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- Heiko Ahlbrecht, Geschichte der völkerrechtlichen
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- Rosanne van Alebeek, "From Rome to the Hague: Recent Developments
on Immunity Issues in the ICC Statute", 13 Leiden Journal of International
Law 485 (2000).
- K. Ambos, "Der neue Internationale Strafgerichtshof - ein
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- Kai Ambos, "Les fondements juridiques de la Cour penale
internationale," 10 Revue trimestrielle des droits de l'homme
739-772 (1999).
- Kai Ambos, "General Principles of Criminal Law in the Rome
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- Kai Ambos, "Der neue Internationale Strafgerichtshof: Funktion
und vorlaufige Bewertung," 2000 Jahrbuch Menschenrechte
- Kai Ambos, "Zur Rechtsgrundlage des Internationalen
Strafgerichtshofs: Eine Analyse des Rom-Statuts", 111 Zeitschrift
für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft (ZStW) 175-211
(Heft 1, 1999).
- Kai Ambos & Oscar Julian Guerrero, El Estatuto de Roma de la
Corte Penal Internacional (Bogotá: Editor Antonio Milla,
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Aptdo. 034141, (00571) 3424948, 2826066 ext. 3151; fax: 2869676;
1999). 512p.
- Scott W. Andreasen, "The International Criminal Court: Does the
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- Aref Mohamed Aref, "La Cour pénale internationale: une
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Law FORUM du droit international 30 (1999).
- Mahnoush H. Arsanjani, "The Rome Statute of the International
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- J. Holmes Armstead, Jr., "The International Criminal Court:
History, Development and Status", 38 Santa Clara Law Review
745-835 (Summer 1998).
- Karen Austin & Nell Stewart, "Courting Justice in Rome", 5
Human Rights Tribune 6-12 (September 1998)(includes coverage of
children's rights and gender).
- Julio Barboza, "International Criminal Law", 278 Recueil des
cours 9-200 (1999-2000).
- Gary Jonathan Bass, Stay the Hand of Vengeance: The Politics
of War Crimes Tribunals (Princeton: Princeton University Press,
2000)(Princeton Studies in International History and Politics).
402p. ISBN 069104922X.
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Draft Statute, International Criminal Tribunal; English text called
2nd ed., Nouvelles Études Pénales ; 9). 369p.
- M. Cherif Bassiouni, "Enforcing Human Rights through
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- M. Cherif Bassiouni, "From Versailles to Rwanda in Seventy-Five
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- M. Cherif Bassiouni, "Ha llegado la hora del Tribunal Penal
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- M. Cherif Bassiouni, "Policy Perspectives Favoring the
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- M. Cherif Bassiouni, The Statute of the International Criminal
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- M. Cherif Bassiouni, "The Time Has Come for an International
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- Audrey I. Benison, "War Crimes: A Human Rights Approach to a
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- Morten Bergsmo, "Occasional Remarks on Certain State Concerns
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- Christopher L. Blakesley, "Introduction au Projet de Convention
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Revue Internationale de Droit Pénal 345 (1992).
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- Jeffrey L. Bleich, "The International Criminal Court:
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Journal of International Law and Policy 281 (1997).
- Jeffrey L. Bleich, "The International Criminal Court: Report of the ILA
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The Need For A Permanent International Criminal Court", 16 Whittier
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Substantive Issues", 47 Netherlands International Law Review
267-292 (2000).
- Neil Boister, "The Exclusion of Treaty Crimes from the
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Pragmatism, Politics", 3 Journal of Armed Conflict Law 27-43
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xlix + 708 pp.
- Adriaan Bos, "Dedicated to the Adoption of the Rome Statute of the
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Human Rights and the Statute of the International Criminal Court",
22 Fordham International Law Journal 229 (December 1998).
- William Bourdon, La Cour pénale internationale: le statut de
Rome (collab. Emmanuelle Robineau-Duverger; préf. Robert Badinter,
Paris: Seuil, 2000)(Points; 426)(ISBN: 2-02-037194-4). 368p.
- Theodoor C. van Boven, "The European Union and the International
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- Bruce Broomhall, International Criminal Justice and the
International Criminal Court: Between State Consent and the Rule of
Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002). ISBN 0199256004.
- Bartram S. Brown, "Primacy or Complementarity: Reconciling the
Jurisdiction of National Courts and International Criminal Tribunals",
23 Yale Journal of International Law 383 (Summer 1998).
- Bartram S. Brown, "U.S. Objections to the Statute of the
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- Bartram S. Brown, "Unilateralism, Multilateralism and the
International Criminal Court", in Multilateralism and U.S. Foreign
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- Daniel J. Brown, "The International Criminal Court and Trial in
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- Aline Bruer-Schafer, Der Internationale Strafgerichtshof: die
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- Fabio Buonomo, "Sull'istituzione di un tribunale penale internazionale
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- Christine Byron & David Turns, "The Preparatory Commission for the
International Criminal Court", 50 International and Comparative Law
Quarterly 420-435 (No. 2, April 2001)(in the "Current
Developments: Public International Law" column edited by Colin
Warbrick and Dominic McGoldrick)
- Lucius Caflisch, "Das Ringen um den ständigen
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- Lucius Caflisch, "Toward the Establishment of a Permanent
International Criminal Jurisdiction", 4 International Peacekeeping
Newsletter 110-115 (No. 5, 1998).
- Juan Antonio Carrillo Salcedo, "La Cour pénale internationale
: l'humanité trouve une place dans le droit international", 103
Revue générale de droit international public 23-28
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- Lee A. Casey & David R. Rivkin, Jr., "The
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- Douglass Cassel, "Empowering United States Courts to Hear Crimes
Within the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court", 35
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- Antonio Cassese, "The Statute of the International Criminal Court:
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- Jonathan I. Charney, "International Criminal Law and the Role of
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120-124 (no. 1, January 2001).
- Jacob Katz Cogan, "International Criminal Courts and Fair Trials:
Difficulties and Prospects", 27 Yale Journal of International
Law 111-141 (Winter 2002).
- Jacob Katz Cogan, "The
Problem of Obtaining Evidence for International Criminal Courts",
22 Human Rights Quarterly 404-427 (No. 2, 2000). Need to be a Project
Muse subscriber for electronic access.
- Luigi Condorelli, "La Cour pénale internationale : un pas de
giant (pourvu qu'il soit accompli...)", 103 Revue générale
de droit international public 7-21 (No. 1, 1999).
- Consejo General del Poder Judicial, La Criminalización de
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Salcedo (Coord.)/Petit/Pelaez/Yanez/etc., Madrid: Dykinson, 2000).
504p. Available from Marcial
- La Corte penal internacional: Justicia versus Impunidad
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ed. ARIEL, 2001). 308p.
- La Cour pénale internationale (Colloque de
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2-11-004296-6). 98p.
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Paris, 11 mars 1999, à son adoption par le Congrès du
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Mage, 1999)(ISBN 2-87891-328-0). 2v.(392p.).
- La Cour pénale internationale: le statut de Rome
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Duverger; préface de Robert Badinter; Paris: Éd. du Seuil,
2000). 290p.
- James Crawford, "The ILC's Draft Statute for an International
Criminal Tribunal", 88 American Journal of International Law
140-152 (1994).
- La Criminalizacíon de la barbarie: la Corte penal
internacional (Publicaciones del Consejo General del Poder
Judicial, Madrid, 2000). 504p.
- Crimini internazionali tra
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Commissioni Verità e riconciliazione (Giulio Illuminati, Luigi
Stortoni, & Maria Virgilio eds., Torino: Giappichelli, 2000).
- Robert Cryer, "Commentary on the Rome Statute for an International
Criminal Court: A Cadenza for the Song of Those Who Died in Vain?", 3 Journal of Armed Conflict
Law 271-286 (no.2, December 1998).
- Nicholas S. Curabba, The Rome Statute of the International
Criminal Court: Selected Legal and Constitutional Issues
(Washington, D.C.: American Law Division, Congressional Research
Service, Februrary 22, 1999). 22p.
- Dai tribunali penali internazionali ad hoc a una corte
permanente (Flavia Lattanzi & Elena Sciso eds., Napoli:
Editoriale scientifica, 1996). ISBN 8885370675. 363p. Proceedings.
- Eric David, "La Cour pénale internationale: une Cour en
liberté surveillée", 1 International Law FORUM du droit
internationale 20 (1999).
- Marcella David, "Grotius Repudiated: The American Objections to
the International Criminal Court and the Commitment to International
Law", 20 Michigan Journal of International Law 337-412 (No.2,
Winter 1999).
- Grant M. Dawson, "Defining Substantive Crimes within the Subject
Matter Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court: What Is the
Crime of Aggression?", 19 New York Law School Journal of
International and Comparative Law 413-452 (2000).
- Margaret McAuliffe deGuzman, "The Road from Rome: The Developing
Law of Crimes Against Humanity", 22 Human Rights Quarterly 335-403
(No.2, 2000). Need to be a Project Muse subscriber for electronic access.
- Stuart H. Deming, "War Crimes and International Criminal Law", 28
Akron Law Review 421 (1995)(covering the Draft Statute).
- Daniel H. Derby, "An International Criminal Court for
the Future", 5 Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 307
(1995)(Symposium: International Criminal Law, Fall 1995).
- "Developments in International Criminal Law", 93 American
Journal of International Law 1-123 (No. 1, January 1999)(includes
articles on the International Criminal Court by Kirsch & Holmes,
Scheffer, Arsanjani, & Robinson)
- Rodney Dixon & Karim Khan, Archbold International: Practice,
Procedure and Evidence of International Criminal Courts
(Hampshire: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd., 2002). ISBN 04217722700.
- Knut Doermann, Louise Doswald-Beck, & Robert Kolb, Elements of
War Crimes under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court:
Sources and Commentary (Port Chester, NY: Cambridge University
Press, 2002). ISBN 0521818524.
- Draft Statute for an International Criminal Court (Annex to the
Report of the Committee on International Criminal Jurisdiction), 7
U.N. GAOR Supp. No. 11, U.N. Doc. A/2136 (1952), p. 21.
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- Helen Duffy, "National
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5-38 (Fall/Winter 2001).
- Helen Durham, "The International Criminal Court and State
Sovereignty", in Rewriting Rights in Europe 169-190 (Linda
Hancock & Carolyn O'Brien eds., Aldershot [Hants, England] ;
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- George E. Edwards, "International Human Rights Law Challenges to the
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Privacy", 26 Yale Journal of International Law 323-412 (2001).
- Jennifer Elsea, International Criminal Court: Overview and
Selected Legal Issues (Huntington, NY: Nova Science Publishers,
Inc., 2002). ISBN 1590335570. Also available as a 51-page PDF
file. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, Library of
Congress. CRS Report RL31437. June 5, 2002.
- Jennifer Elsea, U.S. Policy Regarding the International
Criminal Court (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research
Service, Library of Congress, 2002). CRS Report RL31495, updated
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- Nicole Eva Erb, "Gender-Based Crimes under the Draft Statute for
the Permanent International Criminal Court", 29 Columbia Human
Rights Law Review 401-435 (Spring 1998).
- Concepcion Escobar Hernandez, Creacion de una jurisdiccion
penal internacional (Madrid: Escuela Diplomatica, 2000). 391p. ISBN: 7415762432.
- Essays on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal
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Alto: Editrice il Sirente; Nomos, 2000)(v.1)(v.2 forthcoming). 481p.
- Establishing an International Criminal Court : Major Unresolved
Issues in the Draft Statute : a Position Paper of the Lawyers
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Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, August 1996). 23p.
- European Journal
of Crime, Criminal Law, and Criminal Justice (v.6, no.4, 1998
issue devoted to articles on the International Criminal Court)
- Kai Ambos, "Guest Editor's Foreword" (pages 3-8)
- Frank Jarasch, "Establishment, Organization and Financing of the
International Criminal Court (Parts I, IV, XI--XIII)" (pages 9-28)
- Morten Bergsmo, "The Jurisdictional Regime of the International
Criminal Court (Part II, Articles 11--19)" (pages 29-47)
- Hans-Peter Kaul, "Special Note: The Struggle for the International
Criminal Courts Jurisdiction" (pages 48-60)
- Lyal S. Sunga, "The Crimes within the Jurisdiction of the
International Criminal Court (Part II, Articles 5--10)" (pages 61-83)
- William A. Schabas, "General Principles of Criminal Law in the
International Criminal Court Statute (Part III)" (pages 84-112)
- Hans-Jörg Behrens, "Investigation, Trial and Appeal in the
International Criminal Court Statute (Parts V, VI, VIII)" (pages
- Claus Kreß, "Investigation, Trial and Appeal in the International
Criminal Court Statute (Parts V, VI, VIII)" (pages 126-144)
- El Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional (Kai
Ambos & Oscar Julian Guerrero comps., Bogotá: Editor Antonio
Milla, Universidad Externado de Colombia, 1999). 512p.
- European Commission for Democracy Through Law,
on Constitutional Issues Raised By the Ratification of the Rome
Statute of the International Criminal Court (Venice
Commission, Council of Europe, 15 January 2001, CDL-INF (2001) 1) =
sur les questions constitutionnelles soulevées par la ratification
du Statut de Rome instituant la Cour pénale internationale
(Commission de Venise, Conseil de l'Europe, 15 janvier 2001)(Report of
the European Commission for Democracy through Law)
- Ulrich Fastenrath, "Der internationale Strafgerichtshof", 1999
Juristische Schulung (JuS) 632.
- Benjamin B. Ferencz:
Writings and Lectures on the International Criminal Court & World
Peace (includes links to a brief biography, documents, and
resource pages)
- Benjamin B. Ferencz, "An International Criminal Code and Court:
Where They Stand and Where They're Going", 30 Columbia Journal of
Transnational Law 375-399 (1992).
- Benjamin B. Ferencz, An International Criminal Court: A Step
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Ferry, NY: Oceana Publications, Inc., 1990).
- Benjamin B. Ferencz, "International Criminal Courts: The Legacy
of Nuremberg", 10 Pace International Law Review 203 (Summer
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- Benjamin B. Ferencz, "A Prosecutor's Personal Account: From
Nuremberg to Rome", 52 Journal of International Affairs 455-469
(No.2, Spring 1999).
- Benjamin B. Ferencz, "UN Observer Report", ASIL
Newsletter, January-February 1998, at 9 (covers the UN Preparatory
Committee on an International Criminal Court).
- Benjamin B. Ferencz, "UN Observer Report: Toward an International
Criminal Court: An Historical Perspective", ASIL Newsletter,
March-April 1998, at 9.
- Benjamin B. Ferencz, "Von Nürnberg nach Rom: Auf dem Weg zu
einem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof", Humanitäres
Völkerrecht, Heft 2/1998, 80-90. See also online texts:
Nuremberg to Rome: Towards an International Criminal Court
(Policy Paper 8)(Stiftung Entwicklung und
Frieden (SEF - Development and Peace Foundation, Bonn, Germany;
available also in full text in German as Von
Nürnberg nach Rom: Auf dem Weg zu einem Internationalen
- Rolf Einar Fife, "The International Criminal Court: Whence It
Came, Where It Goes", 69 Nordic Journal of International Law
63-85 (no.1, 2000).
- Horst Fischer, "The Jurisdiction of the International Criminal
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between the Statute of the Court and War Crimes Provisions of Other
Treaties", in Brücken Bauen und Begehen: Festschrift
für Knut Ipsen zum 65. Geburtstag 77-101 (Volker Epping, Horst
Fischer, & Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg eds., München: Verlag
C.H. Beck, 2000).
- Horst Fischer & Sascha Rolf Lüder, Völkerrechtliche
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Arno Spitz GmbH, 1999)(Bochumer Schriften zur Friedenssicherung und
zum Humanitären Völkerrecht: Bd. 35)(ISBN 3-87061-844-2).
Includes a bibliography and the texts of the Statute and Rules of the
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in
German, Germany's ICTY implementing legislation, plus the Rome Statute
of the International Criminal Court in English).
- France. Senat. Commission des affaires étrangères, de la
défense et des forces armées. La cour penale
internationale: quel nouvel equilibre entre souveraineté,
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Un homenaje a Don Cesar Sepulveda: escritos jurídicos 227-244
(Mexico: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 1995).
- Gerhard Hafner, Kristen Boon, Anne Rübesame & Jonathan Huston,
"A Response to the American View as Presented by Ruth Wedgwood", 10
European Journal of International Law 108-123 (No. 1, 1999).
- Christopher Keith Hall, "The First Five Sessions of the UN
Preparatory Commission for the International Criminal Court", 94
American Journal of International Law 773 (2000).
- Christopher Keith Hall, "The First Proposal for a Permanent
International Criminal Court", International Review of the Red
Cross, No. 322, March 1998, at 57-74.
- Christopher Keith Hall, "The Sixth Session of the UN Preparatory
Committee on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court", 92
American Journal of International Law 548-556 (July 1998).
- Christopher Keith Hall, "The Fifth Session of the UN Preparatory
Committee on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court", 92
American Journal of International Law 331-339 (1998).
- Katherine Hall-Martinez & Barbara Bedont, "Ending Impunity for
Gender Crimes under the International Criminal Court", 6 Brown
Journal of World Affairs 65-85 (1999).
- Morton Halperin & Gary Dempsey, "Is the Permanent War-Crimes
Tribunal Worthy of U.S. Support?", 14 Insight on the
News, September 7, 1998, at 24.
- David Harris, "Progress and Problems in Establishing an
International Criminal Court", 3 Journal of Armed Conflict Law
1-7 (No.1, June 1998).
- Eve La Haye, "The Jurisdiction of the International Criminal
Court: Controversies over the Preconditions for Exercising Its
Jurisdiction", 46 Netherlands International Law Review 1-25
(No. 1, 1999).
- Herman von Hebel, "Putting an End to Impunity: From the Hague to
Rome", 1998-1999 Hague Yearbook of International Law 83-90.
- Ralph Henham, "Some Issues for Sentencing in the International
Criminal Court," 52 International and Comparative Law Quarterly
81-114 (2003).
- Frank Hoffmeister & Sebastian Knoke, "Das Vorermittlungsverfahren
vor dem Internationalen Strafgerichtshof - Prüfstein für die
Effektivität der neuen Gerichtsbarkeit im Völkerstrafrecht",
59 Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 785-808 (ZaöRV, No.3, 1999).
- J. Hogan-Doran & B.T. Van Ginkel, "Aggression as a Crime under
International Law and the Prosecution of Individuals by the Proposed
International Criminal Court", 43 Netherlands International Law
Review 321-351 (1996).
- Constantine P. Hortatos, Individual
Criminal Responsibility for Human Rights Atrocities in
International Criminal Law and the Creation of a Permanent
International Criminal Court (Athens : Ant. N.Sakkoulas
Publishers, 1999). ISBN: 960-15-0135-5. 197p.
- Robert J. Howard, "An Economic Paradigm for the Debate Concerning
the Jurisdictional Extent of the International Criminal Court", 8
Touro International Law Review 117-128 (Spring 1998).
- Martin Hummrich, Der völkerrechtliche Straftatbestand der
Aggression : historische Entwicklung, Geltung und Definition im
Hinblick auf das Statut des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofes
(Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2001)(Völkerrecht und Aussenpolitik ;
Bd. 59). 259p. ISBN: 3789076694.
- Phyllis Hwang, "Dedicated to the Adoption of the Rome Statute of
the International Criminal Court: Defining Crimes Against
Humanity: The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court",
22 Fordham International Law Journal 457 (December 1998).
- ICC Ratification and National
Implementing Legislation; CPI Ratification et L#233gislation Nationale
d'Application; CPI Ratificación y Legislación Nacional de
Actuación (M. Cherif Bassiouni ed., Association Internationale
de Droit Pénal, with support of the International Human Rights Law
Institute (IHRLI) of the DePaul University College of Law; [Toulouse]:
Éditions Érès, 1999)(Nouvelles Études Pénales; 13 quater)(ISBN
1-889001-04-X). 159p. 170p. 167p.
- An Independent Defence Before the International Criminal Court:
Proceedings of the Conference held in The Hague, 1-2 November 1999
(J.A.C. Bevers & C.M. Joubert eds., Amsterdam: Thela Thesis, 2000).
International and National
Prosecution of Crimes under International Law: Current
Developments (Horst Fischer, Claus Kreß, & Sascha Rolf Lüder
eds., Berlin; Baden-Baden: Verlag Arno Spitz GmbH; Nomos,
2001). ISBN 3-8305-0136-6. 873p. Includes chapters on the ICC.
- International Crimes, Peace, and Human Rights: The Role of the
International Criminal Court (Dinah Shelton ed., Ardsley, NY: Transnational
Publishers, 2000). ISBN 1-57105-138-4. 370p.
- "The International Criminal Court", in Jeffrey S. Morton, The
International Law Commission of the United Nations (Columbia, SC:
University of South Carolina Press, 2000). ISBN 1570031703. 225p.
- "International Criminal Court", in Geoffrey Robertson,
Crimes Against Humanity : The Struggle for Global Justice 324-367
(London: Allen Lane, 1999)(ISBN 0713991976). 472p.
- The International Criminal Court: Comments on the Draft
Statute (Flavia Lattanzi ed., Napoli: Editoriale scientifica,
1998)(Studi e documenti di diritto internazionale e comunitario).
ISBN 8887293058. 492p.
- The International Criminal Court: Elements of Crimes and Rules
of Procedure and Evidence (Roy S. Lee & Hakan Friman eds.,
Ardsley, NY: Transnational Publishers, 2001). ISBN 1-57105-209-7. 857p.
- The International Criminal Court: Hearings Before the
Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives
(106th Congress, 2d Session, No. 106-176, July 25-26, 2000). 110p.
Also avaialable as a PDF file.
- The
International Criminal Court: Protecting American Servicemen and
Officials from the Threat of International Prosecution: Hearing
before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One
Hundred Sixth Congress, Second Session, June 14, 2000
(Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2000).
S. Hrg. 106-769. 44-page PDF file.
- The International Criminal Court: Recommendations on Policy
and Practice - Financing, Victims, Judges, and Immunities (Thordis
Ingadottir, ed., Ardsley, NY: Transnational Publishers, 2003). ISBN
1-57105-291-7. 210p.
- The International Criminal Court
- The Making of the Rome Statute: Issues, Negotiations,
Results (Roy S. Lee ed., Hague: The Netherlands: Kluwer Law
International, 1999)(ISBN 904111212X). 657p.
- International
Criminal Court: Manual for the Ratification and Implementation of the
Rome Statute (joint project of Rights & Democracy and the
International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice
Policy, Vancouver, May 2000)
International Criminal Law (M. Cherif Bassiouni ed., 2d
ed., Ardsley, NY: Transnational Publishers, Inc., 1999). 3v. ISBN
- International
Criminal Law: A Commentary on the Rome Statute for an International
Criminal Court (Antonio Cassese, Albin Eser, Giorgio Gaja,
Philip Kirsch, Alain Pellet, & Bert Swart eds., Oxford University
Press, was forthcoming April 2001)(ISBN: 0-19-829862-5). 800p. New
title is The Rome Statute for an International Criminal Court:
A Commentary (forthcoming May 2002, see below).
- International
Criminal Law: Cases and Materials (Jordan J. Paust, Michael
P. Scharf, Leila Sadat, M. Cherif Bassiouni, Jimmy Gurulé, Bruce
Zagaris, & Sharon A. Williams eds., 2d ed., Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press,
September 2000)(ISBN 0-89089-642-9). 1140p. Includes a new
"Documents Supplement" volume.
- International
Criminal Law: Cases and Materials (Jordan J. Paust,
M. Cherif Bassiouni, Sharon A. Williams, Michael Scharf, Jimmy Gurulé,
& Bruce Zagaris eds., Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 1996)(Carolina
Academic Press Law Casebook Series)(ISBN: 0890898944). 1438p.
- "International Support for International Criminal Tribunals and an
International Criminal Court", 13 American University International
Law Review 1413-1439 (November 1, 1998).
- Der Internationale Strafgerichtshof (IStGH): Eine
Einführung (Internationalen Gesellschaft für
Menschenrechte; Frankfurt a.M.: IGFM, 2000). 119p.
- Frank Jarasch, "Errichtung, Organisation und Finanzierung des
Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs und die Schlußbestimmungen des
Statuts", 12 Humanitäres Völkerrecht-Informationsschriften
(HuV-I) 10 (1999).
- Hans-Heinrich Jeschek, "Der Internationale Strafgerichtshof:
Vorgeschichte, Entwurfsarbeiten, Statut," in
Strafrecht-Freiheit-Rechtsstaat: Festschrift G.-A. Mangakis
483-499 (G. Bemmann & D. Spinellis eds., Athens: Ant. N. Sakkoulas, 1999)(ISBN
960-15-0103-7). 875p.
- Robert C. Johansen, U.S.
Opposition to the International Criminal Court: Unfounded
Fears (Policy Briefs, No. 7, June 2001, The Joan B. Kroc
Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame)
- Justice in the
Balance: Recommendations for an Independent and Effective International
Criminal Court (New York, NY: Human Rights Watch, 1998)
(ISBN 1-56432-184-3). 166p.
- Betty Kaari Murungi, "Implementing the International Criminal
Court Statute in Africa," International Legal Practitioner,
September 2001, at 87-90, 97.
- K. Karski, "Realizacja idei utworzenia miedzynarodowego
sadownictwa karnego", 48 Panstwó i Prawo 65-76
- Hans-Peter Kaul, "Auf dem Weg zum Weltstrafgerichtshof:
Verhandlungsstand und Perspektiven", Vereinte Nationen, 5/1997,
177- .
- Hans-Peter Kaul, "Durchbruch in Rom: Der Vertrag über den
Internationalen Strafgerichtshof", Vereinte Nationen, 4/1998,
- Hans-Peter Kaul, "The International Criminal Court: Current
Perspective," in International Criminal Law and the Current
Development of Public International Law 15-25 (Andreas Zimmermann &
Ursual E. Heinz eds., Berlin: Duncker &Humblot,
2003)(Veroeffentlichungen des Instituts fuer Internationales Recht an
der Universitaet Kiel ; Bd. 144). 254p. ISBN: 3-428-11091-9.
- Hans-Peter Kaul, "Towards a Permanent International Criminal
Court: Some Observations of a Negotiator", 18 Human Rights Law
Journal 169-174 (November 28, 1997).
- Henry T. King & Theodore C. Theofrastous, "From Nuremberg to Rome:
A Step Backward for U.S. Foreign Policy", 31 Case Western Reserve Journal of
International Law 47-106 (No.1, Winter 1999).
- Philippe Kirsch, "La cour penale internationale face a la
souverainete des etats," in Crimes internationaux et juridictions
internationales 31-37 (Antonio Cassese & Mireille Delmas-Marty
eds., Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2002). 267p.
ISBN: 2-13-052781-7.
- Philippe Kirsch & John T. Holmes, "The Rome Conference on an
International Criminal Court: The Negotiating Process", 93
American Journal of International Law 2-12 (1999).
- Jan Klabbers, "The Spectre of International Criminal Justice:
Third States and the ICC," in International Criminal Law and the
Current Development of Public International Law 49-72 (Andreas Zimmermann
& Ursual E. Heinz eds., Berlin: Duncker &Humblot,
2003)(Veroeffentlichungen des Instituts fuer Internationales Recht an
der Universitaet Kiel ; Bd. 144). 254p. ISBN: 3-428-11091-9.
- Geert-Jan G.J. Knoops, Defenses in Contemporary International
Criminal Law (Ardsley, NY: Transnational Publishers, forthcoming
Spring 2001). ISBN 1-57105-151-1. 326p.
- Claus Kreß, "Die Kristallisation eines Allgemeinen Teils des
Völkerstrafrechts: Die Allgemeinen Prinzipien des Strafrechts im
Statut des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs", 12 Humanitäres
Völkerrecht-Informationsschriften (HuV-I) 4 (1999).
- Eve La Haye, "The Jurisdiction of the International Criminal
Court: Controversies over the Preconditions for Exercising Its
Jurisdiction", 46 Netherlands International Law Review 1-25
(No. 1, 1999).
- Flavia Lattanzi, "Compétence de la Cour pénale
internationale et consentement des états", 103 Revue
générale de droit international public 425-444 (No.2,
- Flavia Lattanzi & Elena Sciso eds., Dai tribunali penali
internazionali ad hoc a una corte permanente (Napoli:
Editoriale scientifica, 1996). ISBN 8885370675. 363p. Proceedings.
- Monroe Leigh, "The United States and the Statute of Rome", 95
American Journal of International Law 124-131 (no.1, January
- Eric K. Leonard, International Relations Theory and the
International Criminal Court: Understanding Global Justice
(Ph.D. thesis, University of Delaware, 2001). 392 leaves.
- Matthew Lippman, "The Evolution and Scope of Command
Responsibility", 13 Leiden Journal of International Law 139 (2000).
- Bryan F. MacPherson, "Building an International Criminal Court for
the 21st Century", 13 Connecticut Journal of International Law
1-60 (Winter 1998).
- Adel Maged, [The International Criminal Court and National
Sovereignty] (in Arabic)(Egypt: Center for Political and Strategic
Studies, Al-Ahram Foundation; available from the Al-Ahram Distribution
Agency, Al-Ahram Newspaper, New Building, 3d Floor, El-Galaa St.,
Cairo, Egypt; Tel: 002 02 578 6100; Fax: 002 02 575 9388)(ISBN 977-227-167-2).
- Tatjana Maikowski, Staatliche Kooperationspflichten gegenüber dem
Internationalen Strafgerichtshof (The obligation of States to Cooperate
with the ICC)(Berlin: BWV, Berliner Wissenschafs-Verlag, 2002)
(Menschenrechtszentrum der Universität Potsdam; Bd. 16). 312p.
ISBN: 3-8305-0306-7.
- Jackson Nyamuya Maogoto, State Sovereignty and International Criminal Law: Versailles to Rome (Ardsley, NY: Transnational Publishers, 2003)(International and Comparative Criminal Law Series). 311p. ISBN: 157105295X.
- Paul D. Marquardt, "Law Without Borders: The Constitutionality of
an International Criminal Court," 33 Columbia Journal of
Transnational Law 73 (1995).
- Hilaire McCoubrey, "From Nuremberg to Rome: Restoring the Defence
of Superior Orders", 50 International and Comparative Law
Quarterly 386-394 (No. 2, April 2001).
- Hilaire McCoubrey, "War Crimes Jurisdiction and a Permanent
International Criminal Court: Advantages and Difficulties", 3
Journal of Armed Conflict Law 9-26 (No.1, June 1998).
- Patricia A. McKeon, "An International Criminal Court: Balancing
the Principle of Sovereignty Against the Demands for International
Justice", 12 St. John's Journal of Legal Commentary 535 (1997).
- Frédéric Mégret, "Epilogue to an Endless Debate: The
International Criminal Court's Third Party Jurisdiction and the
Looming Revolution of International Law", 12 European Journal of
International Law 247-268 (no.2, April 2001).
- Frédéric Mégret, "The International Criminal Court and
State Sovereignty: The `Problem of an International Criminal Law'
Re-examined," in International Humanitarian Law: Challenges
Ahead (J. Carey, J. Pritchard & W. Dunlop eds., forthcoming).
- Theodor Meron, "The Court We Want", Washington Post,
October 13, 1998, at A15.
- Jörg Meßner, Die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Internationalen
Strafgerichtshof nach dem Römischen Statut (C.H. Beck;
Schulthess, 2003)(Münchener Universitätsschriften : Reihe der
Juristischen Fakultät; Bd. 177). XVIII, 307p. ISBN 3-406-50256-3.
- Kristina Miskowiak, The International Criminal Court: Consent,
Complementarity and Cooperation (Copenhagen: DJOF Publishing,
2000). 127p. ISBN 8757403252.
- Brook Sari Moshan, "Women, War, and Words: The Gender Component
in the Permanent International Criminal Court's Definition of Crimes
Against Humanity", 22 Fordham International Law Journal 154-184
(November 1998)(Ninth Annual Philip D. Reed Memorial Issue).
- Ved P. Nanda, "The Establishment of a Permanent International
Criminal Court: Challenges Ahead," 20 Human Rights Quarterly 413.
- Aryeh Neier, "Waiting for Justice: The United States and the
International Criminal Court", 15 World Policy Journal 33 (Fall
- Joanna Nowakowska-Malusecka, "Prosecuting War Crimes by the ad
hoc Tribunals and by the Future Permanent International Criminal
Court", in Legal Convergence in the Enlarged Europe of the
New Millenium 191-204 (Paul L. C. Torremans ed., The Hague;
Boston; London: Kluwer Law International, 2000). 356p. ISBN
- La
nueva justicia supranacional: desarrollos post-Roma (Kay
Ambos coord., Tirant Lo Blanch, 2002). 549p. ISBN 8484424782.
- Valerie L. Oosterveld, "The Making of a Gender - Sensitive
International Criminal Court", 1 International Law FORUM du droit
international 38 (1999).
- Grabriel H. Oosthuizen, "Some Preliminary Remarks on the
Relationship Between the Envisaged International Criminal Court and
the UN Security Council", 46 Netherlands International Law
Review 313-342 (1999)(no.3).
- Jordan J. Paust, "The Reach of ICC
Jurisdiction Over Non-Signatory Nationals", 33 Vanderbilt
Journal of Transnational Law (January 2000).
- Jelena Pejic, "Creating a Permanent International Criminal Court:
The Obstacles to Independence and Effectiveness", 29 Columbia Human
Rights Law Review 291-354 (Spring 1998).
- Allain Pellet, "Pour la Cour Pénale Internationale, quand
même! - Quelques remarques sur sa compétence et sa saisine", 1
International Criminal Law Review 91-110 (2001).
- Stelios Perrakis, "Quelques considerations sur le cadre
fonctionnel de la Cour Criminelle Internationale: perspectives et
réalités," 51 Revue hellenique de droit international
423-430 (no. 2, 1998).
- Matthew Peter, "The Proposed International Criminal Court: A
Commentary on the Legal and Political Debates Regarding Jurisdiction
that Threaten the Establishment of an Effective Court", 24 Syracuse
Journal of International Law and Commerce 177-197 (Fall 1997).
- Ryszard Piotrowicz, "Crime and Punishment, or the Establishment of
a True International Court of Justice", 72 Australian Law
Journal 844-850 (November 1, 1998).
- James Podgers, "War Crimes Court Under Fire: The World Says,
`Book `em,' But the U.S. Is Debating What to Do Next",
ABA Journal, September 1998, at 64-69 (American Bar
- Carla Del Ponte, Der Internationale Strafgerichtshof
(Regensburg: S. Roderer Verlag, 2001).
- Vesselin Popovski, "The International Criminal Court: A Necessary
Step Towards Global Justice", 31 Security Dialogue 405-419 (No. 4,
December 1, 2000).
- Princeton
Principles on Universal Jurisdiction (with a foreword by the
Hon. Mary Robinson; Princeton, NJ : Program in Law and Public
Affairs, Princeton University, 2001). 67p. (July 23, 2001; PDF file;
publication of the Princeton Project on Universal Jurisdiction of the
Program in Law and Public Affairs of Princeton University's
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs; Professor
Stephen Macedo, Chairman of the Princeton Project; per LAPA press
release, leading jurists and legal experts intended these
principles as a:
guide the prosecution of war crimes and other serious crimes under
international law when there are no traditional jurisdictional
links to the victims or perpetrators...
- The Project on International Courts and Tribunals, Occasional
Papers on the International Criminal Court:
- The Prosecutor of a Permanent
International Criminal Court/Le Procureur d'une Cour pénale
internationale permanente/El Fiscal de una Corte Penal Internacional:
International Workshop in co-operation with the Office of the
Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunals (ICTY and ICTR),
Freiburg im Breisgau, May 1998 (Louise Arbour, Albin Eser, Kai
Ambos, & Andrew Sanders eds., Max-Planck-Institut für
ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht: Freiburg i.Br., 2000)
(Iuscrim; No. 81). 708p. ISBN 3-86113-939-1.
- Reflections on the International
Criminal Court: Essays in Honour of Adriaan Bos (Herman von
Hebel, Johan G. Lammers & Jolien Schukking eds., The Hague:
T.M.C. Asser
Press, 1999). 230p. ISBN 90-6704-111-4.
- Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the
International Criminal Court : first session, New York, 3-10 September
2002 : official records (New York: United Nations, 2002). 370p.
ISBN: 9211336600. SALES No. 03.V.2 & Corr.1. UN Doc. Symbol ICC-ASP/1/3.
- "Report of the International Law Association - American Branch:
Committee on a Permanent International Criminal Court", 25 Denver
Journal of International Law and Policy 219-421 (1997)(Issue No.2,
Winter 1997; report published jointly with the Association
Internationale de Droit Pénal, 13 Nouvelles Études Pénales
1997; includes articles by Leila Sadat Wexler, Christopher
L. Blakesley, Jeffrey L. Bleich, Michael P. Scharf, Edward M. Wise,
Jordan J. Paust, Thomas S. Warwick, and M. Cherif Bassiouni)
- Revised Draft Statute for an International Criminal Court
(Annex to the Report of the Committee on International Criminal
Jurisdiction, 7 U.N. GAOR Supp. No. 11, U.N. Doc. A/2645 (1954),
p. 21.
- Marie-Claude Roberge, "The New International Criminal Court : a Preliminary
Assessment", 38 International Review of the Red Cross 671-683
(no. 325, 1998).
- Ken Roberts, "Aspects of the ICTY Contribution to the Criminal
Procedure of the ICC", in Essays on ICTY Procedure
and Evidence: In Honour of Gabrielle Kirk McDonald 559-573 (Richard May et
al. eds., The Hague; Boston: Kluwer Law International,
2001)(International Humanitarian Law Series; v. 3). 579p. ISBN 9041114823.
- Darryl Robinson, "Defining `Crimes against Humanity' at the Rome
Conference", 93 American Journal of International Law 43-57 (1999).
- Herwig Roggemann, Die Internationalen Strafgerichtshöfe:
Einführung, Rechtsgrundlagen, Dokumente (Berlin: Arno Spitz,
1998, 1999)(Quellen zur Rechtsvergleichung; 51, 51a)(ISBN 3870615311).
- Naomi Roht-Arriaza, "Institutions of International Justice", 52
Journal of International Affairs 473-491 (No.2, Spring 1999).
- The Rome Statute and Domestic Legal Orders, Volume I: General
Aspects and Constitutional Issues (Claus Kreß &
Flavia Lattanzi eds., Ripa Fagnano Alto, Rome: Editrice Il Sirente;
Baden Baden: Nomos, 2000)(ISBN
88-87847-00-2). 240p.
- The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A
Challenge to Impunity (Mauro Politi & Giuseppe Nesi eds., Ashgate,
May 2001)(ISBN 0 7546 2154 5). 348p.
- The Rome
Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary
(Antonio Cassese, Paola Gaeta, & John R.W.D. Jones general eds., Albin
Eser, Giorgio Gaja, Philip Kirsch, Alain Pellet, & Bert Swart board of
advisors, Oxford University Press, 2002)(ISBN 0-19-829862-5). 3v.
- Charles Rominger, La Cour pénale internationale: état
des lieux et prospective de la future jurisdiction pénale
internationale permanente (Paris: Université de Paris
Panthéon Assas, 1999). 157p.
- Kenneth Roth, "The Court the U.S. Doesn't Want", The New York Review of Books (November 19, 1998; a lengthy article describing
the Clinton administration's opposition to the ICC).
- Alfred P. Rubin, "A Critical View of the Proposed International
Criminal Court", 23 The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs 139
(No.2, Fall 1999).
- Alfred P. Rubin, "Challenging the Conventional Wisdom: Another
View of the International Criminal Court", 52 Journal of
International Affairs 783-793 (No.2, Spring 1999). Part of the
"Opposing Views on the International Criminal Court" section at 781-810.
- Guido Ruegenberg, "The Independence and Accountability of
Prosecutor of a Permanent International Criminal Court", 1999
Zeitschrift für Rechtspolitik (ZRP) 68 (1999).
- Leila Nadya Sadat & S. Richard Carden, "The New International
Criminal Court: An Uneasy Revolution", 88 Georgetown Law
Journal 381-474 (?) (March 2000).
- Leila Sadat, The International Criminal Court and the
Transformation of International Law: Justice for the New
Millenium (Ardsley, NY: Transnational Publishers, forthcoming
Summer 2001). ISBN 1-57105-133-3. Approx. 250p.
- Danesh Sarooshi, "The Statute of the International Criminal
Court", 48 International & Comparative Law Quarterly 387-404
(No.2, April 1999).
- Helmut Satzger, "German
Criminal Law and the Rome Statute - A Critical Analysis of the New
German Code of Crimes against International Law, 2
International Criminal Law Review 261-282 (2002). Must be a
subscriber to Kluwer Online to access electronic version of article.
- Helmut Satzger, "Das neue Völkerstrafgesetzbuch - eine
kritische Würdigung", 2002 Neue Zeitschrift für
Strafrecht 125.
- Massimo Scaliotti, "Defences Before the International Criminal
Court: Substantive Grounds for Excluding Criminal Responsibility -
Part 1", 1 International Criminal Law Review 111-172 (2001).
- Massimo Scaliotti, "Defences Before the International Criminal
Court: Substantive Grounds for Excluding Criminal Responsibility -
Part 2", 2 International Criminal Law Review 1-46 (2002).
- William A. Schabas, Introduction to the International Criminal
Court (Cambridge, UK ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press,
2001). 336p. ISBN 0-521-80457-4 (hardback); ISBN
0-521-01149-3 (paperback).
- William A. Schabas, "Montreal Follow up to Rome: Preparing for
Entry into Force of the International Criminal Court Statute", 20
Human Rights Law Journal, No.4-6, 157-166 (October 29, 1999).
- Brett D. Schaefer, "The
International Criminal Court: Threatening U.S. Sovereignty and
Security" (The Heritage Foundation, Executive Memorandum,
No. 537, July 2, 1998)
- Michael P. Scharf, "The Draft Statute for an International Criminal
Court", in 3 International Criminal Law 637-53 ("Enforcement"
volume)(2d ed., M. Cherif Bassiouni, ed., Dobbs Ferry, NY, USA:
Transnational Publishers 1999). ISBN 1-57105-019-1.
- Michael P. Scharf, "From Nuremberg to Bosnia", in Balkan
Justice: The Story Behind the First International War Crimes Trial
Since Nuremberg 13-17 (Durham, North Carolina: Carolina Academic Press,
1997)(includes a brief history of efforts to create an international
criminal tribunal).
- Michael P. Scharf, "Getting Serious About an International
Criminal Court", 6 Pace International Law Review 103-119
- Michael P. Scharf, "The Jury is Still Out on the Need for an
International Criminal Court", 1 Duke Journal of International and
Comparative Law 135-168 (1991).
- Michael P. Scharf, "The Politics Behind
the U.S. Opposition to the International Criminal Court", 1999
New England International and Comparative Law Annual.
- Michael P. Scharf, "The Politics of Establishing an International
Criminal Court", 6 Duke Journal of International and Comparative
Law 167-173 (1995).
- David J. Scheffer, "Challenges
Confronting International Justice Issues", 4 New England
International and Comparative Law Annual (1998). Note that this
is a PDF file.
- David J. Scheffer, "The United States and the International
Criminal Court", 93 American Journal of International Law 12-22
- Minna Schrag, "Observations on the Rome Statute", 1
International Law FORUM du droit international 34 (1999).
- "Seeking International Justice: The Role of Institutions"
(special topical issue of the Columbia Journal
of International Affairs (v.52 no.2, Spring 1999,
covering the international criminal courts).
- Gerd Seidel & Carsten Stahn, "Das Statut des
Weltstrafgerichtshofs: Ein Überblick über Entstehung,
Inhalt und Bedeutung", 1999 Jura 14.
- Sarah Sewall & Carl Kaysen, "The United States
and the International Criminal Court: The Choices Ahead
(2000; Committee on International Security Studies, Current Projects
and Activities, American Academy of Arts and Sciences)
- Malcolm N. Shaw, "The International Criminal Court - Some Procedural
and Evidential Issues", 3 Journal of Armed Conflict Law 65-96
(No.1, June 1998).
- Craig Silverman, "An Appeal to the United
Nations: Terrorism Must Come within the Jurisdiction of an
International Criminal Court", 4 New England International
and Comparative Law Annual (1998).
- G. Sluiter, "An International Criminal Court Is Hereby
Established", 3 Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights 413-420
- Heike Spieker, "The International Criminal Court and
Non-International Armed
Conflicts", 13 Leiden Journal of International Law 395 (2000).
- Carsten Stahn, "Gute Nachbarschaft um jeden Preis? Einige
Anmerkungen zur Anbindung der USA an das Statut des Internationalen
Strafgerichtshofs", 36 Zeitschrift für ausländisches
öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 631-658 (2000)(includes
English summary at pages 659-662: "Good Neighbours at any Price? Some
Comments on the U.S. Objections towards the Statute of the
International Criminal Court").
- "Statute of the International Criminal Court", 6
International Human Rights Reports 232-284 (January
1999)(A/CONF.183/9, 17 July 1998).
- The Statute of the International
Criminal Court: A Documentary History (M. Cherif Bassiouni ed.,
Ardsley, NY: Transnational
Publishers, Inc., 1998). 700p. ISBN 1-57105-095-7.
- The Statute of the International Criminal
Court and Related Instruments: Legislative History, 1994-2000
(M. Cherif Bassiouni ed., Ardsley, NY: Transnational Publishers,
forthcoming 2001). ISBN 1-57105-148-1. Approx. 1400-1500p. 2v.
- Lyn L. Stevens, "Towards a Permanent International Criminal
Court", 6 European Journal of
Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 236-251 (no.3, 1998).
- David Stoelting, "Status Report on the International Criminal
Court", 3 Hofstra Law & Policy Symposium 233-285
(1999)(symposium papers on "War Crimes and War Crimes Tribunals:
Past, Present, and Future").
- Lyal S. Sunga, The Emerging System of International Criminal
Law: Developments in Codification and Implementation (The Hague;
Cambridge: Kluwer Law International, 1997)(ISBN: 9041104720). 508p.
- Lyal Sunga, "Full Respect for the Rights of Suspect, Accused and
Convict: from Nuremberg and Tokyo to the ICC," in Le droit
pénal à l'épreuve de l'internalisation 217-239 (Marc
Henzelin & Robert Roth, Paris: L.G.D.J.; Genève: Georg Editeur;
Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2002). ISBN 2275022155. 364p.
- Shannon K. Supple, "Global Responsibility and the United States:
The Constitutionality of the International Criminal Court", 27
Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 181 (1999).
- Serge Sur, "Vers une Cour pénale internationale : la Convention de Rome
entre les ONG et le Conseil de sécurité", 103 Revue
générale de droit international public 29-45 (No. 1, 1999).
- Symposium, "International Criminal Court", 10 European
Journal of International Law (1999):
The US v. the Rest?
Ruth Wedgwood, "The International Criminal Court: An American View"
Gerhard Hafner, Kristen Boon, Anne R|besame and Jonathan Huston, "A
Response to the American View as Presented by Ruth Wedgwood"
Other Key Issues
Antonio Cassese, "The Statute of the International Criminal Court:
Some Preliminary Reflections"
Paola Gaeta, "The Defence of Superior Orders: The Statute of the
International Criminal Court versus Customary International
- Symposium, "The International Criminal Court", 34 International
Lawyer 7-84 (no.1, Spring 2000).
- Symposium, "The International Criminal Court: Consensus and
Debate on the International Adjudication of Genocide, Crimes Against
Humanity, War Crimes, and Aggression", 32 Cornell International Law
Journal 437-541 (1999).
- Symposium on the International Criminal Court in 2
Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law (1999):
S. Rosenne, "The Jurisdiction of the International Criminal
H.-P. Kaul & C. Kress, "Jurisdiction and Cooperation in the
Statute of the International Criminal Court: Principles
and Compromises"
D. Momtaz, "War Crimes in Non-international Armed Conflicts under
the Statute of the International Criminal Court"
D. Robinson & H. von Hebel, "War Crimes in Internal Conflicts:
Article 8 of the ICC Statute"
- Symposium, "Should There Be an International Tribunal for Crimes
Against Humanity?", 6 Pace International Law Review 1-197
- Immi Tallgren, "Completing the `International Criminal Order':
the Rhetoric of International Repression and the Notion of Complementarity in
the Draft Statute for an International Criminal Court", 67 Nordic
journal of international law 107-137 (No. 2, 1998).
- Le
Temps est l'allié des bourreaux (November 1999, Report on
the International Criminal Court by the FIDH/International Federation of Human
Rights Leagues). Report No. 283.
- Milan Tepavac, "Establishment of a Permanent International
Criminal Court", 49 Review of International Affairs 25-26
(1068/1069, 15 May/15 June 1998).
- Vladimir Tochilovsky, "Rules of Procedure for the International
Criminal Court: Problems to Address in Light of the Experience of the
Ad Hoc Tribunals", 46 Netherlands International Law Review
343-360 (1999)(no.3).
- Christian Tomuschat, "Das Statut von Rom für den
Internationalen Strafgerichtshof", 73 Die Friedens-Warte
335-414 (No. 3, 1998).
- Christian Tomuschat, "A System of International Criminal
Prosecution is Taking Shape", 50 The Review (International
Commission of Jurists) 56-70 (1993).
- Toward an International Criminal Court?: Three Options
Presented As Presidential Speeches (Alton Frye, Project Director;
John R. Bolton, Ruth Wedgwood, Anne-Marie Slaughter, & Kenneth Roth,
New York, NY: Council on Foreign Relations, 1999)(A Council Policy
Initiative). ISBN 0-87609-261-X. 94p.
Speech one. Endorse the International Criminal Court / Kenneth Roth --
Speech two. Reject and oppose the International Criminal Court / John
Bolton -- Speech three. Improve the International Criminal Court /
Ruth Wedgwood -- Appendix A. U.S. objections to the Rome Statute of the
International Criminal Court -- Appendix B. Excerpts from the Rome
Statute of the International Criminal Court.
- "Toward the Permanent International Criminal Court", in
Steven R. Ratner & Jason S. Abrams, Accountability for Human Rights
Atrocities in International Law: Beyond the Nuremberg Legacy
206-225 (2d ed., Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2001).
435p. ISBN 0-19-924833-8 (hardcover); 0-19-829871-4 (paperback).
- Towards a Procedural Regime for the International Criminal
Court (Livingston & Ambos eds., in press, Max-Planck-Institut für
ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht - Freiburg)
- Otto Triffterer,
Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
- Observers' Notes, Article by Article (Baden-Baden: Nomos,
1999)(Nomos site includes selected chapters in PDF format). 1295p.
ISBN 3-7890-6173-5.
- L. van Troost, "Een international strafhof: het Statuut van Rome
in vogelvlucht", 47 Ars Aequi: Juridisch Studentblad 882-887
- L. van Troost, "Internationale rechtshulp onder het
ontwerp-statuut voor een permanent internationaal strafhof", 47 Ars
Aequi: Juridisch Studentblad 30-34 (1998).
- L. van Troost, "Naar een Permanent Internationaal Strafhof: Twee
Stappen Voorwaarts en een Grote Achterwaarts?", 45 Ars Aequi: Juridisch
Studentblad 690-693 (1996).
- The UN Security Council and the International Criminal
Court : How Should They Relate? : Report of the Twenty-Ninth United
Nations Issues Conference ([Muscatine, Iowa] : The Stanley Foundation,
1998)(ISSN 0743-9180). 42p.
- United Nations Diplomatic Conference of Plenipotentiaries on
the Establishment of an International Criminal Court (Rome, 15 June-17
July 1998), Official Records. (Vol.I - Final Documents, Vol.II - Summary
Records of the Plenary Meetings and of the Meetings of the Committee
of the Whole and Vol.III - Reports and other Documents). 908p.
ISBN: 9211008832. UN Doc. A/CONF.183/13.
- United Nations General Assembly Preparatory Committee on the
Establishment of an International Criminal Court, Report of the
Preparatory Committee on the Establishment of an International
Criminal Court (New York : United Nations, 1996)("Official
records, Fifty-first session, Supplement no. 22 [and no. 22A]
(A/51/22)). 2v.
- The United States and the International Criminal Court
(Symposium in 64 Law and Contemporary Problems, Issue Number 1,
Winter 2001, Madeline Morris, general editor:
Madeline Morris, "Foreword", 1
Philippe Kirsch, "The International Criminal Court: Current Issues and
Perspectives", 3
Madeline Morris, "High Crimes and Misconceptions: The ICC and Non-party
States", 13
Michael P. Scharf, "The ICC's Jurisdiction over the Nationals of Non-party
States: A Critique of the U.S. Position", 67
William K. Lietzau, "International Criminal Law after Rome: Concerns from a
U.S. Military Perspective", 119
Bruce Broomhall, "Toward U.S. Acceptance of the International Criminal
Court", 141
Alfred P. Rubin, "The International Criminal Court: Possibilities for
Prosecutorial Abuse", 153
John R. Bolton, "The Risks and Weaknesses of the International Criminal
Court from America's Perspective", 167
Patricia McNerney, "The International Criminal Court: Issues for Consideration
by the United States Senate", 181
Ruth Wedgwood, "The Irresolution of Rome", 193
- The United States and the International Criminal Court :
National Security and International Law (Sarah B. Sewall & Carl
Kaysen eds., Lanham, MD : Rowman &
Littlefield Publishers, August 2000). ISBN: 0742501345
(alk. paper) 0742501353 (pbk. : alk. paper). 288p.
Publication of papers from a conference on "National Security and
International Law: The United States and the International Criminal
Court" held at Chicago-Kent on January 28-29, 1999 and sponsored by
the Committee on
International Security Studies of the American Academy of Arts and
Sciences et al. It will include a chapter by Robinson Everett on
"American Servicemembers and the ICC".
- Karlijn Van Der Voort & Marten Zwanenburg, " From `Raison d'état'
to `état de droit international': Amnesties and the French
Implementation of the Rome Statute", 1 International Criminal Law
Review 315-342 (2001).
- Giuliano Vassali, "Statuto di Roma: note sull'istituzione di una
corte penale internazionale", 66 Rivista di studi politici
internazionali 9-95 (No.1, genn./mar. 1999).
- Rosaria Vigorito, "The Evolution and Establishment of the
International Criminal Court (ICC): A Selected Annotated Bibliography
of Secondary Sources," 30 International Journal of Legal
Information 92-162 (2002). No. 1 (Spring 2002) available via
Hein-On-Line to subscribers and
International Association of
Law Libraries (IALL) members.
- Daniel L. Wade, "A Basic Guide to the Sources of International
Criminal Law", in Contemporary Practice of Public International
Law 189-220 (Ellen G. Schaffer & Randall J. Snyder eds., Dobbs Ferry, New
York: Oceana Publications, Inc., 1997; sponsored by the American
Association of Law Libraries). 297p.
- Colin Warbrick, "International Criminal Courts and Fair Trial", 3
Journal of Armed Conflict Law 45-64 (No.1, June 1998).
- Colin Warbrick, "The United Nations System: A Place
for Criminal Courts?", 5 Transnational Law & Contemporary
Problems 237 (1995)(Symposium: International Criminal Law, Fall
- Philippe Weckel, "La cour penale internationale : présentation
générale", 102 Revue générale de droit
international public 983-993 (No. 4, 1998).
- Ruth Wedgwood, "Fiddling in Rome: America and the International
Criminal Court", 77 Foreign Affairs 20 (no.6, 1998).
- Ruth Wedgwood, "The International Criminal Court: An American
View", 10 European Journal of International Law 93-107 (1999).
- Leila Sadat, The International Criminal Court and the
Transformation of International Law: Justice for the New
Millenium (Ardsley, NY: Transnational Publishers, forthcoming
Summer 2001). ISBN 1-57105-133-3. Approx. 250p.
- Leila Sadat Wexler, "Committee Report on Jurisdiction, Definition
of Crimes, and Complementarity", 25 Denver Journal of International
Law and Policy 221 (1997).
- Leila Sadat Wexler, "A First Look at the 1998 Rome Statute for a
Permanent International Criminal Court: Jurisdiction, Definition of
Crimes, Structure, and Referrals to the Court", in 3
International Criminal Law 655-91 ("Enforcement" volume) (2d
ed., M. Cherif Bassiouni, ed., Dobbs Ferry, NY, USA: Transnational
Publishers, 1999). ISBN 1-57105-019-1.
- Leila Sadat Wexler, Observations on the Consolidated ICC Text
Before the Final Session of the Preparatory Committee ([Toulouse]:
Association Internationale de Droit Pénal : Érès, 1998)(Nouvelles
Études Pénales ; 13bis). 249p.
- Leila Sadat Wexler, "The Proposed Permanent International Criminal
Court: An Appraisal", 29 Cornell International Law Journal 665
- Peter Wilkitzki, "The German Law on Co-Operation with the ICC", 2
International Criminal Law Review 195-212 (2002).
- David Wippman, "Can an International Criminal Court Prevent and
Punish Genocide?", in Protection Against Genocide: Mission
Impossible? 85-104 (Neal Riemer ed., Westport, CT: Praeger
Publishers, 2000). ISBN 0-275-96515-5. 193p.
- Daniel V. Wright, Strategic Implications of U.S. Non-Support for the
International Criminal Court (Carlisle Barracks, Pa. :
U.S. Army War College, 1999)(USAWC strategy research project)
(Report No: AD-A364 130). 50p.
- Salvatore Zappala, International Criminal Trials and Human
Rights (Cary, N.C.: Oxford University Press, 2003)(Oxford
monographs in international law). ISBN 0199258910. 280p.
- Andreas Zimmermann, "The Creation of a Permanent International
Criminal Court", 1998 Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law
- Andreas Zimmermann, "Role and Function of International Criminal
Law in the International System After the Entry into Force of the Rome
Statute of the International Criminal Court," 45 German Yearbook of
International Law 35-54 (2002).
- Andreas Zimmermann, "Die Schaffung eines ständigen
internationalen Strafgerichtshofs: Perspektiven und Probleme vor der
Staatenkonferenz in Rom", 58 Zeitschrift für ausländisches
öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 47-108 (1998).
- Marten Zwanenburg, "The Statute for an International Criminal
Court and the United States: Peacekeepers under Fire?", 10
European Journal of International Law 124-143 (1999).
- Marten Zwanenburg, "The Statute of an International Criminal Court
and the United States : Peace without Justice?", 12 Leiden Journal of
International Law 1-8 (no. 1, 1999).
Compiled by Lyonette Louis-Jacques. Created June 1998. Updated 12 August
2003. Please send any suggestions related to resources on the
International Criminal Court in print and electronic format to llou@midway.uchicago.edu.