Module Kwxpath

module Kwxpath: sig .. end

XPath Functions

Functions for parsing and querying XPath 1.0 expressions.
Author(s): Keith Waclena

type t = string list 
The type of compiled XPaths.
val compile : string -> t
compile str: compile an XPath string into internal form
val matches : t ->
[< `Data of 'a | `Dtd of 'b | `El_end | `El_start of ('c * string) * 'd ]
list -> bool
matches xpath path: does current path in an XML parse tree match the given xpath?

The path must be as constructed by Kwxmlm.Make.path.

Currently, only XPath 1.0 abbreviated syntax is supported with absolute and relative paths. No axis specifiers are supported (including attributes) and no node tests, predicates, functions or operators!