returning def if it raises an exception, else returning f x
defaults [Kwconfig]
defaults defs config: add default values for certain config fields.
depth [Kwstack]
desc [Kwapp.Argv]
desc description: give the argument a description.
desc [Kwapp.Option]
desc d opt: add a one-line desacription of the option's semantics.
df [Kwmarc]
df ?subs f: content of variable data field, with optional subfield restrictions.
diff [Suffix_tree.Ext]
diff [Lset]
diff [Kwmap.S]
diff [Kwmap.Make]
map a minus map b i.e.
diff [Cis]
The set difference.
digits [Kwformat]
how many digits does n require in base b?
directory [Kwdeprecated.Kwarg.Valid]
disjunction [Kw]
return a predicate which is the disjunction of the predicates in a list
dispatch [Kwapp]
dispatch ?def ?data interface actions (m,argv): execute default function def unless one of the actions is requested, passing data to the action.
display [Kwpicture]
display p: put a border around picture p to make it easy to see the extent of the picture.
drop [Kwlist]
Return the list resulting from dropping the first n elements of a list
dropwhile [Kwlist]
Delete leading elements of a list that satisfy a predicate
dryrot [Kwapp.MESSAGES]
dryrot [Kwapp.Messages]
dryrot ?myself ?status ?bt fmt ...: print a dryrot error message on chan, terminating the application.

elapsed [Kw]
elapsed f x: measure elapsed wall-clock time it takes to evaluate (f x).
elements [Suffix_tree.Ext]
elements [Lset]
Return a list of the elements.
elements [Cis]
elements cis returns the elements of cis as list of decreasing integers.
empty [Suffix_tree.Ext]
empty [Suffix_tree.Subseq]
empty [Lset]
The empty set.
empty [Kwstack]
empty [Kwlookup.S]
empty [Kwapp.Argv]
The empty argv, which accepts no args.
empty [Kwapp]
The empty interface.
empty [Cis]
empty is the empty set.
encoding [Kwcsv.AUTO]
enum [Kwvalid]
enum list: considers valid any string in the given list.
env [Kwapp.Env]
env envs ?def var: return value of an env var, or its default if it's unset.
env [Kw]
env ?default name returns the value of environment variable name as a string
eoi [Kwxmlm.Xmlm_type]
eol2str [Kwio.EOL]
eol_of_string [Kwcsv]
eq [Kwvalid.Number]
eq n: considers valid any string that is a number in the domain s.t.
eq_char [Suffix_tree.Make]
equal [Lset]
equal [Cis]
equal cis1 cis2 returns whether cis1 is equal to cis2.
error [Kwvalid]
eval [Kwparse.LEX]
Evaluator of lexical semantics.
evens [Kwlist]
Return even elements of list
exactly [Kwvalid.Json.Size]
exactly n: considers valid only an array of size n.
except [Kwmarc]
except ex list: exclude (eliminate) all fields numbered in ex from list.
exceptional [Kw]
exceptional f x: does (f x) raise an exception?
exec [Kwre.ReType]
existing [Kwvalid.Directory]
existing: considers valid any string that names an existing directory.
existing [Kwvalid.File]
existing: considers valid any string that names an existing file.
exists [Kwfile]
Does a file exist?
exists [Kwdeprecated.Kwarg.Valid]
expand [Kwmacro.Make]
Expand all macro calls in a string.
explode [Kwprefix]
explode [Kwlist]
Convert string to list of char
ext [Suffix_tree.T]
ext st n returns an ordered list of string ids that match the path of the node n.
ext [Suffix_tree.Make]
ext0 [Suffix_tree.Make]
extend [Suffix_tree.Subseq]
extension [Kwfile]
extension file returns the file's extension, without the '.' if no extension, return ""
extjoin [Kwfile]
extjoin path joins an optional extension onto a file path; the dual of Kwfile.extsplit.
extsplit [Kwfile]
extsplit path splits a file path into two parts by separating the extension (if any).

factor_of_sizeunit [Kwfile.Find]
fatal [Kwapp.MESSAGES]
fatal [Kwapp.Messages]
fatal ?myself ?status fmt ...: print a fatal error message on chan, terminating the application.
fexecv [Kwexec]
fexecv ?prog argv: execute the program in file prog, with the arguments args, and the current process environment.
fexecve [Kwexec]
fexecve ?prog argv env: execute the program in file prog, with the arguments args, and the given process environment.
fexecvp [Kwexec]
fexecvp ?prog argv: execute the program named prog, with the arguments args, and the current process environment.
fexecvpe [Kwexec]
fexecvp ?prog argv: execute the program named prog, with the arguments args, and the given process environment.
ff32 [Cdb]
ff64 [Cdb]
ffffffff64 [Cdb]
field [Kwmarc]
filesplit [Kwfile]
filesplit ?sep fn: split a filename into its components
filteri [Kwlist]
Like List.filter but pass index as first parameter
final [Kwlist]
Return final n elements of list
finalize [Kw]
finalization functional
find [Suffix_tree.T]
find st s returns the id associated to the string s, if the strings exists in the suffix tree st.
find [Suffix_tree.Make]
find [Kwlookup.S]
find [Kwdbm.DbmType]
find [Kwconfig]
find ?def ?section key config: find key fields in parsed config file config.
find [Cdb]
find_factor [Suffix_tree.T]
find_factor st s returns the factor locating s in the suffix tree st.
find_factor [Suffix_tree.Make]
find_factor_aux [Suffix_tree.Make]
find_node [Suffix_tree.T]
find_node st s returns the node whose path is equal to the string s, if it exists.
find_node [Suffix_tree.Make]
first [Kwlist]
first ?flex n list: return first n elements of list.
first_true [Kwlist]
first_true p list: return the first element elt of list for which (p elt) is true.
firstkey [Kwdbm.DbmType]
fix [Kw]
fixflags [Kwmarshal]
fixflags flags: map our Kwmarshal.extern_flags to Marshal's.
fixup [Kwconfig]
fixup sffs config: fixup certain config fields by selectively applying functions.
flip [Lset]
Remove an element if present, add it otherwise.
flip [Kw]
flipH [Kwpicture]
flipH pic: flip the picture horizontally (i.e.
flipV [Kwpicture]
flipV pic: flip the picture vertically (i.e.
fold [Kwxmlm.Make]
fold f acc input: fold function for Xmlm.
fold [Suffix_tree.T]
fold f st e is a classic folding on all strings in the suffix tree st.
fold [Suffix_tree.Make]
fold [Lset]
fold [Kwstream]
fold [Kwstack]
fold [Kwrefer]
fold ?err f init src: fold function f over the refer records in src.
fold [Kwmarc]
fold [Kwlookup.S]
fold [Kwfile]
fold ?follow ?err f acc dir: fold over a directory hierarchy (recursive).
fold [Kwdbm.Make]
fold f acc dbm: fold function for Dbm database
fold [Kwcsv.Fold]
fold ?eol ?q ?comma ?warn func init chan: fold func over records in CSV file open on chan.
fold [Kwcsv]
Non-unicode-aware version of Kwcsv.Fold.fold for legacy applications.
fold_dir [Kwfile]
fold_dir f init dir: fold over the files in a directory (not recursive).
fold_fs_node [Suffix_tree.Make]
fold_fs_tree [Suffix_tree.Make]
fold_left [Kwstring]
fold_left f a str is f (... (f (f a str.[0]) str.[1]) ...) str.[n-1].
fold_left [Cis]
Left folding.
fold_node [Suffix_tree.Make]
fold_right [Kwstring]
fold_right f str a is f str.[0] (f str.[1] (... (f str.[n-1] a) ...)).
fold_right [Cis]
Right folding.
fold_s_node [Suffix_tree.Make]
fold_s_tree [Suffix_tree.Make]
fold_tree [Suffix_tree.T]
fold_tree st filter herit synth h0 returns the result of an attribute evaluation on the suffix tree st.
fold_tree [Suffix_tree.Make]
fold_while [Suffix_tree]
foldargv [Kwdeprecated.Kwarg]
fold over Sys.argv, taking the conventional meaning of Sys.argv.(0) into account (i.e., skip it by default).
foldchars [Kwio]
foldchars f acc chan: fold_left for a channel as characters.
foldchars [Kwcsv.Portaline.LF]
foldex [Kw]
foldex ?exn f init x: fold over calls to f x until an exception occurs.
foldgroup [Kwlist]
fold a function across subsequences of list
foldil [Kw]
foldil f left-associatively across the closed integer interval a,z (tail-recursive)
foldir [Kw]
foldir f right-associatively across the closed integer interval a,z (not tail-recursive)
foldl [Kwstring]
Short name for Kwstring.fold_left.
foldl [Kwprefix]
foldl [Kwffa]
foldl f acc a: fold left over array a.
foldl [Kw]
Short name for List.fold_left.
foldl1 [Kwlist]
foldl1 f list: like List.fold_left but use List.hd list as initial accumulator
foldl1 [Kw]
foldl1 f list: a variant of foldl that has no starting value argument, and thus must be applied to non-empty lists.
foldlines [Kwio]
fold_left for a channel as lines
foldlines [Kwcsv.Portaline.LF]
foldr [Kwstring]
Short name for Kwstring.fold_right.
foldr [Kw]
Short name for List.fold_right.
foldr1 [Kw]
foldr1 f list: a variant of foldr that has no starting value argument, and thus must be applied to non-empty lists.
foldwhen [Kw]
foldwhen: synonym for Kw.foldwhen_left
foldwhen_left [Kw]
foldwhen_left cons pred acc x: return cons acc x when pred x, else acc
foldwhen_right [Kw]
foldwhen_right cons pred x acc: same as Kw.foldwhen_left, but for right-folds, so takes a right-handed cons
foreach [Kw]
execute f i (for side-effect) for each integer i in the closed interval a,z
format [Kwformat.Units]
format ?maxunit units quantity
frame [Kwpicture]
frame ?c pos (h,w) p: return the picture consisting of p set in the an h x w picture (i.e.
from [Kwstring]
Return a right-hand substring of a string i.e.
from_bytes [Kwmarshal]
from_bytes ?vequals ~tag ?version bytes ofs: unmarshals a structured value like Kwarshal.from_channel does, except that the byte representation is not read from a channel, but taken from the byte sequence buff, starting at position ofs.
from_channel [Kwmarshal]
from_channel ?vequals ~tag ?version chan: reads from channel chan the byte representation of a structured value, as produced by one of the Kwmarshal.to_* functions, and reconstructs and returns the corresponding value.
from_string [Kwmarshal]
from_string ?vequals ~tag ?version str ofs: Same as Kwmarshal.from_bytes but takes a string as argument instead of a byte sequence.
full_split [Kwregexp.RegexpType]
full_split [Kwregexp.Str]

get [Suffix_tree.T]
get st id returns the string associated to id.
get [Suffix_tree.Make]
get [Suffix_tree.Subseq]
get [Kwrefer]
Get some fields from a refermap.
get [Kwapp.VERBOSITY]
get (): return the current verbosity.
get [Kwapp.Verbose]
get [Kwapp.Quiet]
get [Kwapp.Environment]
get [Kwapp.Ref]
get [Kw]
Return value x of an option (Some x)
get0 [Suffix_tree.Make]
get1 [Kwrefer]
Get one field from a refermap.
get1u [Kwrefer]
Get one unique field from a refermap.
get2 [Kwrefer]
Get two fields from a refermap.
get2u [Kwrefer]
Get two unique fields from a refermap.
get3 [Kwrefer]
Get three fields from a refermap.
get3u [Kwrefer]
Get three unique fields from a refermap.
get4 [Kwrefer]
Get four fields from a refermap.
get4u [Kwrefer]
Get four unique fields from a refermap.
get_all_ofs [Kwre.ReType]
get_child [Suffix_tree.Make]
get_link [Suffix_tree.Make]
get_matches [Cdb]
get_visible [Suffix_tree.PARAM]
get_visible s returns the sizes of the prefix and suffix of s that can be removed from s without damage to its meaning.
get_visible [Suffix_tree.Make]
getall [Kwrefer]
getall key alist: return list of all values in alist corresponding to key
getchar [Kwcsv.PortalineType]
getchar [Kwcsv.Unicode.U]
getchar [Kwcsv.Portaline.A]
getchar [Kwcsv.Portaline.LF]
getline [Kwio]
Non-exceptional version of input_line
getline [Kwcsv.Portaline.LF]
getline [Kwchan]
getopt [Kwapp]
getopt ?opt interface argv: parse command line options in argv as per interface, extract command-line arguments, and return both.
getopt [Kwdeprecated.Kwarg]
getoptstring [Kwapp.Help]
getoptstring interface: return a string representing the options part of the command line.
getpass [Kwpass]
getpass t: get a password from the t, trimming it of whitespace from beginning and end if not Raw.
getpeername [Kwnet]
getref [Kwrefer]
getu [Kwrefer]
Get some unique fields from a refermap.
getusername [Kw]
Return username of owner of this process
glob [Kwfile]
glob ?pred map dir: return list of results of applying map to each file in a directory
gt [Kwvalid.Number]
gt n: considers valid any string that is a number in the domain s.t.
gte [Kwvalid.Number]
gte n: considers valid any string that is a number in the domain s.t.

halve [Kwlist]
divide a list into two halves
has [Kwapp]
has sw m: return true if getopt-parsed map m has switch sw.
has_child [Suffix_tree.Make]
has_end [Suffix_tree.Make]
hash [Cdb]
hash_init [Cdb]
hash_to_bucket [Cdb]
hash_to_table [Cdb]
hashincr [Kw]
add entries to a "counting" hash table
hdl [Kwapp.MESSAGES]
hdl [Kwapp.Messages]
hdl ?myself interface f x: apply f to x, catching all exceptions defined in Kwapp and terminating the program with an appropriate error message.
height [Suffix_tree.T]
height st n returns the height of node n, i.e.
height [Suffix_tree.Make]
height [Kwpicture]
height pic: return height of picture.
help [Kwdeprecated.Kwarg]
helpaction [Kwapp.Help]
helpaction: deprecated name of Kwapp.Help.action
helpdata [Kwpass]
List of pairs representing text suitable for a help message describing the forms of t's.
helpstring [Kwapp.Help]
helpstring interface: generate multi-line help message summarizing command-line options.
helptext [Kwpass]
helptext ?indent ?sep1 ?sep2 title: format up a paragraph of help text from helpdata.
hide [Kwapp.Argv]
hide: make this argument hidden.
hide [Kwapp.Option]
hide opt: make this option hidden.

id [Kw]
Identity function
igndepth [Kwfile]
igndepth f: makes a function that's suitable for List.fold_left suitable for Kwfile.fold by ignoring the depth parameter.
ignex [Kw]
ignex f x: evaluate f x, ignoring any exceptions.
ignexn [Kwfile]
ignexn f: makes function that's suitable for Kwfile.fold's f parameter suitable for its ~err parameter by ignoring the exception.
implode [Kwlist]
Convert list of char to string
incr [Kwmap.S]
incr [Kwmap.Make]
use a map value to count a key, adding i to value
incr [Kw.Count]
incr ?i ca: return counting accumulator ca with count incremented by i (default: 1) but with accumulator unmodified
index [Kwlist]
add indexes (list positions) to list elements, converting an 'a list to an (int*'a) list
indicator [Kwmarc]
init [Kwlist]
init list: Return all the elements of a list except the last one.
init [Kwconfig]
init ?file ?string defs: initialize an app with a config file, setting defaults.
init [Kw.Count]
init ?i a: convert initial accumulator value a to a counting accumulator
input [Kwxmlm.Xmlm_type]
insert_node [Suffix_tree.Make]
int [Kwdeprecated.Kwarg.Valid]
inter [Lset]
Return the intersection of 2 sets.
inter [Cis]
The set intersection.
inter_r [Lset]
interface [Kwapp.Version]
intersect [Kwmap.S]
intersect [Kwlist]
intersect l1 l2: return the intersection of the two lists
intersect [Kwmap.Make]
return the intersection of two maps, based on keys
iota [Kw]
Return a list of n integers from 0 to n-1
ip_of_string [Kwnet.Ipaddr.Ipv4]
is_empty [Suffix_tree.Subseq]
is_empty [Lset]
Test if a set is empty or not.
is_empty [Kwlookup.S]
is_empty [Cis]
is_empty cis returns whether cis is the empty set.
is_leaf [Suffix_tree.T]
is_leaf st n returns whether the node n is a leaf.
is_leaf [Suffix_tree.Make]
is_maximal [Suffix_tree.T]
is_maximal st n returns whether a node is maximal.
is_maximal [Suffix_tree.Make]
is_none [Cdb]
is_root [Suffix_tree.Make]
isblock [Kwfile]
Is a file a block special file?
ischaracter [Kwfile]
Is a file a character special file?
isdirectory [Kwfile]
Is a file a directory?
isemptydir [Kwfile]
Is path (presumed a directory) an empty directory?
isexecutable [Kwfile]
Is a file executable?
isexefile [Kwfile]
Is a file an executable plain file?
isfifo [Kwfile]
Is a file a fifo?
isfile [Kwfile]
Is a file a plain file?
islink [Kwfile]
Is a file a symbolic link?
isreadable [Kwfile]
Is a file readable?
issocket [Kwfile]
Is a file a socket?
iswriteable [Kwfile]
Is a file writeable?
iter [Kwstream]
iter [Kwstack]
iter [Kwre.Make]
iter re str: return list of substrings for all matches of re in str.
iter [Kwdbm.DbmType]
iter [Cis]
Iteration on the elements of a cis.
iter [Cdb]
iter [Kw]
Short name for List.iter.
iteri [Kwlist]
like List.iter but pass index as first parameter
iterlines [Kwio]
Apply a function, for its side-effect, to each line of an input file

j [Kwformat]
Join elements of list on a string separator but only for "non-blank" elements
join [Kwfile]
join dir file returns a file name that designates file file in directory dir.
join [Kw]
Synonym for String.concat with a default separator string.

k [Kw]
Constant-function combinator
kb [Kwformat.Units]
units of mass storage, base of 1000: byte through exibyte
keycounts [Kwrefer]
keycounts alist: return counts of keys in a parsed record.
keys [Kwrefer]
keys alist: get all (unique) keys in record (alist)
keys [Kwmap.S]
keys [Kwmap.Make]
list of keys in map in ascending order
kib [Kwformat.Units]
units of mass storage, base of 1024: byte through exbibyte
kite [Kw]
KI combinator (name from Smullyan): KI = λab.b

label [Suffix_tree.T]
label st n returns the string labelling the node n.
label [Suffix_tree.Make]
last [Kwlist]
Return last element of list
leader [Kwmarc.DC]
leader l: function implementing "Appendix 2 - Conversion rules for Leader06 - dc:Type mapping".
leader [Kwmarc]
leader_field_of_offset [Kwmarc]
len [Kw]
Synonym for List.length.
length [Suffix_tree.T]
length st n returns the length of the string labelling the node n.
length [Suffix_tree.Make]
length [Suffix_tree.Subseq]
length [Kwstream]
compute the length of a stream, forcing the entire stream
length [Kwffa]
length a: return the length of a.
lines [Kwstream]
convert a stream of char to a stream of lines (strings)
locals0 [Suffix_tree.Make]
localtime [Kwtime]
localtime (): return the localtime for now
log [Kwsyslog]
Convenience function
lookup [Kwmacro.Lookup]
Lookup a macro in a macro lookup table by name.
lookup [Kwmacro.Hashtbl]
lookup [Kwmacro.Map]
lookup [Kwmacro.Assoc]
lowercase [Kwvalid.String]
lowercase: considers valid any string that contains only lowercase alphabetic characters
lrepeat [Kwlist]
lt [Kwvalid.Number]
lt n: considers valid any string that is a number in the domain s.t.
lte [Kwvalid.Number]
lte n: considers valid any string that is a number in the domain s.t.

magicprefix [Kwmarshal]
The file magic number prefix.
make [Kwvalid.Json]
make from_string v: make a validator from a Json descriptor.
make [Kwvalid]
make text predicate: make a validator from an arbitrary predicate
make [Kwffa]
make n init: create a fast functional array of size n with initial values set to init.
makesafe [Kwfile]
makesafe path returns a "safe" version of the pathname (intended for web applications).
map [Kwstring]
map f str applies f to each char in str, returning a new string of the results.
map [Kwstream]
map a function across a stream, returning a stream
map [Kwstack]
map [Kwset.S]
map [Kwffa]
map f a: map f across array a.
map [Kwset.Make]
map f t: returns a new set that is the result of applying f to each element of t.
map [Kw]
Short name for
mapfind [Suffix_tree]
mapi [Kwlist]
like but pass index as first parameter; NOT tail-recursive
mapi [Kwffa]
mapi f a: map f across array a.
mapints [Kw]
map f i across each integer i in the closed interval a,z, gathering the results in a list
maplines [Kwio]
Map a function across all lines of an input file
matches [Kwxpath]
matches xpath path: does current path in an XML parse tree match the given xpath?
max [Kwvalid.Json.Size]
max n: considers valid only an array of size at most n
max_elt [Cis]
max_elt cis returns the maximum integer in cis.
max_extensions [Suffix_tree.T]
max_extensions st n_opt returns the list of maximal nodes and leaves whose path is an extension of the path of n, when given.
max_extensions [Suffix_tree.Make]
max_extensions_left [Suffix_tree.Make]
max_extensions_remove_left [Suffix_tree.Make]
max_extensions_remove_right [Suffix_tree.Make]
max_extensions_right [Suffix_tree.Make]
max_restrictions [Suffix_tree.T]
max_restrictions st n returns the list of maximal nodes whose path is a restriction of the path of n.
max_restrictions [Suffix_tree.Make]
max_restrictions_aux [Suffix_tree.Make]
maxdepth [Kwfile]
maxdepth n f: converts a function that's suitable for List.fold_left into a function suitable for Kwfile.fold that's only applied to files up to a maximum depth of n.
maximal0 [Suffix_tree.Make]
maxvalue [Kw]
Return maximum value in a list of ordered values
maybe [Kwdeprecated.Result]
maybe f x: evaluate f x, returning Failure exn if exception exn was raised during evaluation, and Success (f x) otherwise.
mbox_channel_iter [Kwmbox]
mbox_file_fold [Kwmbox]
mbox_file_fold fn inchan acc: fold the function fn over the messages in the mbox file open on inchan with acc as initial accumulator.
mbox_file_iter [Kwmbox]
mbox_file_map [Kwmbox]
mbox_file_map fn filename: map the function fn over the messages in the mbox file filename.
mem [Suffix_tree.Ext]
mem [Lset]
mem [Kwlookup.S]
mem [Cis]
mem x cis returns whether x belongs to cis.
message [Kwapp.Version]
message t: return a one-line version message string.
mex [Kwapp.Option]
mex n opt: add a mutual-exclusivity class (1,∞) for the option.
min [Kwvalid.Json.Size]
min n: considers valid only an array of size at least n
min_elt [Cis]
min_elt cis returns the minimum integer in cis.
minvalue [Kw]
Return minimum value in a list of ordered values
mkdirs [Kwfile]
mkdirs ?mode path: make all the directories in path (including parent directories, as needed).
monthname [Kwtime]
convert an integer 0..11 to the name of a month (0 = January)
move_assocs [Kwlist]
move_assocs keys alist: remove pairs with keys in keys from alist, collecting them in a new record; return the new record and the old record with the pairs removed; hence, move pairs matching keys from alist in newrec
msleep [Kw]
msleep ms sleeps for ms milliseconds
mtime [Kwfile.Find]
mustbe [Kwvalid]
mustbe t str: check that str is a valid t and raise an exception if not.
myself [Kwapp.MYSELF]
The name of the program, printed in messages from Kwapp.Messages.
myself [Kwapp.Anonymous]
myself [Kwapp.Argv0]

n [Kw.Count]
n ca: extract count from counting accumulator ca
name [Kwvalid.File]
name: considers valid any string that could name a file.
nat [Kwdeprecated.Kwarg.Valid]
nest [Kw]
never [Kwvalid]
never never considers any argument string valid.
next [Kwparse.LEX]
Function to return the next lexeme from a lexbuf.
nextkey [Kwdbm.DbmType]
nil [Kwpicture]
The empty picture (identity element for most of the following functions).
nln [Kwcsv.Unicode.U]
no [Kwdeprecated.Kwarg]
no_dot_dot [Kwvalid.File]
no_dot_dot: considers valid any pathname that does NOT include ".."
noblanks [Kwvalid.String]
noblanks: considers valid any string that does not contain any blanks.
noblanks [Kwdeprecated.Kwarg.Valid]
not [Kwvalid.Combinator]
not [Kwvalid]
not v: negate the return value of a validator.
notblank [Kwvalid.String]
notblank: considers valid any non-empty string that does not consist solely of blanks (space, tab, carriage return and newline) .
notblank [Kwdeprecated.Kwarg.Valid]
notnull [Kwvalid.String]
notnull: considers valid any string that is not the empty string ("") .
notnull [Kwdeprecated.Kwarg.Valid]
nth [Kw]
Like List.nth but taking the parameters in the "correct order" :-)
nub [Kwlist]
nub ?by list: remove duplicate elements from a list.
numlines [Kwstream]
nyi [Kwapp.Option]
nyi reason opt: this option is not yet implemented.
nyi [Kwdeprecated.Kwarg.Valid]

octets_of_ip [Kwnet.Ipaddr.Ipv4]
odds [Kwlist]
Return odd elements of list
of_channel [Kwparse.LEX]
The lexer for in_channels.
of_chars [Kwstring]
of_chars ?len list: turn list of chars into a string
of_list [Lset]
Get a set from a list.
of_list [Kwstack]
of_list [Kwset.S]
of_list [Kwmap.S]
of_list [Kwset.Make]
create a set from the items in a list
of_list [Kwmap.Make]
add a list of (key,value) pairs (i.e.
of_list [Cis]
of_list l builds a cis from an integer list.
of_string [Kwpass]
of_string str: convert a string which is a password source descriptor to a t.
of_string [Kwparse.LEX]
The lexer for strings.
on [Kw]
From Haskell prelude.
one [Kwdeprecated.Kwarg]
opdef [Kwparse]
Convenience function for constructing opdef records
opdefs [Kwparse]
Convenience function for generating a function suitable for LEX.table.
open_cdb_in [Cdb]
open_in [Kwchan.String]
open_in [Kwchan.Chan]
open_mbox_channel [Kwmbox]
open_mbox_file [Kwmbox]
open_out [Cdb]
open_process [Kwexec]
open_process ?read write cmd: This function runs the given shell command cmd in parallel with the program, redirecting both the standard input and standard output of the command to pipes.
open_process_in [Kwexec]
open_process_in ?prog ?env ?exec func argv: run command expressed by argv and feed its stdout to func.
open_temp_file [Kwfile]
Like Filename.open_temp_file, but with ?tmpdir parameter to set the tempdir.
opendbm [Kwdbm.DbmType]
openlog [Kwsyslog]
Same as openlog(3)
opt [Kwapp.Option]
Template for an optional option; all fields are null except for req which is false.
opt_get [Kwdeprecated.Kwarg]
opt_get1 [Kwdeprecated.Kwarg]
opt_set [Kwdeprecated.Kwarg]
optdef [Kw]
optdef def option: return x if option is Some x, else def
optional [Kwapp.Argv]
optional: make the argument optional.
optional [Kwapp.Option]
optional opt: make the option optional.
optmap [Kw]
Apply f to an option type o, returning None or Some (f (get o))
os2eol [Kwio.EOL]
return EOL value appropriate for OS we're running on Fails for Mac OS X!

pad [Kwstring]
pad ?c ?trunc ?side n s: pad a string out to some size.
pad [Kwlist]
pad n def list: pad a list to length n with def values.
pair [Kw.Count]
pair ca: extract count and accumulator as a pair
pairmap [Kw]
Apply a function to each element of a 2-tuple
pairup [Kw]
pairup a b: return the 2-tuple (a,b)
pam [Kw]
Apply many functions to one value
parent [Suffix_tree.T]
parent st n returns the parent node of n, unless n is the root node.
parent [Suffix_tree.Make]
parse [Kwrefer]
parse ?loc str: parse a single refer record (a string) to an alist.
parse [Kwparse.Make]
The parser function.
parse [Kwmarc]
parse [Kwmacro.Surface]
Parse a macro call into an argument list.
parse [Kwconfig]
parse ?schema ?section ?ignore chan: parse a config file on chan.
partition_set [Lset]
path [Kwxmlm.Make]
path p signal: given a path p and a new signal, return the new path.
path [Suffix_tree.T]
path st n returns the full path from the root to the node n.
path [Suffix_tree.Make]
path_extensions [Suffix_tree.T]
path_extensions st n returns the list of nodes whose path is a direct extension of the path of n.
path_extensions [Suffix_tree.Make]
path_restrictions [Suffix_tree.T]
Exploring the suffix tree through the substring relation.
path_restrictions [Suffix_tree.Make]
permutations [Kwlist]
list of all permutations of a list
pic [Kwpicture]
pic ?c (h,w): create a picture of height h and witdh w consisting of c characters.
plural [Kwformat]
possibly return the plural of a noun, depending on a quantity
pop [Kwstack]
pos_out_32 [Cdb]
pred [Kwfile]
pred p f: converts a function that's suitable for Kwfile.fold into one that that's only applied if p depth filename returns true.
preds [Suffix_tree.T]
preds st n returns the list of all nodes having n as successor node.
preds [Suffix_tree.Make]
prefix [Kwstring]
prefix pre str: is pre a prefix of str?
prefix [Kwlist]
Given two lists, return true if the first is a list prefix of the second, false otherwise
prepend [Kwlist]
prepend a b: prepend onto list a the list b
print [Kwpicture]
print pic: convenience function to print a picture to stdout.
process_table [Cdb]
prog1 [Kw]
prog1 result f x: like Lisp's prog1, return result after evaluating f x for a side-effect.
project [Kwlist]
Project items from list in accord with indices; tail recursive
prop_of_string [Kwrefer]
protect [Kw]
push [Kwstack]

quo [Kw]
quote [Kwjson]
quote [Kwexec]
quote str: quote str to make it "safe" for use in shell commands.

range [Kwvalid.String]
range ranges: considers valid any string that contains only characters from the given ranges.
range_of_cidr [Kwnet.Ipaddr.Ipv4]
rcons [Kw]
read [Kwmarc]
read [Kwio]
read and return (as string) all data from an in_channel
read [Kwchan]
read_le [Cdb]
read_le32 [Cdb]
read_msg [Kwmbox]
read_single_msg [Kwmbox]
readable [Kwvalid.File]
readable: considers valid any string that names an existing readable file.
readfile [Kwio]
Return entire contents of a file as a string
readlines [Kwio]
Return all lines from an in_channel as a string list
record [Kwcsv]
record ?quote ?sep ?eol chan: read one CSV record from chan
records [Kwrefer]
records ?loc stream: convert a stream of characters to a stream of pairs of (line number, parsed record (alist)).
reduce [Suffix_tree.Make]
reduce_left [Suffix_tree.Make]
reduce_right [Suffix_tree.Make]
relative [Kwvalid.File]
relative: considers valid any relative pathname
relop [Kwfile.Find]
rem [Kw]
Floored remainder and division
remove [Suffix_tree.T]
remove st id removes the string identified by id, and all its suffixes, from the suffix tree st.
remove [Suffix_tree.Make]
remove [Suffix_tree.Ext]
remove [Lset]
remove [Kwlookup.S]
remove [Kwlist]
remove ?eq x l: remove all instances of x from list l.
remove [Kwdbm.DbmType]
remove [Cis]
remove x cis removes element x from cis.
remove_assocs [Kwlist]
remove_assocs keys alist: remove all pairs from alist with any of the keys in keys
remove_link [Suffix_tree.Make]
remove_maxcard [Suffix_tree.Make]
remove_node [Suffix_tree.Make]
rep [Kwapp.Argv]
rep: make the final argument repeatable.
rep [Kwapp.Option]
rep opt: make the option repeatable.
repeat [Kwstring]
repeat c n: return a string consisting of the character c repeated n times.
repeat [Kwlist]
return list of length n, each element of which is x
replace [Kwre.Make]
replace re placement str: in str, replace substrings matching re with placement.
replace [Kwmap.S]
replace [Kwdbm.DbmType]
replace [Kwset.Make]
replace a b t: returns a new set in which a is replaced with b.
replace [Kwmap.Make]
replace the mapping for k and v in map m
replace [Kwconfig]
replace ?section key value config: replace all mappings with key in section with (key,value).
req [Kwapp.Option]
Template for a required option; all fields are null except for req which is true.
required [Kwapp.Option]
required opt: make the option required.
resolve [Kwnet]
restart_on_EINTR [Kw]
restart_on_EINTR f x: evaluate f x, restarting if evaluation is interrupted by EINTR.
rev [Kwstring]
rev str: reverse the string
rev [Kw]
Synonym for List.rev.
reverse [Kwstack]
rewind [Kwchan]
rex [Kwjson]
rex: regular expression that matches a Json number
rex_of_glob [Kwregexp]
rex_of_glob str: convert the traditional Unix glob-pattern (see glob (7)) in str to an equivalent regular expression.
root [Kwxmlm.Make]
root [Suffix_tree.T]
root st returns the root node of the suffix tree st.
root [Suffix_tree.Make]
row [Kwpicture]
row str: convert a string of length n to a 1xn picture representing that string as a single row.

s [Kw]
the S combinator
sanshidden [Kwapp.Argv]
sanshidden argv: remove the hidden args from argv.
sanshidden [Kwapp.Option]
sanshidden switchset: remove the hidden switches from switchset.
scan [Kwregexp.Make]
Scan substrings out of str, fold-style.
scan [Kwlist]
Apply List.fold_left f a to all prefixes of list; e.g.
section [Kwconfig]
section s config: extract the entire section s from the config in the form of a coalesced alist.
set [Kwapp.VERBOSITY]
set n: set the verbosity to n.
set [Kwapp.Verbose]
set n: always fails.
set [Kwapp.Quiet]
set n: always fails.
set [Kwapp.Environment]
set [Kwapp.Ref]
set [Kwdeprecated.Kwarg.Valid]
set_logpath [Kwsyslog]
If your syslogd unix socket isn't /dev/log, call this before openlog or syslog to change it to the proper file
set_socktype [Kwsyslog]
If your syslogd unix socket isn't a datagram one Unix.SOCK_DGRAM), call this with the proper one before openlog or syslog
set_visible [Suffix_tree.T]
set_visible st node (left_pos, right_pos) sets which part of a node path should be visible when maximal.
set_visible [Suffix_tree.Make]
shortopts [Kwdeprecated.Kwarg]
shuffle [Kwlist]
shuffle (randomize) a list
singleton [Suffix_tree.Ext]
singleton [Lset]
singleton [Kwlookup.S]
singleton [Cis]
singleton x returns a singleton set with element x.
size [Suffix_tree.T]
size st returns the number of strings registered in the suffix tree st.
size [Suffix_tree.Make]
size [Kwmap.S]
size [Kwmap.Make]
size of map (number of keys)
skipwhile [Kwstring]
skip leading characters in string
smap [Kwstring]
smap f str applies f to each char in str, returning a new string of the results.
snoc [Kw]
reverse cons; = c cons
some [Kw]
make x:'a into an 'a option
something [Kw]
Return true if option is Some _, false if None
sort [Kwapp.Version]
sort ?compare ?first: sort the version data alphabetically by name.
sort_sorted [Kwlist]
efficient insertion sort for almost-sorted lists
spec [Kwdeprecated.Kwarg]
spew [Kwnet]
split [Kwstring]
split ?merge sep str: split str on a separator character (any of the characters in sep).
split [Kwlist]
split a list into 3 parts: the list of elts before n, element n itself, and the list of elts after n
split [Kwdeprecated.Kwarg.Valid]
split [Kw]
split ?merge ?sep str: split str on a separator character (any of the characters in sep).
split_at [Kwlist]
Split a list at some delimiter value, returning a pair of lists: those elements occurring before the (first) delimiter and those occurring after it.
splitat [Kwstring]
splitat n str: given an integer and a string, splits the string into two strings (returned as a tuple) at the position corresponding to the given integer.
splitat [Kwlist]
splitat n xs: given an integer (positive or zero) and a list, splits the list into two lists (returned as a tuple) at the position corresponding to the given integer.
splitwhile [Kwstring]
split string into two: first of pair is leading sequence of cs, second is remainder of string
spread [Kwpicture]
spread pics: return a picture consisting of all the pictures in the list, set each beside the other (first picture on the left).
squiggle [Kwfile]
expand leading "~" in pathname according to traditional Unix semantics For leading "~/" the "HOME" env var is respected unless ~respect_env is false
stack [Kwstack]
stack [Kwpicture]
stack pics: return a picture consisting of all the pictures in the list, set each above the other (first picture on top).
strftime [Kwtime]
format date and time (pure-ocaml implementation of Posix strftime(3))
string_of_arg [Kwapp.Argv]
string_of_argv [Kwapp.Argv]
string_of_cidr [Kwnet.Ipaddr.Ipv4]
string_of_descriptor [Kwvalid.Json]
string_of_eol [Kwcsv]
string_of_exn [Kwvalid]
string_of_exn: convert Kwvalid exceptions to strings describing them.
string_of_ip [Kwnet.Ipaddr.Ipv4]
string_of_marc [Kwmarc]
string_of_o [Kwvalid.Json]
string_of_opt [Kwapp.Option]
string_of_prop [Kwrefer]
string_of_schemaerror [Kwrefer]
string_of_schemaerror loc error: convert a schemaerror to a string, assuming loc is the location (e.g.
string_of_schemas [Kwrefer]
string_of_switch [Kwapp.Option]
string_of_switchset [Kwapp.Option]
string_of_validation_error [Kwrefer]
string_restrictions [Suffix_tree.T]
string_restrictions st strid returns the list of maximal nodes having strid as a string extension.
string_restrictions [Suffix_tree.Make]
strings [Suffix_tree.T]
strings st f returns the ids of all string containing the path of f.
strings [Suffix_tree.Make]
sub [Suffix_tree.Subseq]
sub [Kwregexp.Make]
sub ?pat ?rex f str: ∀i, replace the i'th match of pat or rex with f i x, where x is the text matched.
subdir [Kwvalid.Directory]
subdir ?dotok dir: considers valid any pathname that is an existing direct subdirectory of dir
subfield [Kwmarc]
subset [Lset]
subset [Cis]
subset cis1 cis2 returns whether cis1 is a subset of cis2.
subsort [Kwlist]
Comparator-generator for sub-sorting
subst [Kwre.Make]
subst ~subst re str: in str, replace substrings matching re with result of (subst subs).
substitute [Kwmacro.Surface]
Replace all macro calls in a string with their expansions.
subtract [Lset]
Return the subtraction of 2 sets.
subtract_r [Lset]
subtree [Kwvalid.Directory]
subtree ?dotok dir: considers valid any pathname that is an existing subdirectory (recursively) of dir
succ [Suffix_tree.T]
succ st n returns the successor node through the suffix link of n, unless there is no suffix link.
succ [Suffix_tree.Make]
succeeds [Kw]
succeeds ?exc f x computes f x and returns true if the function returns without raising exception exc, and false if it raises exc; any other exception is passed upward.
suffix [Suffix_tree.T]
suffix st n returns the suffix represented by the leaf node n as a couple (string id, position in the string).
suffix [Suffix_tree.Make]
suffixes [Suffix_tree.T]
suffixes st f returns the list of all suffixes (strid,pos) that have the path of f as a prefix: this path occurs in string strid at position pos.
suffixes [Suffix_tree.Make]
sw [Kwapp.Option]
sw s: generate a minimal switch for an optional switch named s that takes no arguments and has no description.
sws [Kwapp.Option]
sws ss: shorthand for defining an option with one or more aliases.
syntax [Kwparse]
convenience function to raise Syntax
syntax [Kwdeprecated.Kwarg]
syslog [Kwsyslog]
Same as syslog(3), except there's no formats.

table [Kwparse.LEX]
Function implementing 2-dimensional Shift-Reduce table of previous lexeme and next input lexeme.
take [Kwlist]
Return the first n elements of a list
takeall [Kwlist]
takeall size list: like take size list, except applied successively to all remaining substrings of list.
takewhile [Kwlist]
Return leading sublist of a list of elements that satisfy a predicate
tap [Kw]
tap f x: Allows application of a function in the middle of a pipe sequence without disturbing the sequence.
temp_file_name [Kwfile]
temp_file_name ?tmpdir prefix suffix: return a random filename
tempfiles [Kwfile]
securely open many tempfiles, one for each name in a list of strings
time [Kwformat.Units]
units of time: second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year
time [Kw]
Time the execution of a function application
timefmt [Kw]
format the timings result of time above as a string
timer [Kw]
return elapsed user and system times since time t
tmpstdin [Kwio]
Fix up a list of filenames such that stdin can be read repeatedly
to_buffer [Kwmarshal]
to_buffer ~tag ?version buff ofs len payload flags: marshals the value payload, storing its byte representation in the sequence buff, starting at index ofs, and writing at most len bytes.
to_bytes [Kwmarshal]
to_bytes ~tag ?version payload flags: returns a byte sequence containing the representation of payload.
to_channel [Kwmarshal]
to_channel ~tag ?version chan payload flags: writes the representation of payload on channel chan.
to_list [Kwstream]
convert a stream to a list, forcing the entire stream
to_list [Kwstack]
to_list [Kwset.S]
to_list [Kwmap.S]
to_list [Kwffa]
to_list a: convert array a to a list.
to_list [Kwset.Make]
to_list set: create a list from the items in a set.
to_list [Kwmap.Make]
create a list (association list) from the items in a map
to_mmap [Kwrefer]
to_mmap ?validate ?map keyfield : function to convert a keyed refer database to multi-map.
to_string [Kwpass]
to_string ?showpass t: convert a t to a password source descriptor
to_string [Kwmarshal]
to_string ~tag ?version payload flags: Same as Kwmarshal.to_bytes but return the result as a string instead of a byte sequence.
to_string [Kwjson]
to_string ?minify json: convert the json data to its string representation.
to_string [Kwapp.Version]
to_string t: convert version data to a string.
to_string [Kwpicture]
to_string pic: convert picture p to a string.
top [Kwstack]
trace [Kwparse.TRACE]
Trace function.
trace [Kwparse.NoTrace]
transpose [Kwlist]
Transpose a list of lists
tree [Suffix_tree.T]
tree [Suffix_tree.Make]
trim [Kwstring]
Trim leading AND trailing sequence of characters from a string
trimleft [Kwstring]
Trim leading sequence of characters from a string
trimright [Kwstring]
Trim trailing sequence of characters from a string
trimto [Kwstring]
trim string to a maximum length by deleting excessive trailing characters
truncate [Kwlist]
truncate n list: truncate list to first n elements.
trying [Kw]
trying fs x: return (List.hd fs) x unless an exception is raised, in which case recur.
tz [Kwtime]
tz (): return local timezone as (hours,minutes) offset from zulu.

u_rep [Kwcsv.Uutflike]
unbucket [Kwrefer]
unbucket ?strict pair: discard unbucketed remainder of result of Kwrefer.bucket
uncurry [Kw]
uncurry f (x,y): converts a curried function to a function on pairs.
ungnu [Kwapp]
ungnu cmd line switches eg ["--abc=12"] becomes ["--abc"; "12"]
ungnu [Kwdeprecated.Kwarg]
ungnu cmd line switches eg ["--abc=12"] becomes ["--abc"; "12"]
union [Suffix_tree.Ext]
union [Lset]
Return the union of 2 and several sets.
union [Kwmap.S]
union [Kwmap.Make]
keywise union of two maps
union [Cis]
The set union.
union_r [Lset]
uniq [Kwlist]
Like Unix command uniq(1); given a (typically sorted) 'a list, return an 'a list consisting of the unique subsequences of 'a's.
uniqc [Kwlist]
Like Unix command uniq(1) with -c; given a (typically sorted) 'a list, return an (int * 'a) list consisting of the unique subsequences of 'a's, with a count of how many times each occurred.
unmash [Kwapp]
unmash cmd line switches eg -abc becomes -a -b -c
unmash [Kwdeprecated.Kwarg]
unmash cmd line switches eg -abc becomes -a -b -c
unsetenv [Kw]
unsetenv var: deletes the variable named var from the environment.
untabify [Kwstring]
untabify ?tc ?stop str: convert all tabs in str to multiple spaces, preserving columns.
until [Kw]
until pred f x: until-loop functional for functions with side-effects.
update [Suffix_tree.Make]
update [Kw.Count]
update ?i f ca: return updated counting accumulator ca by applying f to ca and incrementing the count by i (default: 1)
uppercase [Kwvalid.String]
uppercase: considers valid any string that contains only uppercase alphabetic characters
upto [Kw]
Return a list of n+1-m integers from m upto n inclusive; tail recursive.
usage [Kwapp.Help]
usage ?actions ?sub ?status ?chan interface: print a complete multi-line usage message string on chan and exit with status.
usage1 [Kwapp.Help]
usage1 ?sub interface: generate a one-line usage message string, without the traditional leading "Usage: ".
usagestring [Kwapp.Help]
usagestring ?actions ?sub ?versiondata interface: generate a complete multi-line usage message string.

valid [Kwapp.Argv]
valid v: add a validator to the argument.
valid [Kwapp.Option]
valid v opt: add a validator for the option's argument.
valid [Kwvalid]
valid t str: is str a valid t?
validate [Kwrefer]
validate ?loc ?strict cschema (keys,errs) ln alist: validate the refer record in alist
validate [Kwapp.Argv]
validate argv: validate an argv.
validate [Kwapp.Option]
validate switch: validate a switch.
validate [Kwconfig]
validate validators config: validate field values in config as specified by validators.
validate_channel [Kwrefer]
validate_channel ?strict cschema filename channel: validate the refer database open on channel.
validate_file [Kwrefer]
validate_file ?strict cschema filename: validate the refer database in filename.
validate_files [Kwrefer]
validate_files ?strict cschema filenames: validate the refer database in filenames.
validate_record [Kwrefer]
validate_record ?loc ?strict cschema alist: validate the refer record in alist
value [Kwapp]
value ?def ?interface sw m: return value of switch sw from the parsed options m or, if not given on command line, its default from interface.
values [Kwmap.S]
values [Kwapp]
values ?def ?interface sw m: return all values of switch sw from the parsed options m or, if not given on command line, its default from interface.
values [Kwmap.Make]
return list of all values in map
vequals [Kwmarshal]
vequals given header: is the given version number equal to the version number in the header?
verbose [Kwapp.MESSAGES]
verbose [Kwapp.Messages]
verbose ?chan ?flush ?nl ?initial ?myself level fmt ...: print verbose messages.
verbosefun [Kw]
verbosefun ref returns a function suitable for printing verbose messages typical usage: let verbosity = ref (default 0 int_of_string (env ~default:"0" "VERBOSITY")) let verbose = verbosefun verbosity ...
verbosely [Kwapp.Messages]
verbosely v level what f x: return f x, with a verbose message before and after the evaluation.
verboselyfun [Kw]
verbosely level msg f x prints a verbose message, then evaluates f x, then prints a "finished" message.
versionno [Kwmarshal]
The version number of format of the marshaled data we write.

w [Kw]
argument-doubling combinator
w3c [Kwtime]
w3c time format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S
warning [Kwapp.MESSAGES]
warning [Kwapp.Messages]
warning ?chan ?myself fmt ...: print a warning (i.e.
warning [Kwvalid]
warning v: convert the validator v into one that always succeeds, but generates a warning on the formatter fmt if the validation fails.
weekdayname [Kwtime]
convert an integer 0..6 to the name of a weekday (0 = Sunday)
whenever [Kw]
whenever a b is the function that returns b whenever it's applied to a, returning the value it's applied to otherwise.
which [Kwfile]
Find occurances of potential executables in environment variable PATH
whilst [Kwvalid.Number]
whilst f: combinator for writing predicates on N switch arguments.
whitespace [Kwstring]
whitespace (space, tab, return, newline) suitable for trimleft, trimright and trim.
whole [Kwdeprecated.Kwarg.Valid]
width [Kwpicture]
width pic: return width of picture.
with_check_global [Kwapp]
with_check_global f interface global disp (m,argv): add a global option check to an action.
with_check_sub [Kwapp]
with_check_sub f interface global disp (m,argv): add a subcommand option and argv check to an action.
with_in [Kwchan.String]
with_in ?iflags ?isstdin f src: apply a function to the contents of a string src, making sure to close the src afterwards.
with_in [Kwchan.Chan]
with_in ?iflags ?isstdin f src: apply a function to the contents of a channel src, making sure to close the src afterwards.
with_open_in_file [Kwio]
Apply a function to the contents of an input file, making sure to close the channel afterwards
with_open_out_file [Kwio]
with_open_out_file f filename: apply a function to the contents of an output file, making sure to close the channel afterwards
with_open_tmp_file [Kwio]
with_open_tmp_file f: apply the function f to the filename and open output channel of a temp file, making sure to close the channel afterwards.
with_temp_file [Kwfile]
with_temp_file ?remove ?tmpdir prefix suffix f: call f tmp where tmp is a newly-created temp file, making sure to remove the temp file after the evaluation of f.
with_timeout [Kw]
apply f to arg with a timeout
withchan [Kwio]
convenience combinator to ignore the filename parameter passed by with_open_in_file and with_open_out_file
withcount [Kw.Count]
withcount f ca: apply f to the count in ca (for side-effect, e.g.
withcwd [Kw]
withcwd f newdir cd's to newdir and then returns (f olddir newdir), restoring the previous cwd.
withdbm [Kwdbm.Make]
withdbm ?flags ?perms fn f: apply f to Dbm handle opened on file fn, guaranteeing to close the handle.
withenv [Kw]
withenv var new' f x: evaluate f x with environment variable var set to value new'; var is then restored to its original value.
withhelp [Kwapp.Option]
withhelp ?sws switchset: add standard help options to a switchset.
within [Kwnet.Ipaddr.Ipv4]
within [Kwdeprecated.Kwarg.Valid]
within [Kwcsv.Portaline.LF]
withoutln [Kwrefer]
withoutln f: convert a function suitable for Kw.foldl into one suitable for Kwrefer.fold.
write_le [Cdb]
write_le32 [Cdb]
writeable [Kwvalid.File]
writeable: considers valid any string that names an existing writeable file.
writefile [Kwio]
writefile ?oflags ?isstdout fn str: write str to fn
wsplit [Kwstring]
wsplit ?merge str: shorthand for split " \t\n\r".

y [Kw]
Y combinator