combinator), which
simply returns its argument (any type of argument) unchanged:
# I :: alpha -> alpha proc I {x} {...}Examples:
I 12 => 12 I foo => foo I {string length abracadabra} => {string length abracadabra}
Why is this a useful function?
combinator, which takes two arguments and always
returns its first argument, unchanged:
# K :: alpha beta -> alpha proc K {x y} {...}Examples:
K 0 456 => 0 K foo 1 => foo
Why is this a useful function?
, which takes a whole number
as it argument and returns a list that represents how to "make change"
for that number, taken as a number of cents. You can use quarters,
dimes, nickels and pennies to make change, and so the result list
should be of length four, sorted from most valuable coin to least
valuable. You should make change using as few coins as possible.
# change :: num -> [num] proc change {n} {...} change 75 => 3 0 0 0 change 23 => 0 2 0 3
function, which takes a numeric
argument n and returns a list of numbers of length n
which are the numbers from 0 to n-1.
# iota :: num -> [num] proc iota {n} {...}Examples:
iota 3 => 0 1 2 iota 20 => 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Does your function work for 0? What should your function do for negative arguments?
, which takes one
argument, a list of numbers, and returns a list of equal length as a
result, in which each element is the successor to the corresponding
element of the argument list.
# incrlist :: [num] -> [num] proc incrlist {L} {...} incrlist {34 987 1 567 -23 8} => 35 988 2 568 -22 9 incrlist [iota 12] => 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Does your function work for the empty list?
, which takes one
argument, a list of strings, and returns a list of equal length as a
result, in which each element is the string length of the
corresponding element of the argument list.
# strlenlist :: [str] -> [num] proc strlenlist {L} {...} strlenlist {34 987 1 567 -23 8} => 2 3 1 3 3 1 strlenlist {foo bar antidisestablishmentarianism} => 3 3 28
Does your function work for the empty list?
, which takes one argument, a list of
numbers, and returns, as result, a single number: the sum of the
numbers in the argument list.
# sumlist :: [num] -> num proc sumlist {L} {...} sumlist [iota 3] => 3 sumlist {34 987 1 567 -23 8} => 1574
, which takes one argument, a list of
numbers, and returns, as result, a single number: the product of the
numbers in the argument list.
# multlist :: [num] -> num proc multlist {L} {...} multlist [iota 3] => 0 multlist [incrlist [iota 3]] => 3 multlist {34 987 1 567 -23 8} => 793928272
, which takes one argument, a list of
strings, and returns, as result, a single string: the concatenation of the
strings in the argument list.
# catlist :: [str] -> str proc catlist {L} {...} catlist [iota 3] => 012 catlist [incrlist [iota 3]] => 123 list {foo bar antidisestablishmentarianism} => foobarantidisestablishmentarianism
, iteratively.
# factorial :: num -> num proc fact {num} {...} factorial 3 => 6 factorial 6 => 720 factorial 12 => 479001600
, recursively.
, neither iteratively nor recursively,
using only functions that you've written in this set of exercises.