"Law Lists" is a compilation of electronic discussion groups (Internet listservs and Usenet newsgroups), newsletters, journals, etc., related to law. It is maintained by Lyonette Louis-Jacques, Foreign and International Law Librarian and Lecturer in Law at the University of Chicago (llou@midway.uchicago.edu).
The browseable text of "Law Lists" was last updated on 23 February 1998. This page enables you to do a keyword search of the "Law Lists" from a continually updated (post-2/98) file. For more information about searching the "Law Lists", and accessing the full text of "Lyo's Law Lists", please read the README file.
(Amnesty International News Service; list for news and press
releases issued by Amnesty International's International Secretariat;
includes news related to human rights, refugees/asylum-seekers, prisoners,
Send the following message tomajordomo@io.org
subscribe amnesty-l
(related web site at http://www.io.org/amnesty/ and http://www.amnesty.org/)
(Amnesty International International Secretariat list for
dissemination of the AI INDEX and other news related to human rights,
refugees/asylum-seekers, prisoners, etc.)
Send the following message tomajordomo@oil.ca
subscribe amnesty-l
(related site at http://www.oil.ca/amnesty/ and http://www.amnesty.org/)
(Belgium-based Legal Aspects of Asylum and Refugee Status
list; international migration law; immigration; asylum-seekers/refugees)
Send the following message tomajordomo@ufsia.ac.be
subscribe asylum-L
(related pages at http://www.ufsia.ac.be/cgi-bin/lwgate/lwgate/ASYLUM-L/archives/ and http://www.ufsia.ac.be/~dvanheul/asylpag.html - the Refugee and Asylum Law Page; see also StateWatch for immigration and asylum sources at http://www.poptel.org.uk/statewatch/index.html)
ELECTRONIC IMMIGRATION NETWORK (UK Asylum and Refugee Law Newsletter
and web site; a related list is ASYLUM-L on majordomo@ufsia.ac.be
(discussion on the problem of refugees
and other victims of forced migration or involuntary resettlement,
including those of development projects which lead to their forcible
uprooting; asylum and refugee law; immigration)
-net.msu.edu (H-Net American ethnic & immigration and emigration
history; moderated list; refugees/asylum-seekers; was on
Send the following message tolistserv@h
sub h-ethnic Firstname Surname, Yourschool
immigration, asylum, and refugee law; a related list is IMMPROF on
; issues available as PDF files)
IMMIGRATION BRIEFINGS (Federal Publications Inc.; chronological list of
articles by title and author; U.S. immigration and nationality law; asylum
and refugees; a related list is IMMPROF on listproc@lists.colorado.edu
IMMIGRATION COMMUNIQUE (Federal Publications Inc. newsletter on immigration,
nationality, asylum and refugee law; also includes tables of contents
of _Interpreter Releases_; related list is IMMPROF on
http://www.fedpub.com/immigration/communique/ http://www.fedpub.com/immigration/
(Immigration Law Professors list; subscription
subject to approval by listowner; discussion of teaching and scholarship
issues; immigration, nationality, asylum, refugee law)
Send the following message tolistproc@lists.colorado.edu
subscribe immprof Your Name
(related page at http://www.aals.org/)
Communications Networks--PeaceNet, EcoNet, ConflictNet, LaborNet, and
WomensNet--contain conferences on human rights in Asia, the Pacific, Africa,
the Americas, European, the Middle East and North Africa, indigenous peoples,
conflict resolution, environmental law, prisons, immigration, development,
children, women/feminism, refugees/asylum, international law, minority rights,
NGOs, racism and xenophobia, migration, United Nations, Amnesty International,
Central and Latin America, torture, Statewatch, labor, workers' rights,
unions, Tibet - see the page at http://www.igc.org/igc/issues/hr/igc.html;
unlike the Internet, there is a cost to accessing these networks for
academics--after a $15 sign-up fee, the monthly subscription is $10 (the fee
might be higher now); to find out more information about these networks,
use the Institute for Global Communications' gopher (gopher igc.apc.org)
or contact support@igc.apc.org
(outside of the U.S., use apc-info@apc.org);
for information about the PeaceNet World News Service, contact
gopher://gopher.igc.apc.org/ or http://www.igc.apc.org/igc/igc.html http://www.igc.org/igc/issues/hr/igc.html (human rights e-conferences)
Asylum and Refugee Law edited by Guy S. Goodwin-Gill and published
by Oxford University Press; web site includes table of contents and abstracts
of articles of IJRL issues beginning with v.8 (1996) and provides
possibility of subscribing to the REFLAW-TOC list to receive new
tables of contents via e-mail); immigration law; international migration law;
a related list is ASYLUM-L on majordomo@ufsia.ac.be
http://www.oup.co.uk/jnls/list/reflaw/contents/ http://elj.warwick.ac.uk/journals/juk/jinrefug/default.htm
INTERPRETER RELEASES (Federal Publications Inc. publication containing
news of legislative, administrative, and judicial developments on
U.S. immigration, nationality, asylum, and refugee law; related list is
IMMPROF on listproc@lists.colorado.edu
http://www.fedpub.com/immigration/ http://www.fedpub.com/immigration/communique/
(Immigration and Nationality Law; American Bar
Association; international law; asylum and refugee)
Send the following message tolistserver@abanet.org
subscribe intimmigration
(related page at http://www.abanet.org/ and http://www.abanet.org/intlaw/pubint.html)
LCHR-NEWS-ASYLUM (open, moderated, read-only list providing press releases and other information about the Asylum project of the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights; refugees; see also LCHR-NEWS, LCHR-NEWS-ASIA, LCHR-NEWS-BAR (Bar Associations), LCHR-NEWS-DC (Washington, D.C. Asylum Program), LCHR-NEWS-EUROPE (Europe/Central Asia), LCHR-NEWS-IFI (International Financial Institutions/World Bank), LCHR-NEWS-LAC (Latin America/Caribbean), LCHR-NEWS-LTOL (Lawyer-to-Lawyer Program), LCHR-NEWS-MENA (Middle East and North Africa); international law; immigration)
Send the following message tomajordomo@igc.org
subscribe lchr-news-asylum
(related pages at http://www.lchr.org/ or http://www.igc.apc.org/ and http://www.igc.org/igc/issues/hr/igc.html)
(International Migration list; refugees;
Send the following message tomigra-list-request@cc.utah.edu
subscribe migra-list Your Name
MIGRATION NEWS (summaries of current immigration and integration developments worldwide, including European asylum and refugee law; archived at gopher://dual.ucdavis.edu/ and at http://migration.ucdavis.edu/)
To subscribe, send e-mail address to
MIGRATION NEWS SHEET (Migration Policy Group; immigration, asylum, and
refugee law, including European countries; related lists are IMMPROF
on listproc@lists.colorado.edu
and ASYLUM-L on majordomo@ufsia.ac.be)
(National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights;
refugees; asylum-seekers; immigration law)
Send the following message tomajordomo@igc.org
subscribe nnirr-news
(related pages at http://www.nnirr.org/ or http://www.igc.apc.org/)
(e-mail alert network of the United States
Committee for Refugees (USCR); covering the rights of refugees, asylum
seekers, and displaced persons worldwide; forced migration; international
law; immigration law; includes news of latest action items and
issues worldwide)
Send the following message tomajordomo@refugees.org
subscribe refugees-list
(web-based subscription form at
http://www.refugees.org/forms/email_alert.htm and related page at http://www.refugees.org/pub/links.htm)
clari.news.refugees (asylum; immigration law; international law; subscription costs at http://www.clarinet.com/)
This is the Law Lists Search Page at http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/law-lists.
Return to: "Law Lists" Info Page.
Lyonette Louis-Jacques