Legal Research on International Law Issues Using
the Internet
Foreign and International Law Librarian and Lecturer in Law
University of Chicago Law School, D'Angelo Law Library
Table of Contents
Sample Pages
- International Trade and Customs Law (Riggle & Craven, Chicago,
- International Trade and Customs
Law (Wasserman, Schneider & Babb, New York)
- International Law
Section (California Bar Association - includes links to other
international law sites of interest to practitioners)
- California Council for
International Trade (CCIT)
- Federal
Register (via University of California's GPO Gate, a WWW interface
to GPO
Access, links to document databases of the U.S. Government Publications
Office; for early information on proposed agency rules and regulations,
full texts, notices of hearings, deadlines for comments, etc., daily)
- Helms-Burton Law (Cuban Liberty and
Democratic Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act of 1996 (H.R. 927;
S. 381)(enacted March 12, 1996, P.L. 104-114, 110 Stat. 785, 22
U.S.C. Sect. 6021 et. seq.)); available as a Public Law from THOMAS: U.S. Legislative Information
on the Internet
- D'Amato
Amendment (Iran and Libya Sanctions Act of 1996 (H.R. 3107;S.1228
related)(enacted August 5, 1996, P.L. 104-172, 110 Stat. 1541, 50
U.S.C. Sect. 1701 note, reprinted in 35 ILM 1273 (Sept. 1996)))
- National
Foreign Trade Council v. Natsios (United States Court of Appeals for
the First Circuit, No. 98-2304, June 22, 1999)(The state of
Massachusetts law restricting the ability of state to purchase goods
or services from individuals or companies that engage in business in
Myanmar ("Burma Law") held an unconstitutional interference
with the foreign relations power of the Executive Branch and with the
authority of Congress to regulate foreign commerce, and violative of
the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution as preempted by federal
sanctions against Myanmar)
- Lex Mercatoria: International
Trade/Commercial Law Monitor (Norway) (seeking World Trade Organization panel
report? - perhaps start directly at
- Lyo's Law
Lists (client is female refugee seeking asylum in the U.S. as
fears gender-based persecution if return to her country; listserv best
starting point for getting information and documents (ASYLUM-L,
IMMPROF, FEMJUR, etc.)? - no, suggest
start with web site, if not print resources first - INS, UNHCR, etc.)
- Adobe Acrobat (free Reader
available for downloading to read documents served as PDF files at international law
- BabelFish (Altavista
Search Engine's page for translating texts to English; see also Google, InterTran (tm), and
REGARDE; caveat
- be careful when using these translations, especially for legal
materials - among other things, dictionaries might not include legal
- Eurodicautom
(a polyglot dictionary provided by the EU Translation
Service; includes Law terms for multiple European languages)
Selected Major Web Sites
- ASIL Guide to
Electronic Resources for International Law (ERG; see especially
the guide to "Researching International Law on the Internet"; Marci
Hoffman & Jill Watson eds.)
- Resource Center:
International/Foreign Law (includes foreign and international
research guides and links; Marci Hoffman & Mirela Roznovschi eds.)
- Harvard
University Law School Library International Legal Studies (see the
ILS Foreign
and International Law Resources: An Annotated Guide to Web Sites
Around the World page and other Research
- University of
Maryland Thurgood Marshall Law Library (The International and
Foreign Law Pages)
- New York
University School of Law Library (see also related Guide to European
Legal Databases and update)
- Leiden
University Faculty of Law Library
- JurWebb (Law on
the Internet, Stockholm University Library)
- Public
International Law (Francis Auburn, The University of Western
- American Society of
International Law (Springboard page)
- Transnational Law Database
(CENTRAL; Transnational Commercial Law - The New Lex Mercatoria:
For each principle and rule, the TLDB provides the user with the black
letter text and comprehensive references taken from international
arbitral awards, domestic statutes, international conventions,
standard contract forms, trade practices and usages, other sample
clauses and academic sources. All of these sources are, as far as
possible, presented in full text versions.
- Lex Mercatoria:
International Trade/Commercial Law Monitor (University of
Tromsø and University of Oslo, Norway and Pace University School
of Law, White Plains, NY; Ralph Amissah editor; alternate URLs are
includes full texts of documents related to
International Economic Law; was called the International Trade Law
Monitor and the International Trade Law Project until May 1999)
- International
Law and Human Rights (Chris Ingelse, University of Maastricht; includes
European Court of Human Rights)
- Informations
Juridiques sur Internet (Université Catholique de Louvain, Faculté
de Droit)
- Jurweb:
Legal Information in the Internet (Myroslav Munzer, University of
- LexUM
(Virtual Canadian Law Library, University of Montreal; includes links
to the Canada Department of
Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) and the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB); see also their Juris
International - International Business Lawyer page of links)
- Law Lists: Legal
and Non-Legal WWW Resources for Canadian Lawyers (Judith Bower)
- University of
Chicago, D'Angelo Law Library (U.S., including Federal
Register, War
Crimes, national
constitutions and constitutional courts, and other foreign and international law resources)
- International
Law (Yale Law School, Lillian Goldman Library)
- ForInt-Law
(Washburn University Law School)
- Droit
international public (Denis Le May, Bibliothèque de
l'Université de Laval; public international law - page in French;
includes a page on the "Nations Unies/United Nations)
- Guide to Law Online(U.S. Law Library of Congress)(includes link to GLIN, the Global Legal Information Network, index and abstracts of national legislation,
particularly of Spanish-speaking countries; see alternate GLIN home page)
- Legal Information
Institute (Cornell; see particularly the LII's Law from around the World
- World Wide
Web Virtual Library for Law (Indiana)
- WashLaw WEB (Washburn
University School of Law mega-law site, including their Foreign and
International Law page)
- Australasian Legal
Information Institute (see International
Law page of AustLII's World Law Index)
- Hieros Gamos (Lex Mundi's law
links page; see especially the Guide to International Law page)
- FindLaw (law-specific index to
Internet resources)
- Yahoo "Law"
links (catalog of Internet resources)
- Social Science Information
Gateway: Law (see also SOSIG's International
Law and International
Relations pages)
International Organizations
- United Nations (UN Charter, Statute
of the ICJ, resolutions, reports, and other key documents; the Dag Hammarskjöld Library
(DHL); also link to the very current United Nations Treaty
Collection On-Line (was the UN Treaty Data Base at, which updates the annually-published
treaty status & index set, Multilateral Treaties Deposited with
the Secretary-General, weekly, and includes the full text of
multilateral and bilateral treaties published in the U.N.T.S.)
- UN Organizational
Chart (hypertext; see also ASCII gopher
chart of the UN System)
- UNBISnet (UN library catalog
page including index to Voting Records and Speeches)
- UN-I-QUE (United
Nations Info Quest; "a database created by the Dag Hammarskjøld
Library to provide quick access to document symbols/sales numbers for
UN materials (1946 onwards); it does not give full bibliographic
details nor does it replace existing bibliographic databases (UNBIS, UNBIS
Plus on CD-ROM) produced by the Library; UN-I-QUE focuses upon
documents and publications of a recurrent nature: annual/sessional
reports of committees/commissions; monographic series; journals;
annual publications; reports periodically/irregularly issued; reports
of major conferences; statements in the General Debate; etc.")
- AccessUN (Readex United
Nations Index - of UN documents and publications from 1966 to date;
subscription service)
- UN Resolutions and Other
Documents (full texts via the UN Documentation Centre)
- UN Security
Council Resolutions (full text from 1946 to date)
- UN General
Assembly Resolutions (full text from 1977 to date)
- UN
Economic and Social Council Resolutions (full text from 1982 to date)
- United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP Gopher provides full texts of General Assembly (GA)
Resolutions from the 36th to 49th Sessions, Security Council (SC)
Resolutions from 1974 to 1996, Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Resolutions
from 1982 to 1994 under "United Nations Documents", and many other
useful documents and information on the United Nations
- United Nations
Global Statistics
- Cour Internationale de
Justice = International Court of
Justice (ICJ official web site; includes Statute,
judgments, advisory opinions, orders, press communiques/releases
(on the "What's New" page))
- International
Court of Justice 1946-1996 (50th Anniversary guide to the ICJ
online - e-book)
- International Court of
Justice (ICJ at Cornell University Law School; official
U.S. mirror web site; includes Statute,
judgments, advisory opinions, orders; see also the World Court Project and
the NGO Committee on Disarmament's World Court
Excerpts - "Verbatim Excerpts of Oral Statements to the
International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of
Nuclear Weapons" (1995))
- Permanent Court of
Arbitration (PCA official web site; includes documents related to
the Eritrea-Yemen Arbitration)
- Permanent Court of
Arbitration (PCA at Cornell University Law School)
- International
Criminal Court (UN's ICC web site; see also resource page
with links to Internet resources and print publications on the ICC)
- International Criminal Tribunal for
Rwanda (ICTR; war crimes; was at
- International Criminal Tribunal
for Yugoslavia (ICTY; war crimes)
- Final
Report Commission Of Experts Established Pursuant To Security Council
Resolution 780 (1992) (the UN Commission of Experts on Former
Yugoslavia's Final
Report is appended to the "Letter dated 24 may 1994 from the
Secretary-General to the President of the Security Council",
- International Law
Commission (ILC)
- United Nations Crime and Justice
Information Network (UNCJIN; includes documents related to the UN Draft
Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime)
- United Nations Interregional Crime
and Justice Research Institute (UNCRI)
- United Nations High Commissioner
for Human Rights (UNHCHR)
- Treaty Bodies
Database (United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights;
includes General Comments, Reports, etc.; see also short URLs format)
- United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees (includes links official documents of the UNHCR and national
legal information via REFWORLD)
- International Committee of the Red
Cross (ICRC; includes database and CD-ROM with full texts of
treaties, rules, commentaries on International Humanitarian Law (IHL);
see also the People on War Project
campaign page to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Geneva
Conventions and Humanitarian
Web Sites)
- The War-Torn Societies
Project (WSP; includes searchable bibliographic database of
policy documents and evaluation reports as well as research reports and
articles from various multilateral and bilateral agencies, research
institutes and academics; "A specialized, annotated listing of
literature from around the world", including materials on women's rights)
- Institute
for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict = Instituts für
Friedenssicherungsrecht und Humanitäres Völkerrecht (IFHV,
Ruhr-University Bochuml; includes
European Master's Degree Programme in Human Rights
and Democratization and list of the Bochumer Schriften
zur Friedenssicherung und zum Humanitären Völkerrecht publication series)
- ReliefWeb
(information service for the Humanitarian Relief Community; ReliefWeb
is a project of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of
Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA))
- World Trade Organization (WTO; includes
dispute settlement news and reports; see also the WTO and U.S. Official
websites for the Third Ministerial Conference, Seattle, Washington,
U.S.A., 30 November-3 December 1999)
- World Trade
Organization: Panel Decisions
("The Online Source for World Trade Law"; enables full text search of
GATT/WTO Panel and Appellate Body reports)
- World Intellectual Property
Organization (WIPO treaties are at; includes link to CLEA
database (Collection of Laws for
Electronic Access)
- International Labor Organization
(ILO; see also official
U.S. mirror web site at Cornell; includes links to ILO's NATLEX
database of national labor legislation abstracts and bibliographies
(also at,
Information (monthly bulletin summarizing labor and employment
laws worldwide), ILOLEX
(database of international labor standards, conventions, etc.), and
other labor
databases; see also Washington Branch
Office and ILO Watch)
- FAO Legal
Office (Food and Agriculture Organization; includes links to legal
texts, FAO
Legal Papers Online, legislative studies publications, and FAOLEX (database
indexing worldwide legislation on food, agriculture, land tenure,
etc.), and FISHLEX (database
of coastal requirements for foreign fishing or national fisheries law)
- United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP; see also the IUCN-World Conservation Union
Environmental Law
Programme joint project, the ECOLEX database of national
environmental legislation)
- European Patent
Office (EPO)
- European Union (EU EUROPA page
including full texts of EU
Treaties, Green Papers and
links to bilateral and
multilateral trade agreements, policy instruments, and other documents)
- Task Force
for Accession Negotiations (European Commission)
- Justice and Home
Affairs (includes Cooperation
in electronic commerce, asylum, organized crime, policing, preventing
in trafficking in drugs, human beings, etc.)
- European
Parliament Home Page
- Research
Newsletter (DG4 papers; European Parliament)
- Legislative
Observatory (OEIL, European Parliament)
- European Union Law Page
(EUR-Lex; EU treaties, legislation, ECJ case-law)
- Court of Justice of the
European Communities (ECJ cases in EU all languages; formerly at
- Library,
Research, and Documentation (Court of Justice of the European
Communities (ECJ) page with full text of the Brussels Convention and
the Lugano Convention and related case-law, Digest of Community
Case-Law, Index A-Z (numerical and alphabetical index of
cases before the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance
since 1953), alphabetical index of subject matter of legal issues,
ECJ case annotations)
- CELEX (EU treaties,
legislation (regulations, directives, decisions), preparatory acts,
COM documents, parliamentary questions, case-law, etc. database;
need password to access)
- Official Journal of the
European Communities (OJ Legislation (L) and Information and
Notices (C) series)
- Bulletin
of the European Union (Bull EC; European Commission)
- Directory
of Community Preparatory Acts (analytical index, but includes some
full texts of COM Documents, e.g., Commision Proposal - COM(97)0093 final)
Documents (list and full text from the OJ C Series)
- Official
Documents, Reports (full texts of annual reports such as Better
Law-Making, Report on Competition Policy, Report on
Monitoring the Application of Community Law, General Report on the
Activities of the European Union, Fight Against Fraud, etc.)
(Office for Official Publications; includes EUR-OP News)
- European
Union Policies (citations to national implementing measures - via
SCAD Plus)
- Fundamental
Rights (Council of the European Union)
- Directorates-General
(DGsEuropean Union)
- Treaty of
Nice (UK Command Paper containing the Treaty of Nice; PDF file)
- Treaty of
Amsterdam (done at Amsterdam on 16-17 June 1997, signed on 2
October 1997, European Commission Doc. CONF/4001/97, O.J. Eur. Comm. C
340/1 (1997), 37 I.L.M. 56 (1998)(International Legal
Materials), 1997 BDIEL AD LEXIS 15 (Basic Documents
of International Economic Law), pending ratification by all EU
member states, not yet in force as of 13 May 1998)
- Amsterdam Treaty
`98 (Irish Government, Referendum Commission)
- Irish
Presidency's Draft Treaty Document (The European Union Today and
- Schengen
Agreement (unofficial English text)(related pages at
see also Resolution on the functioning and future of Schengen,
OJ C 115/30 (April 14, 1997); also available in Italian;
see also The
Netherlands and the Schengen Agreement (July 1998) and Claus
Thiery, The
Schengen Agreements)
THE AGREEMENT 30 International Legal Materials (I.L.M.) 68,
116 (1991)(the Agreement of 14 June 1985 is at 30 I.L.M. 73-83 (1991)
and the Convention applying the Agreement of 19 June 1990 is at 30
I.L.M. 84-147 (1991)).
- Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD)
- Council of Europe (CoE news, texts
adopted, conventions, and other info, including a list of
ratifications of treaties by state at;
was at which still
works; see also Guide to Researching the Council of Europe).
- Committee of Ministers
(Council of Europe; includes steering and ad hoc committees)
- Human Rights Web (Council
of Europe, Directorate of Human Rights, including the Human Rights
Information Bulletin)
- Human Rights Web
(Council of Europe's Human Rights Web Site at - replaces
- Minority
Issues (Council of Europe, Directorate General of Human Rights,
Secretariat of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National
Minorities and of the DH-MIN)
- European Commission of Human
Rights (ECommHR; includes reports; the Commission no longer exists)
- European Court of Human
Rights (ECHR/CEDH judgments, press releases, basic texts, etc.,
including the HUDOC
database containing the full text of judgments of the Court, decisions
and reports of the Commission and resolutions of the Council of
Ministers from 1959 to last month; was at;
see also EchrNet: The Human Rights Directory)
- European Committee for the
Prevention of Torture (CPT)
- European
Free Trade Association (EFTA; including EFTA
- Central European Free Trade
Association (CEFTA)
- North Atlantic Treaty
Organisation (NATO)
- Organization for Security and
Co-operation in Europe (OSCE; see also
OSCE Prague Office, High Commissioner for
National Minorities (HCNM); Office for Democratic Institutions and
Human Rights (ODIHR))
- Office of the High Representative in
Bosnia and Herzegovina (OHR; includes the full text of their Human Rights Reports; see also
Patterns of Human Rights
Violations in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina of the
Ombudsmen of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Organization of African
Unity (OAU)
- Organization of American States
(OAS Charter, information about treaties,
resolutions, and other
OAS Documents; also Andean Community, NAFTA, GATT, and WTO
decisions via SICE Dispute
Settlement page, and Latin American
Intellectual Property Laws and Bilateral Investment
Treaties (BITS) of the Western Hemisphere)
- Department of International Law (DIL, Organization of American States)
- Inter-American
Court of Human Rights (IACHR; see also English page)
- Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR; also
Secretariat (North American Free Trade Agreement; see also
Cases, NAFTA Claims
(NAFTA Chapter 11 investor-state dispute settlement), Canada's DFAIT
Settlement page, and USTR's Dispute
Settlement page for full texts of
arbitration decisions and awards, and OAS texts of NAFTA Binational Panel
Reviews and Arbitral Panel Reports)
- World Bank (includes links
to Policy
Research Working Papers and the Economic Development Institute
(EDI) now World Bank
Institute (WBI) Working Papers;
see also their Law Library)
- G7 Information Centre
(now G8; University of Toronto)
- International
Organizations (IGOs links via Northwestern University Library)
- Yahoo
"International Organizations" links
Government Agencies
- U.S. International Trade
Commission (USITC; including full text of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the
United States)
- Office of the United States
Trade Representative (USTR)
- U.S. Department of Commerce
- U.S. International Trade
Administration (ITA, U.S. Department of Commerce)
- Office of
Textiles and Apparel (U.S. Department of Commerce)
- U.S. Customs Service
(Department of the Treasury)
- Private International Law
Data Base (PILDB, U.S. Department of State; Hague Conventions, UNCITRAL,
UNIDROIT, OAS, etc.; was at
- U.S. Department of State
(includes Country Reports on Human
Rights Practices for 2000, Treaties in Force (TIF: list of
treaties and other international agreements of the United States in
force on January 1, 2000 in PDF format), Current
Treaty Actions, the full text of
Relations of the United States (FRUS) volumes for 1945-1950, 1958-1968 (alternate URL is
are; see also
the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC)'s FRUS Digital Project at the
University of Wisconsin - v.1 (1861) and FRUS 1900-1918), and U.S. foreign policy documents)
(see, for instance, Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) "Electronic Reading Room" Special Interest
Collections such as the Chile Declassification Project and documents
on Guatemalan human rights and Raoul Wallenberg)
- The National Security
Archive (includes full texts of declassified documents via
Briefing Books on Chile, China, Guatemala, Cuba, Japan, NATO,
India, etc.)
- United States Information Agency
(includes USIA Washington File
containing key documents and international news; defunct as of 1
October 1999)
- Committee on Foreign
Relations (United States Senate)
- Committee
on International Relations (United States House)
- Congressional
Human Rights Caucus
- United
States Statutes At Large (full text of first volumes via the Law
Library of Congress' American Memory Project page, "A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation:
U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates: 1774-1873"; prior to 1948
all treaties and international agreements approved by the Senate were
also published in the Statutes at Large set)
- Commission on Security and
Cooperation in Europe (CSCE, also know as the Helsinki Commission,
"is an independent U.S. Government agency created in 1976 to monitor
and encourage compliance with the Helsinki Final Act and other OSCE
commitments; includes the full text of their CSCE Digest, a
newsletter including reports on human rights in European countries;
was at until January 2001)
- STAT-USA (U.S. Department
of Commerce databases - includes the National Trade Data Bank and the
Economic Bulletin Board)
- U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office (USPTO)
- The Bureau of Export
Administration (U.S. Department of Commerce)
- Export-Import Bank of the United States
- Bureau
of Census (international trade statistics)
Miscellaneous Other Sites
- Law Library, Leiden
University (The Netherlands)
- Droit
international public (links in French via DMOZ, Open Directory
Project)(see also Walter Gehr's "Le droit
international des traites")
- The Summit of the
Americas Center (Florida International University's trade-related
- Transnational Law Database
(CENTRAL; Transnational Commercial Law - The New Lex Mercatoria:
For each principle and rule, the TLDB provides the user with the black
letter text and comprehensive references taken from international
arbitral awards, domestic statutes, international conventions,
standard contract forms, trade practices and usages, other sample
clauses and academic sources. All of these sources are, as far as
possible, presented in full text versions.
- Lex Mercatoria:
International Trade/Commercial Law Monitor (Law Faculty,
University of Tromsø, Norway, Law Faculty, University of Oslo,
Norway, and Institute of International Commercial Law, Pace University
School of Law, White Plains, New York; edited by Ralph Amissah; also
available via
and; was at,, and at, and also was called
"International Trade Law Project" and "International Trade Law Monitor")
- Project on International
Courts and Tribunals (PICT; web site of the Foundation
for International Environmental Law and Development, London, and the
Center on International Cooperation, New York University)
- United Nations Convention
on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG-Israel page
of the Center for Commercial Law, Faculty of Law, Bar-Ilan University)
- International Law
Center (practice site sponsored by Kluwer Law International at Law
Journal EXTRA!)
- American Bar Association
(ABA LAWlink, International Law Section, discussion groups,
- Australian and New Zealand
Society of International Law (ANZSIL; including Proceedings of the
Conference and 26-29 June 2000 Joint Conference with the
American Society of International Law, International
Legal Challenges for the Twenty-First Century in PDF format)
- Canadian Bar Association (CBA)
- Canadian
Council on International Law = Conseil canadien de droit
international (CCIL/CCDI)
- Canadian International
Trade Tribunal (CITT)
- Section on
International Law (Association of American Law Schools (AALS)
- American Society of International
(includes the ASIL Newsletter column, "What's Online in International
Law"), International
Law in Brief (weekly case summaries), and ASILEX, a
searchable index of ASIL publications including the American
Journal of International Law and International Legal
Materials from 1990 to date)
- Weblinks:
International Environmental Law (resource page of the American
Society of International Law International Environmental Law Interest
Group (ASILIEL); includes
links to Convention on Biological
Diversity (CBD) and CITES
Secretariat web pages)
- International
Economic Law Interest Group (ASILIELG; includes link to cases
for use in teaching International Trade Law)
- Private International Law
Interest Group (ASIL PIL)
- International
Organizations Interest Group (ASIL IG)
- United
Nations Decade of International Law Interest Group (ASIL UNDIG
Newsletter; see also
- Wildlife Law
Interest Group (ASIL; includes info on CITES and the International Wildlife
Law Conference)
- Society of International Law
(Singapore) (SILS)
- International Bar Association (IBA)
- International Law Association
- American Branch
(International Law Association (ILA))
- World Jurist Association/World
Peace Through Law Centers (WJA/WPTLC; "Pax Orbis Ex Jure")
- Inter-American Bar Association (IABA)
- Institute for International
Economics (IIE, Washington, D.C.; includes full texts of Working Papers and
recent International
Economic Policy Briefs newsletters)
- Centre for Economic Policy
Research (CEPR, UK; includes full texts of their Discussion Papers
and Policy Papers
(which replace the Occasional Papers)
- Council on Foreign
Relations (New York, NY)
- Chicago Council on Foreign
Relations (CCFR; includes full text of their triennial
publication, American Public Opinion and U.S. Foreign Policy)
- Royal Institute of International
Affairs (RIIA, Chatham House in London; see also their Library list of
recently acquired books and pamphlets, selected journal articles, and
Subject Bibliographies)
- Carnegie Council on Ethics and
International Affairs (CCEIA; was at;
publishers of Human Rights Dialogue)
- Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace (CEIP)
- United States Institute of
Peace (USIP; includes link to Peace Agreements Digital
Collection and Foreign Affairs
Ministries on the Web)
International and
Comparative Law Course Pages (JURIST: The Legal Education
Network, was The Law Professors'
Network; see also JURIST Europe)
- Réseau Internet pour le Droit
International (RIDI; Centre de droit international de l'Université
de Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne; including
Actualité et droit
international: Revue d'analyse juridique de l'actualité internationale (ADI))
- Droit international 90
- American Society of
Comparative Law (ASCL)
- Private Comparative
Law Page
- Hague Academy of
International Law (l'Académie de droit international de la Haye; was at
- Hague Conference on Private International Law
- Hague Conventions (Dutch
Ministry of Foreign Affairs; see also Hague Evidence
and Service of Process Conventions)
- Women in
International Law: Research Resources (Lyonette Louis-Jacques)
- International
Commercial Arbitration: Print and Electronic Resources (Lyonette Louis-Jacques)
- Arbitration Information
On-Line (Kluwer Law International; includes texts of arbitral
conventions, national legislation, arbitral awards, case law, journal
articles, commentaries, and bibliographical references)
- Internationale
Wirtschaftsschiedsgerichtbarkeit = International
Commercial Arbitration (Prof. Dr. Marianne Roth; German and
English versions of page)
- La
Conciliation, La Médiation, et L'Arbitrage: Étude Comparative
(Serge Braudo; links to international arbitration sites; generally includes:
1/Le Dictionnaire du droit privé.Les vocables désignant les
institutions juridiques et judiciaires du droit privé.Jurisprudence et
2/La Conciliation, la Médiation et l'Arbitrage .Etude comparative La
bibliographie , la législation , les arbitres, leurs obligations, la
procédure,l'amiable composition, la sentence et son exécution.
3/Arbitrage.La pratique. Les clauses et les conventions .Les centres
d'arbitrage.Le droit international .
4/Le Vocabulaire de l'arbitrage.Les mots utilisés dans la procédure
d'arbitrage dans un ordre alphabétique.Jurisprudence et doctrine.
- T.M.C. Asser Instituut
(arbitration, etc.)
- International Law Students Association
(ILSA)(includes Jessup
International Moot Court problem - International Court of Justice;
has page for subscribing to the ILSA-L electronic discussion group)
- European Law Students'
Association (ELSA)
- European Law Moot Court
Competition (European Law Moot Court Society page; European Union
- European Court of Justice)
- International Constitutional
Law (includes constitutional court cases)
- Human Rights Resources
- Background Sources on Human Rights
(including Bibliographies)
- Human
Rights Quarterly (full text articles beginning with v.17 (1995),
keyword searchable via Project MUSE)
- Model
Questionnaire for Communications/Complaints (includes information
on human rights complaint procedures/mandates, examining body or
experts, and contact addresses for the various UN human rights bodies)
- Human Rights
Syllabi for High Education (Rita Maran, for the AIUSA Human Rights
Educators Network; posted by the Institute of International Studies
at the University of California at Berkeley)
- Project DIANA
(major human rights web site including full texts of human rights case
briefs, legal memoranda, complaints, orders and decisions, etc. on a
variety of subjects, and especially on Haitian refugees)
- Derechos = Human Rights
(organization with resources in Spanish and English; hosts human rights
mailing lists and links to full texts of "Human
Rights Law and Documents" and a Directory of Human Rights Links)
- International
Law and Human Rights (Chris Ingelse, University of Maastricht;
includes European Court of Human Rights)
- Human Rights
on the Internet: Sites That Encourage Activism (Elisa Mason
for the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL),
September 1999)
- University of Minnesota Human
Rights Web (including war crimes tribunals links, bibliographies,
etc.; has Meta
Search Engine for Searching Multiple Human Rights Sites - can
search all 23 sites at once)
- Decisions
and Views (United Nations Human
Rights Committee/CCPR; Communications)
- UN Human Rights
Committee Decisions (via the Australian Human Rights Information
Centre (AHRIC)
beginning with Session 43 (1991))
- Biblioteca
Virtual de Direitos Humanos (Universidade de São Paulo,
Brazil; human rights documents in Portuguese)
- Texts
by Treaty Bodies and International Organizations (Japanese
Federation of Bar Association (JFBA) Library, International Human
Rights; includes General Comments and summaries of Views to
international Communications of the UN Human Rights Committee; see
also the main page on Japan and Human Rights at
(International Centre for the Legal Protection of Human Rights;
includes searchable International
Law Reports and Commonwealth Human
Rights Case Law databases)
- Globalization
and Human Rights (PBS television special focusing on the ongoing
debate over whether or not human rights concerns should be linked to
economic policies; includes links to transcript, interviews, and resources)
- Health and Human
Rights (Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human
Rights, Harvard School of Public Health)
- Center for
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (Washington College of Law,
American University; includes full texts and digests of Inter-American
Commission on Human Rights documents, case law, and reports from 1960
to date in the Inter-American
Human Rights Database; see Repertorio
de Jurisprudencia del Sistema InterAmericano de Derechos
Humanos - to be published in English in Spring 2000 under the
title Inter-American
Human Rights Digest; see also Human Rights
Brief, a newsletter with a bi-weekly related e-mail
list/announcements listserv)
- Human
Rights Brief ("A Legal Resource for the International Human
Rights Community"; full text of this newsletter available online
beginning with v.1, #1, Spring 1994)
- International
Human Rights Law Institute (DePaul University College of Law,
Chicago, Illinois)
- Center
for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (Washington College of Law,
American University)
- Netherlands Institute of
Human Rights (SIM; Studie- en Informatiecentrum Mensenrechten,
Utrecht University; page was at;
includes links to the Netherlands Quarterly
of Human Rights, SIM
Specials, and the Yearbook Human Rights in
Developing Countries)
- School of Human Rights
Research ("an inter-university alliance, a joint effort of the
Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Humanities of Utrecht University,
and the Faculties of Law of Maastricht University, Erasmus University of
Rotterdam and Tilburg University"; pageincludes links to their Newsletter
and information about their publication series)
- MenschenRechtsZentrum
der Universitat Potsdam (Human Rights Centre of the University of
Potsdam, Germany)
- Centre for
Human Rights Law (Faculty of Law, University of Nottingham; see
also newsletter
and human rights links)
- Raoul Wallenberg Institute of
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (Lund University, Sweden)
- Human Rights Research and
Education Centre (University of Ottawa, Canada)
- Inter-American Center
for Human Rights (IACHR)
- Minerva Center for Human
Rights (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
- Inter-American Institute of Human
Rights (Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos (IIDH))
- Human Rights
Program (The University of Chicago, Center for International
- Center for Economic and Social
Rights (CESR, Brookly, New York)
- Center for the
Study of Human Rights (CSHR; Columbia University; see also their
Law School's Human Rights Institute)
- Human
Rights Centers (links to web pages for Harvard, Columbia, Emory,
Notre Dame, Yale, Cincinnati, Witwatersrand, Oxford, New South Wales,
Nottingham, Abo Akademi, etc.; was at
- Human Rights Library
(University of Minnesota)
- AAAS Directory of Human
Rights Resources on the Internet (American Association for the
Advancement of Science)
- Human & Constitutional Rights
Resource Page (Human Rights Institute, Columbia University Law
School; includes link to Bill
of Rights: Comparative Law Materials)
- Updated Links (page updating the publication, International Human
Rights Norms in the Nordic and Baltic Countries (Nijhoff, 1996))
- Human
Rights Links (Derechos Human Rights (organization); includes Directory of Human Rights Links)
- Asian Human Rights Commission
- B'Tselem: The Israeli
Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Terrorities
- Palestinian Human Rights
Monitoring Group (PHRMG: State of Human Rights in Palestine)
- International Human Rights
Law Group (IHRLG; includes link to "Initiative
on US Racism)
(web page of Michael Ratner, International Human Rights Lawyer, with
the Center for Constitutional Rights; also Skelly Wright Fellow, Yale
Law School)
- Rule of Law
Initiative (United States Institute for Peace (USIP), Special
Report on Rwanda:
Accountability for War Crimes and Genocide (1995), Special
Initiative on Religion, Ethics and
Human Rights (REHR) and issues of the PeaceWatch newsletter)
- Lawyers Committee for Human
Rights (LCHR)
- Minnesota Advocates for
Human Rights (MAHR)
- Heartland Alliance for
Human Needs and Human Rights (Chicago-based; includes link to
Mexico-U.S. Advocates Network)
- Meiklejohn Civil Liberties
Institute (center for human rights and peace law; MCLI works
closely with the Center for the Covenant at San Francisco State
University (SFSU) and with the India Centre for Human Rights and
the Law in Bombay, India)
- Annual Report on
Human Rights (joint publication of the UK Foreign and
Commonwealth Office (FCO) and the Department for International
Development; "Human Rights in Foreign Policy" (HRPF) page of the FCO's
Human Rights Policy Department (HRPD))
International Civil Liberties Report
(American Civil Liberties Union summaries of
international human rights cases and other developments; May 1998 and May 1999
reports available in full text as WordPerfect documents)
- U.S. Delegation to the
United Nations Commission on Human Rights (;
see also U.S. Mission to the United
Nations (USUN))
- Congressional
Human Rights Caucus (U.S.)
- Country
Reports on Human Rights Practices (U.S. Department of State
2000 report; see also 1999 report)
Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 1998
(U.S. Department of State; full texts of the country reports from
also available)
- Congressional
Human Rights Caucus
- European
Union Annual
Report on Human Rights 2000 (second annual report; see also 1999
annual report)
- Human Rights
Watch World Report (annual country reports)
- Amnesty International (AI
International Secretariat)
- Amnesty International USA
- Amnesty International UK (AIUK)
- Amnesty
International Report (annual report on worldwide human rights violations)
- Freedom in the World:
The Annual Survey of Political Rights and Civil Liberties
(Freedom House annual survey covering 191 countries and 59 related
territories; published by Transaction Publishers)
- Annual
Survey of Trade Union Rights (ICFTU; see also International
Labor Rights Fund (ILRF))
- For the Record
1999: The UN Human Rights System (6-volume publication due
out in print and CD-ROM format some time between February and April
2000; also available in French as Le système des droits
humains à l'ONU : Bilan)
- For the Record
1998: The UN Human Rights System (6-volume publication;
"country-by-country summary of the work of UN human rights mechanisms
during 1998; the report covers the work of the Commission on Human
Rights, the treaty-monitoring bodies, the Subcommission, ECOSOC, the
General Assembly and the Security Council; each summary is hyperlinked to
the relevant UN documentation"; also available in French as Le
système des droits humains à l'ONU : Bilan))
- For the Record
1997: The UN Human Rights System (country reports published
by Human Rights Internet (HRI,
Canada) with the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and
International Trade (DFAIT); 6 volumes with links to UN documents;
also available in French as Le
système des droits humains à l'ONU : Bilan))
- A Human Rights
Message (Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1998; book
published to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights)
- International Commission of
Jurists (ICJ)
- International
Commission of Jurists (ICJ - Western Australia Branch)
- Fédération
Internationale des Ligues des Droits de l'Homme (FIDH;
Federation of Human Rights Leagues (IFHRL); includes full texts of
Mission Reports/Rapports (mostly in French) and The Letter or La Lettre)
- International Helsinki Federation
for Human Rights (IHF; human rights in Europe; includes links to
the full texts of the Report
on Religious Discrimination and Related Violations, 1999, the
Monitor: Quarterly on Security and Cooperation in Europe,
Speech in the Balkans, etc.)
- Helsinki
Foundation for Human Rights (Warsaw, Poland)
- EchrNet: The Human Rights
Directory (European Convention on Human Rights and UK lawyers)
- Human Rights
Without Frontiers (""Droits de l'Homme sans Frontiè"; HRWF;
includes links to resources and documents on
Freedom of Conscience and Religion Around the World,
consciencious objection, minorities in Europe, etc.)
- Freedom
House (publishers of Religious Freedom in the World: A Global
Report on Freedom and Persecution (2000))
- Religious
Liberty: The Legal Framework in Selected OSCE Countries (PDF
file; see also Appendices; May 2000
report of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE)
or Helsinki Commission; covers Austria, France, Germany, Greece, the
Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Turkey, the Ukraine, the UK, U.S., and
- Annual
Report on International Religious Freedom (1998 to date;
U.S. Department
of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor)
- Religious
Freedom World Report (International Coalition for Religious
- Human Rights Education
Associates (HREA)
- Human Rights U.S.A.
- The Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, 1948-1998 (UDHR50; National Coordinating Committee for the
50th Anniversary of the UDHR; Human Rights Office, Franklin and
Eleanor Roosevelt Institute)
- UDHR (in over
250 languages; from the United Nations High Commissioner for Human
Rights (UNHCHR))
- Hans-Joachim Heintze, Getting
Human Rights Enforced!: Calls to Action on the 50th Anniversary of
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights = Menschenrechte
durchsetzen!: Forderungen zum 50. Jahrestag der
UN-Menschenrechtserklärung (Bonn:
Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden, 1998)(Policy Paper; No. 10). 11p.
- Innovation and
Inspiration: Fifty Years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
(School of Human Rights Research, the Netherlands; includes link to
conference programme and report)
- La mission interministérielle pour la
célébration du 50ème anniversaire de la déclaration
universelle des droits de l'homme (France, interministerial
mission to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights (UDHR))
- Cinquantenaire
de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme (Centre
Régional de Documentation Pédagogique de Bourgogne)
- Regards sur les droits
de l'homme / droits de l'enfant (Genève: capitale mondiale des
droits de l'homme; includes links on the 50th anniversary of the UDHR)
- Rights
- Minority
Rights (United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR)
page, include links to the documents of the Working Group on Minorities)
- Minority
Issues (Council of Europe, Directorate General of Human Rights,
Secretariat of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National
Minorities and of the DH-MIN)
- Minority Rights Group
International (MRG)
- European Centre for Minority
Issues (ECMI; links to minority
human rights information, groups, and publications, and the
MINELRES-L (Minority Electronic Resources) discussion group's Directory of Resources on
Minority Human Rights and Related Problems of the Transition Period in
Eastern and Central Europe)
- International Movement against All
Forms of Discrimination and Racism (IMADR)
- International Human
Rights Association of American Minorities (IHRAAM)
- Committee on
the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD; United Nations
- World
Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and
Related Intolerance (United Nations conference to occur in
South Africa 2001; site includes links to documents, background papers
of working groups (WGs), press releases, etc.; see related International
Human Rights Law Group (IHRLG) and Racism pages)
- Racism and
Racial Discrimination (United Nations High Commissioner for Human
Rights (UNHCHR))
- European Commission
against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI; was at
- Legal
Measures to Combat Racism and Intolerance in the Member States of
the Council of Europe (3d ed., European Commission Against
Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), Council of Europe; report prepared by
the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law, 14 December 1998).
CRI (98) 80. 587p.
- Fundamental
Rights (Council of the European Union)
- Truth
Commissions (United States Institute of Peace Library)
- HURIDOCS (Human Rights
Information and Documentation Systems International)
- Article 19
- StateWatch
(or; database of information on "the state and civil liberties in the
Union"- includes materials on the Schengen Agreement, immigration and
asylum, prisons, policing and Europol, the European courts, etc.)
- Clearing House on
Linguistic Rights (UNESCO MOST Programme; also Religious Rights)
- The Avalon
Project (Yale Law School)(includes historic documents relevant
to the fields of law, history, economics, politics, diplomacy and
such as Nuremberg War
Crimes Trials documents; see also University of Michigan's Historic
Documents page)
- A Look Back
At Nuremberg (Court TV Casefiles; includes background information
abut the major participants at the trial, the law behind the creation
of the tribunal, transcripts, interviews, Chief U.S. Prosecutor Robert
Jackson's opening and closing speeches, etc.)
- War Crimes
Resources on the Internet (New England School of Law Library links
to resources on trials of war criminals in support of NESL War Crimes
Project; includes links to Nuremberg documents)
- The
War Crimes Trials at Nuremberg: A Digital Collection Pilot Project: The
Medical Case (Harvard Law School Library project in progress)
- The
Nuremberg Code (The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, in
commemoration of The Doctors
Trial (includes other documents from the "Medical Case"), from
Trials of War Criminals)
- Nürnberger
Kriegsverbrecherprozesse 1945 (Übersicht) (articles and other
documents on the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials via the Oberlandesgericht
Nürnberg - Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte; in German and
includes links to
related web sites and literature on the topic)
- Justiz und
NS-Verbrechen: Die deutschen Strafurteile wegen
nationalsozialistischer Tötungsverbrechen 1945 - 1999: Eine
Verfahrensübersicht (Hergestellt im Institut für Strafrecht der
Universität von Amsterdam von Prof. Dr. C.F. Rüter und Dr. D.W. de
Mildt; Nazi Crimes on Trial: German Trial Judgments concerning Nazi Capital
Crimes 1945 - 1999: An Overview - compiled at the Institute of
Criminal Law of the University of Amsterdam; published in 1999 by the
Stiftung zur wissenschaftlichen Erforschung nationalsozialistischer Verbrechen/
Foundation for Scientific Research of National-Socialist Crimes,
Amsterdam; in German:
This website presents a systematic survey (in German) of
1) the more than 900 Nazi trial cases conducted in West Germany since
1945 (see: Ubersicht der westdeutschen Verfahren), as well as of
2) the 97 Nazi trial cases conducted in East Germany during the years
1956 - 1990, including the so-called Rehabilitation trials
(see: Ubersicht der ostdeutschen Verfahren). A survey of the remaining
East German trial cases (i.e. those from the period 1945
- 1956) will be added to this site later this year.
The site contains a brief description of the subject matter of each of
these trial cases by way of several searchable categories.
The index you find here is based on the collection of postwar trial
judgments, which are (being) published in two separate
multi-volume documentation series entitled 'Justiz und NS-Verbrechen'
(the West German judgments) and 'DDR-Justiz und
NS-Verbrechen' (the East German judgments).
- Jeffrey D. Bass, "Thomas
J. Dodd Papers Guide: Series VII, Nuremberg Trial" (Thomas
J. Dodd Research Center, University Libraries, University of
Connecticut, December 1996)
- Nürnberger
Menschenrechtszentrum (human rights links)
- Nazi
Gold Holocaust Assets on the Internet (Lyonette Louis-Jacques)
- Genocide
Convention at Fifty: Web Links (United States Institute of Peace)
- Web Genocide
Documentation Center (Internet Resources on Genocide and
Mass Killings compiled by Dr. S. D. Stein, Faculty of Economics & Social
Science, University of the West of England; includes full texts of documents
from the United Nations War Crimes Commission's Law Reports of Trials of
War Criminals, Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International
Military Tribunal, etc.; includes pages on Nuremberg, Crimes, Trials,
and Laws, Documents
Relating to the Holocaust, War Crimes, and Genocide, War Crimes
and Criminals, and World War II Resources)
- Torture
Reporting Handbook (March 2000, Camille Giffard, University of
Essex Human Rights Centre; commissioned by the Human Rights Policy
Department (HRPD) of the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO))
- Organisation Mondiale
Contre la Torture (OMCT = World Organisation Against Torture =
Organización Mundial Contra la Tortura; Geneva, Switzerland)
- European Committee for the
Prevention of Torture and nhuman or Degrading Treatment or
Punishment (CPT; Council of Europe)
- Association for the Prevention of
Torture (APT, Geneva, Switzerland)
- Redress: Seeking Reparation for
Torture Survivors
- International Rehabilitation
Council for Torture Victims (IRCT)
- International Institute of
Humanitarian Law (IIHL)
- Humanitarian Law
Center (armed conflicts in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina; Kosovo)
- Migration and Ethnic Relations (ERCOMER's WWW Virtual Library)
- Multilateral
Treaties (Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy)
- Treaties
Library (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), from the
AustLII (Australasian Legal
Information Institute) web site; includes bilateral and multilateral
treaties from the Australian Treaty Series (ATS); also includes
League of Nations treaties:
"The texts of treaties printed in the Australian Treaty Series from
1948 to 1998 are available on the Internet. Additional treaties,
never printed in the series, are now available on the Internet, having
been allocated numbers in the series from the years in which they
entered into force for Australia, and designated "electronic". The series
has also been extended, in electronic form only, back to 1927, with
earlier years in preparation. Treaties printed in the Select Documents
series from 1966 to 1997 are also available on the Internet."
- Diplomacy and International
Affairs Hypertext Information System (Mediterranean Academy of
Diplomatic Studies, Malta)(includes texts of treaties)
(international law-state practice: treaties, diplomacy, state
immunity; University of Viena - Institute of International
Law and International Relations)
- Swiss Diplomatic
Documents (Swiss Federal Archives database of documents on Swiss
foreign policy and international relations; the DoDiS database
(Diplomatische Dokumente der Schweiz/Documents Diplomatiques Suisses)
includes entries on foreign policy documents, persons, organizations,
geographical terms, international agreements, federal laws, and
decisions of the Federal Council and of the Federal Assembly; and
a comprehensive bibliography covering resources from 1945 to present)
- Historic
Documents (University of Michigan's page linking to diplomatic documents
and other historic legal and political documents for the U.S.,
Western Europe, and the Middle East; links to the Avalon Project
at Yale, Foreign
Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, treaties,
World War II documents, U.S. National Security materials related to
Afghanistan, the Berlin Crisis, the Cuban Missile Crisis, El Salvador,
Intelligence, the Iran-Contra Affair, the Iranian Revolution, Military
Uses of Space, Nicaragua, Nuclear Nonproliferation, the Philippines,
and South Africa, and other Declassified Documents)
- Institute of Air and Space
Law (McGill University)
- Antarctic Law
- ENTRI (environmental
treaties database provided by CIESIN)
- Center for International
Environmental Law (CIEL)
- Foundation for International
Environmental Law and Development (FIELD)
- European Environmental Law Home
Page (EEL; European Union environmental treaties and national legislation)
- U.S.
Foreign and Defense Policy/Immigration (Congressional Research
Service (CRS); brief reports in full text ASCII and PDF formats; see
also Congressional
Research Services WWW Accessible Reports)
- International Relations and Security
Network (ISN; Center for Security Studies and Conflict Research,
Zürich, Switzerland; includes international law links via the WWW Virtual Library:
International Security and LASE (Limited Area Search
Engine), a full-text search service on the Internet which is specialized
in international relations and security policy - it enables one to search
and directly retrieve documents from currently more than 200 relevant
sites from a single user interface)
- International
Organizations Resources on the Internet
(via Oxford Analytica)
- World Wide Web
Virtual Library for International Affairs
- The International
Affairs Network (IAN World Wide Web Virtual Library)
- The Stanley Foundation
(global governance, global education, and U.S. foreign policy;
includes full texts of their conference reports)
- Stockholm International Peace
Research Institute (SIPRI)
- Centennial
of the First International Peace Conference (UN Conference;
expert meetings to be held at The Hague 18 to 19 May 1999 and at
St. Petersburg 23 to 25 June 1999; includes links to reports and other
relevant documents)
- Academic
Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS)
- International Studies
Association (ISA)
- Columbia International Affairs
Online (CIAO; subscription database, 1991-date; CIAO is a database
of scholarly resources for international relations and international law;
it indexes and has full texts of working papers, policy briefs,
conference papers/proceedings, journals, books, and links to related
resources; there is a related, free e-mail list for distribution of
notices re CIAO - it is designed to keep CIAO subscribers,
contributors/content providers, and anyone else who's interested with
monthly updates on what's happening on CIAO, with information on new
content, new browsing features, CIAO events, and more)
- U.S.
Foreign and Defense Policy/Immigration (Congressional Research
Service; brief reports in full text ASCII and PDF formats)
- Global Policy Forum
(monitor global policy making at the United Nations: UN financial
crisis, reform, Security Council, NGOs, nations & states,
social/economic policy ; New York-based)
- CRS Reports
(Congressional Research Services reports via the U.S. Department of State's
Foreign Press Center)
- CRS Reports on Military and
National Securty (via the Federation of American Scientists (FAS))
- Foreign Policy In
Focus (full text of briefs/papers published by the Interhemispheric
Resource Center and the Institute for Policy Studies on current U.S.
foreign policy related to trade, the military, drug control, labor,
human rights, global governance, the environment, financial flows,
etc.; also at
- The Stanley Foundation
(global governance, global education, and U.S. foreign policy;
includes full texts of their conference reports)
- Chicago Council on Foreign
Relations (CCFR; includes full text of their triennial
publication, American Public Opinion and U.S. Foreign Policy)
- Foreign Policy Association (FPA;
publishers of Great Decisions, the "annual nonpartisan briefing
book on eight critical U.S. foreign policy issues")
- Council on Foreign
Relations (CFR; also at
- Foreign
Affairs Envoy (includes tables of contents of journals such as
International Security, Foreign Policy, Foreign Affairs
(includes searchable archives from 1995 to the present) and International
- Foreign Affairs (on WESTLAW as FORGNAFF (full text
beginning with January 1994; on LEXIS in the BUSFIN library, ABI file
(abstracts or selected full text), BANKNG library,
FORAFR file (from 1981 to date), and the NEWS library, ASAPII
file (selected full text beginning in 1993); full text online in
Chadwyck-Healy's (Periodical Contents Index) PCI Full Text from v.1 (1922/23) to v.69 (1990/91))
- Foreign Policy (on WESTLAW as FORGNPLY (full text
beginning with March 1994) and on LEXIS in the NEWS library,
ASAPII file (selected full text beginning in 1993))
- International Organization (on WESTLAW as INOG, full text
beginning with January 1995 (provided by Dow Jones) and on LEXIS in the
BUSFIN library, ABI file (abstracts or selected full
text); available in full text via JSTOR
(1947-1995), CatchWord
(beginning in 1997),
ProQuest Direct (beginning Autumn 1993 (but only fax of
full text available?), with abstracts
from 1989 to 1992), and Dow Jones Interactive
(beginning in 1995 - PDF files); Dow Jones and WESTLAW do not seem to
be as current as CatchWord/Swetsnet Navigator and ProQuest; also via Swetsnet Navigator
(full text from v.52, 1998 to date; table of contents only from v.51, 1997))
- International Security (on WESTLAW as INSC (full text
beginning with March 1995); not on LEXIS)
- Journal of International Affairs (full text on
Chadwyck-Healy's Periodical Contents Index's PCI Full Text database from v.1,
no.1 (1947) through v.44, no.2 (Winter 1991); also called the
Columbia Journal of International Affairs)
- PS: Political Science and Politics (American Political
Science Association journal; includes articles on international
relations and international law; online in full text beginning in 1995
via Dow Jones Interactive)
Law (University of Mannheim Library, Germany; includes extensive
links to resources worldwide; page in German)
International Law Conferences/Events
Publishers and Vendors
- United Nations
Publications (including the UN Academic Textbook
- Readex
(United Nations documents and publications on microfiche; includes
special "Law" subscription, and optional segments on Trade and
Development, Human Rights, and Disarmament)
- Bernan
(publications of international organizations)
- Eur-OP (Office for
Official Publications of the European Communities)
- T.M.C. Asser Press
(established by the T.M.C. Asser Institute; includes publications on
private international law, international commercial arbitration,
public international law, European law, international humanitarian
law, etc.; alternate URL is
- Baker &
McKenzie ("Publications" page includes full texts of briefing
papers, articles and newsletters on international arbitration,
environmental law, European Union competition/antitrust law,
immigration, corporation law, tax, employment law, etc.)
- BNA International, Inc.
(publishes newsletters in looseleaf format on international law topics)
- Cameron May (publishers
of international trade and environmental law reports, books, etc.;
includes WTO law sources; link to publications of the
World Trade Law Association (WTLA))
- International
Law Studies Series ("Blue Books" published by the Naval War College Press for
the Oceans Law and Policy Department, Center for Naval Warfare Studies)
- International Law Institute
(ILI; international extradition, criminal law, NAFTA, claims, judicial
assistance, etc.)
- Intersentia (Antwerp,
Belgium publisher of the "Human Rights Series" of the School of Human
Rights Research, the Netherlands, and the "Ius
Commune Europaeum Series" of METRO, the Institute for
Transnational Legal Research at the Maastricht University)
- Europa Union Verlag
(Bonn, Germany)
- Juris Publishing
- Kluwer Law International (see KLI
also at or
- Oceana Publications (includes
an index to U.S. treaties by subject and TIAS number
under "Documents
on Demand" and Oceana's
Law Library Newsletter (under "Free Information"))
- Martinus Nijhoff International (via Brill)
- Transnational Publishers,
Inc. (as of 31 March 1998, at Ardsley
Park Science & Technology Center, 410 Saw Mill River Road, Ardsley, NY
10502; phone: 1-800-914-8186; was in Irvington-on-Hudson, New York)
- Éditions du Conseil de
l'Europe (Council of Europe Publishing)
- Manhattan
Publishing (U.S. vendors of Council of Europe publications)
- BNA International (international
tax, intellectual property, securities, environment, trade, electronic
commerce and law, etc.)
- Butterworths
- Cambridge University Press
(UK page; see also CUP's North American page;
international law and international relations)
- Carswell
- Addison-Wesley Longman (now
Pearson Education?;
publisher of the European Law Series)
- Sweet & Maxwell
- Oxford University Press
(includes International Law & Human Rights Catalogue and
European Law Catalogue and general Law Books; see
also OUP's United States page)
- Wiley (Wiley Series on European Law)
- Global Law Association
- Wolters Kluwer (legal
and tax publishing worldwide)
- International Bureau of Fiscal
Documentation (IBFD; international tax publications)
- International
Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
- Hart Publishing (includes
international law-related publications)
- Simmonds & Hill Publishing
Ltd. (includes publications on international law, trade, and
- Center for International Legal
Studies (CILS; CD-ROM/Online Law Books for
lawyers via Yorkhill Law Publishing)
- Cambridge University Press
(CUP; international relations)
- Cornell University
Press (international relations and security affairs and political economy)
- MIT Press (international
relations; international environmental policy)
- Princeton University
Press (international relations)
- Brookings Institution
Press (international relations)
- Transaction
Publishers (international relations)
- Lynne Rienner Publishers
(international relations)
- Routledge (Routledge/RIPE
series in global political economy; advances in international
relations and politics)
- St. Martin's
Press (international relations books via Palgrave)
- Studies in
International Politicy Economy (University of California Press,
Berkeley series)
- International Relations in a
Constructed World (M.E. Sharpe series on constructivism)
- De Kloof (Antiquarian
Booksellers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; includes links to lists of
Law Book Dealers, Old-Dutch Law Books, Modern Law Books (Dutch), Roman Law
Books, International Law Books (Catalogue 74, 871, old & rare, scholarly,
out-of-print, & second hand books), Dutch Criminal Law Books, Hugo Grotius,
Book Markets in the Netherlands; was at
- Legal
Publishers (AcqWeb; includes non-U.S.)
- Legal
Publishers (FindLaw; includes non-U.S.)
- Legal
Publishers Family Tree (who owns who, with links to publishers of
foreign and international legal materials)
- Foreign Law Book
- University
Presses (via AcqWeb; see also AAUP page)
- Other
- AcqWeb
(general directory of publishers and vendors)
- Publishers'
Catalogues Home Page (Northern Lights)
Library Catalogs
Online Bookstores
Articles, Journals, and Periodical
Abbreviations (Templeman Library, Kent Law School; Sarah Carter)
Abbreviations (Sweet & Maxwell)
Legal Abbreviations (Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS))
Reports and Abbreviations Database (UNSW Law Library)
International Law and Relations Journals are online in full text in the
following databases: LEXIS, WESTLAW, Hein-on-Line, Cambridge Journals
Online, Kluwer
Online, Oxford Online
Journals, JSTOR (includes history and
political journals), CatchWord, Ingenta, ProQuest, Dow Jones Interactive,
EBSCOhost's Academic Search Elite)
Columbia International Affairs
Online (full text of conference papers, working papers, etc.)
Foreign Affairs
Envoy: An Index to the International Affairs Literature
Contents and abstracts of the leading journals, including current and
past issues of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, International
Organization, International Security, The National Interest, World
Policy Journal and World Politics; lists of new and recent books on
International Affairs; search of the leading journals by subject;
link to reference documents as compiled in the Foreign Policy
Bulletin; special research guides/"folders" on the Economic Crisis
in Asia, NATO Enlargement, Landmine Ban, and Hong Kong 1997; links
to upcoming conferences related to International Affairs.
Palace Library (Bibliotheek Vredespaleis; indexes articles from
the Peace Palace Library's strong collection of international law
European Journal of International
Law (EJIL; full text of all the volumes via the Academy of
European Law Online)
Law Journals (links via the University of Chicago Law School page,
including the newly launched Chicago Journal of
International Law (CJIL; first issue published April 2000))
Gary Hufbauer, Does
International Law Matter to Congress?: Economic Sanctions
(92nd Annual Meeting, American Society of International Law, Washington D.C., April 4, 1998)
Journal of International Law (available in full text online from
v.1, 1907 to v.88, 1994 via the JSTOR subscription service; tables of
contents of recent issues available from the American Society of
International Law)
Organization (scholarly journal of international affairs published
by MIT Press available in full text online from volumes 1-47,
1947-1993 via the JSTOR
subscription service)
Recueil des Cours
("Collected Courses" of the Hague Academy of International Law - tables
of contents of v.1 (1923) to v.269 (1997) and thereafter)
United Nations Law
Reports ("Unofficial Reports Concerning Legal Matters in the
United Nations"; tables of contents of issues; subscription newsletter)
Law Update (Washington, D.C. : Transnational Law Associates,
Vol. 1 (Oct. 1995)- ; ISSN: 1089-5450; "a monthly report on public
and private international legal developments - reports on "treaties,
cases, statutes and regulations of special interest to U.S.
lawyers and clients; web site includes sample issues, the cumulative
table of contents for 1997, and information on upcoming international
conferences and related events; subscription newsletter; also online
on WESTLAW as the INTLLUP database and on LEXIS in the INTLAW Library
and ILAWUP file, from October 1995 to the present)
Rights Brief ("A Legal Resource for the International Human
Rights Community"; full text of this newsletter available online
beginning with v.1, #1, Spring 1994)
Nuclear Law
Bulletin (full text of OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) bulletin
from 1968, no.1 through 1997, no.60 in PDF format, include Supplements
with English translations of nuclear legislation worldwide and
cumulative index)
The New York Review of
Books (includes the full texts of articles from 1995 to the
present and selected articles from before 1995 related to human
rights, war crimes, etc.)
International Law E-Journals and Newsletters (see also ASCII
Text File, section 16, "Selected Electronic Newsletters and Journals")
Electronic Law
Journals and Law Reports (Institute for Advanced Legal Studies
(IALS) "Internet Resources for Law"; includes links to full texts,
abstracts, and tables of contents of journals)
SRDI (Sommaires des Revues de
Droit International = Summaries of Contents of International Law
Journals by Christophe Nouzha)
Jean Monnet Table of Contents Service (covers about 101
journals published in nine languages and 14 countries; started in
Spring 1999 as a current awareness service mainly covering European
Integration journals in the areas of law and human rights; as of
February 2000, has extended coverage to economics, history and
political sciences journals and called
European Integration Current Contents; contents of journals
newly arrived at the Harvard Law School and
European University Institute (EUI) libraries?;
a service of The Academy of European Law at the EUI in
Florence, the EU Center at Harvard and the Harvard Jean Monnet Chair;
updated every two weeks; useful as a index to European law journals)
Pages from Law Reviews (Tarlton Law Library, University of Texas
at Austin Law School; "this service provides an online version of the
contents pages from more than 750 law reviews and other scholarly
journals related to the law published in the United States and abroad;
the files are updated daily and are very current-- the contents pages
from a journal issue will appear in this listing the day following its
receipt by the Tarlton Law Library; only journal issues received
during the past three months are listed; the contents of less recent issues
are available through the commercial indexing services")
PCI Full Text
(Chadwyck-Healey Periodical Contents Index searchable tables of
contents including over 114 law journals from 1770 to 1995 with full
text for a few such as Foreign Affairs and Journal of International Affairs)
Times' Global Archives (; search of articles from 3,000
periodicals worldwide)
(customized e-mail service of Current Index to Legal
Periodicals (CILP); can include journals covering foreign and
international law topics)
Law Journals (FindLaw)
Scholarship on the WWW (annotated subject index to
legal essays on the Web provided by the Faculty of Law,
Cambridge University; this list of "Legal Journals Indexed by Subject"
(44 subjects) includes a paragraph abstracting/summarizing each
journal article with links to full texts; topics include Comparative Law,
European Union Law, Human Rights, Immigration, Indigenous Peoples,
International Law, Maritime and International Trade Law, Roman Law)
Tables of Contents of Kluwer Journals (covers from about 1995
to date; includes Kluwer Online
law journals)
Journals on the World-Wide-Web (Faculty of Law, Cambridge
Journals on the Web (York University Law Library)
Legal Journals (York University Law Library e-journal links)
Journals Online (University of Toronto list of journals on LEXIS,
WESTLAW, QUICKLAW, the Internet)
Law Journals (including
international; see also Hieros Gamos and WashLaw pages)
On-Line Directory of Law Reviews and Scholarly Legal
Periodicals (compiled by Michael H. Hoffheimer, Professor of
Law, University of Mississippi; Anderson Publishing; includes
and Comparative Law Reviews and Human
Rights Law Reviews; see also Professor Rick Bales' Law Review
Electronic Submission Listing for general law reviews e-mail
addresses; there's a 2002 print edition of Anderson's Directory of
Law Reviews)
ASILEX (Publications
Database of the American Society of International Law; searchable
bibliography/index of ASIL periodical publications such as the
American Journal of International Law and International
Legal Materials - 1990-2001 and Books and Occasional Papers - 1964-2001)
International Law: A Current Bibliography of Books and Articles
(Max-Planck Institute, Heidelberg; journal)
List (Library of the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG)'s list
of books and articles by subject archived from 14 October 1997 to
date; serves as a current index to journal articles on international
law; see also Monthly
Bibliography from January 1998 to date)
European Commission Library
Catalogue (indexes journal articles related to European law and
international law - limit "Document type" to "Article" in your search)
(Rechtsprechung und Aufsätze zum Völker- und Europarecht = Decisions
and Journal Articles on Public International Law and European Law;
systematic/classified and alphabetical subject, and keyword searchable
index to articles in selected law journals, with links to related web sites;
was at
to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP; access to this RLG EUREKA subscription
database is limited to University of Chicago faculty, students, and
staff; the IFLP indexes articles as well as book reviews from more
than 450 legal periodicals, including journals, essay collections,
festschrifts, and congress reports from 1985 to the present; it covers
international law (public and private), comparative law, and municipal law
of countries other than the United States, British Isles, and
British Commonwealth; up-to-date
list of periodicals indexed by IFLP available via the University
of California Berkeley Boalt Hall Law Library web page)
LegalTrac (an
InfoTrac database indexing Anglo-American law reviews, including those
covering foreign, comparative, and international law; also called
Legal Resource Index (LRI on WESTLAW and in the LEXIS LAWREV library,
IGLIND file)
Legal Journals Index (LJI on WESTLAW; index to British journals,
including those covering European law and foreign, comparative, and
international law)
Social Sciences Citation
Index (an ISI Web of Science/Web of Knowledge database that covers
Law and Political Science journals including articles on international law and
international relations from 1956 to date)
Science and Government Abstracts (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts
(CSA) service indexing
worldwide political science journals beginning in 1975; also
indexes web resources)
International (access to this OCLC
FirstSearch subscription database limited to
University of Chicago; PAIS International corresponds to the print
publications PAIS Bulletin, PAIS Foreign Language Index,
and PAIS International in Print, and also includes the
Periodicals/Publishers Directory; database consists of records representing
articles, books, conference proceedings, government documents, book
chapters, and statistical directories in the area of public affairs;
topics covered include business, government, international relations,
banking, environment, health, social sciences, demographics,
law and legislation, political science, public administration,
finance, agriculture, education, statistics, and more; abstracts are
included for most records since 1985; coverage starts from 1972-date)
UnCover/Ingenta (index to
about 17,000 journals, including law-related ones; Ingenta provides
full text for some journals)
Journal Tables of Contents (Tarlton Law Library, University of
Texas at Austin)
(European Union publication indexing documents and journal articles
worldwide, including law journals - see SCAD DATABASE at bottom of page)
Index to
Israeli Legal Periodicals (references to legal articles from 1976
to the present, in Hebrew and English; including articles on Human
Rights, International Law, etc.; can also access via telnet from the
Library, Bar Ilan University, from the ALEPH computerized catalog)
Women's Issues (health and human rights related articles and books
- full text)
International Bibliography of Periodical Literature
(IBZ-Online; Internationale Bibliographie der Zeitschriftenliteratur -
indexes journal articles from over 11,000 English and European periodicals,
books, and dissertations; coverage begins with 1984)
Major Listservs and Usenet Newsgroups (Electronic Discussion Groups) (American Society of
International Law list for members of the Interest Group on
Teaching International Law; formerly Innovations in
International Legal Education, then Innovations in Teaching
International Law until March 1999; was ASIL-INNOVATIONS on until February 2000; related page at (American Society of International
Law list restricted to members of the Interest Group on International
Environmental Law; to subscribe, send e-mail to
with only the following text in the body of the message:
subscribe asiliel Your Name (American Society of International
Law, International Economic Law Interest Group; to subscribe, send
e-mail to
with only the following text in the body of the message:
subscribe asilielg (Legal Aspects of Asylum and Refugee
Law; to subscribe, send a blank e-mail message to (All EUROpean Legal Information
EXchange; European Union and law of individual countries of Europe; to
subscribe, send e-mail to
with only the following text in the body of the message:
subscribe euro-lex Your Name (Foreign, Comparative, and
International Legal Resources; was on until 30
April 1998; to subscribe, send e-mail to
with only the following text in the body of the message:
n subscribe int-law (Foreign, Comparative, and
International Legal Resources; started on 30 April 1998; subscribers
receive 1 message a day containing a batch of all the messages posted
that day with all the subject headers/topics for the messages included
at the beginning of the digest; to subscribe, send e-mail to
with only the following text in the body of the message:
subscribe int-law-digest (International Justice
Watch List; includes news and discussions of the international war
crimes tribunals for former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, the International
Criminal Court, the crisis in Kosovo, and related topics -
international criminal law, international humanitarian law, human
rights; subscription upon approval of listowners; intended for serious
discussions; to subscribe, send e-mail to
with only the following text in the body of the message:
subscribe justwatch-l Your Name (Tribunal Watch; International War
Crimes Tribunals - Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda; see also the
JUSTWATCH-L list above; was on; to subscribe, send
e-mail to
with only the following text in the body of the message:
subscribe twatch-l Your Name
Discussion Group Archives (& "Lyo's Law Lists")
- Law
Journal EXTRA! (archives for EURO-LEX, FORINTLAW, INT-LAW forums)
- Law Journal EXTRA!
(archives the FORINTLAW & NET-LAWYERS lists)
- Law Journal EXTRA!
- Library lists (archives the INT-LAW list)
- Cornell
(archives the INT-LAW and EURO-LEX lists; see also for INT-LAW, the
archives at
- State
University of New York at Buffalo (TWATCH-L list archives)
- Mailbase (UK) (archives
- Washburn
- LegalMinds (about 700 lists by
legal topic and categories, and searchable message archives; also
includes archives of non-law lists via FindMail, and a
free service provided by FindLaw
to start your own electronic discussion group/mailing list at; see also the ONElist, ListBot, and Topica services for creating your own list)
- Regent
University (lists by legal topic and tips for using lists)
(web-based subscription to selected law-related lists via listTool)
- Chicago-Kent's
Legal Domain Network (archives various law-related lists)
- Deja (archives of electronic
discussions on Usenet newsgroups worldwide; formerly called DejaNews
- List
of Electronic Mailing Lists, Newsgroups, Newsletters, and Journals
Related to International Law (Lyonette Louis-Jacques)
- "Lyo's
Law Lists" (to find other relevant listservs and newsgroups related
to international law, and also check Guy Alvarez' Mailing Lists and
Newsgroups: the Real Treasures of the Internet and Jim Milles' "Discussion Lists:
Mail List Manager Commands" for general information about using
listservs; and for finding non-law lists, one good place to search is Liszt)
International Legal News Sources
International Law in
Brief (weekly electronic newsletter covering developments in
international law, including summaries of judicial and other decisions
(with hypertext links to full texts), prepared by the Attorney-Editors
of International Legal Materials, a publication of the American
Society of International Law)
Law Update (Washington, D.C. : Transnational Law Associates,
Vol. 1 (Oct. 1995)- ; ISSN: 1089-5450; "a monthly report on public
and private international legal developments - reports on "treaties,
cases, statutes and regulations of special interest to U.S.
lawyers and clients; web site includes sample issues, the cumulative
table of contents for 1997, and information on upcoming international
conferences and related events; subscription newsletter; also online
on WESTLAW as the INTLLUP database and on LEXIS in the INTLAW Library
and ILAWUP file, from October 1995 to the present)
Case Updates: International Law (twice-monthly summaries of
important legal cases related to international law in the United
Transnational Law Exchange (newsletter on international
legal developments; web site includes tables of contents and selected
full texts)
United Nations Law
Reports ("Unofficial Reports Concerning Legal
Matters in the United Nations"; newsletter; web site has tables of
contents of back issues from June 1, 1998 to date)
UN Daily Highlights
("A World of News from the World Organization"; brief press news summaries)
Wire ("An Independent News Briefing About the United Nations",
provided by the United Nations Foundation)
World Justice Information
Network (WJIN; includes international criminal justice-related news)
World News Connection
(subscription service intended to be the electronic version of the
U.S. Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Daily Reports)
World News
World Legal News
(JURIST Law Professors' Network)
File (provides United States Government official texts, policy
statements and interpretive material, features, and byline articles
prepared daily by the United States Information Agency (USIA);
includes foreign and international news on international security,
economic issues, democracy and human rights, etc.)
in the News: Current Events Research (University of Michigan Documents Center)
International Law E-Journals and E-Newsletters
- United Nations System
of Organizations
- Directory of International
Organizations (Union of International Associations' links to over
5,000 web sites of IGOs and NGOs)
- International
Governmental Organizations (IGOs; links page of the American
Library Association's Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) at
Northwestern University)
directory of peace, human rights, and international law research
institutes, or DARE)
- Martindale-Hubbell
International Law Directory
- West's Legal Directory
- Kime's International
Law Directory
- Other
- The
Diplomatic List (U.S. Department of State publication includes Foreign
Embassies (websites and e-mail addresses); see also the
Embassy Web with alternate URLs
at and, Foreign
Embassies (University of Michigan Library), and Embassy World)
- CIA World
Factbook (Central Intelligence Agency)
- Chicago Consular
Corps (page provided by the Library of International Relations,
Information Center, Chicago-Kent College of Law Library; includes links to
World Factbook information, embassies, and permanent missions
to the UN)
Research Centers, Institutes, Schools (including Working
- Max-Planck-Institute for
Comparative Public Law and International Law (Heidelberg, Germany)
- Max-Planck-Institute for Foreign
and International Private Law (Hamburg)
- Max Planck Institute for
Foreign and International Criminal Law (Freiburg)
- Max Planck Institute
of European Legal History (Frankfurt/Main)
- Max Planck Institute for
Foreign and International Patent, Copyright, and Competition Law
(München; international intellectual property law)
- Max Planck
Institute for Foreign and International Social Law (München)
- Max Planck Institute for
the Study of Societies (Köln; basic research in the social
sciences; "governance of advanced industrial societies in the face of
internationalization and economic globalization"; corporations;
political economy; Europe).
- Walther-Schücking-Institut
für Internationales Recht (Kiel)
- Lauterpacht
Research Centre for International Law (LRCIL; Cambridge
- Hellenic Institute of
International and Foreign Law (HIIFL; Greece)
- The Fletcher
School of Law and Diplomacy (Tufts University; publishes the Fletcher Forum of World
Affairs; also
- Swiss Institute of Comparative
Law (Institut Suisse de Droit Comparé (ISDC))
- Program on
International Politics, Economics, and Security (PIPES, University
of Chicago; also Program on Interdependent Political Economy (PIPE) of
the Department of Political Science and Program on International
Security Policy (PISP))
- London School of Economics and
Political Science (LSE; departments of Law and International Relations)
- Institut für
Europa- und Wirtschaftsvölkerrecht (Institute of European and
International Economic Law (IEW), Berne, Switzerland; shares premises with
the World Trade Institute (WTI):
"linking international law and economics" via, inter alia, the World Trade Forum)
- Institut für
Wirtschaftsrecht der Freien Universität Berlin
- Institut für
Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht der Universität Münster
- Institute of International Economic Law (KATTI, University of
Helsinki Faculty
of Law)
- JURIST Europe (EU
law teaching)
- Academy of European
Law Trier (ERA; Europ#228ische Rechtsakademie Trier; Académie
de Droit Européen de Trèves)
- European University Institute
(EUI) (includes Working Papers in
Law, History, Economics,
Political and Social Sciences, of the Robert Schuman Centre, Jean
Monnet Chair, etc.)
- Academy of European
Law (European University Institute)
- Jean
Monnet Chair Working Paper Series (Harvard University Law School;
includes papers on European integration, including Law, Economics,
Political Science, and History; see also World
Wide European Integration Events Calendar)
- European Research
Papers Archive (the ERPA network includes the Harvard Jean Monnet
papers, the online publications on European research of the European
University Institute in Florence (Academy of European Law and
Robert Schuman Centre), the working papers and discussion papers of
the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne, the
European Integration online Papers (EIoP), and the Working papers of
ARENA (Advanced Research on the Europeanisation of the Nation-State),
- European Institute of Public
Administration (includes full texts of working papers, lists of
publications on the WTO, EU, Schengen, etc.)
- Council of
European Studies
- Graduate Institute of
International Studies = Institut Universitaire des Hautes Études
Internationales (Geneva, Switzerland)
- The Fletcher School of Law
and Diplomacy (Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts)
Research Guides
- Research
Guide to International Law on the Internet (Massimo Magagni,
Universita di Bologna)
- Special Topics:
International Law (United Nations Documentation: Research Guide,
Dag Hammarskjöld Library)
- The United
Nations System Pathfinder (UN Dag Hammarskjöld Library; "a tool
to [find] major publications printed and electronic of the organizations
of the United Nations system [such as] global studies and reports,
handbooks, guides, bibliographies, statistical publications,
treaty compilations and selected annual reports; [includes] links to
Internet versions of listed publications")
- Using
League of Nations Documents and Publications (Mike
McCaffrey-Noviss, abbreviated version of the chapter on the League of
Nations in International Information (Peter Hajnal ed., 2d ed.,
Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1997))
- It's NOT
Mission Impossible: Researching and Preparing a Persuasive
Written and Oral Argument for International Law Moot Court
Students (April 6, 2001 presentation by Jean Davis and Diane
Edelman to the International Law Students Association (ILSA))
- Introduction to
International Law Research (Jean Davis and Victoria
Szymczak, Brooklyn Law School, February 2000)
- Conducting Research
in Public International Law: An Introduction to the Information
Resources (George Middeldorp, Universiteit Utrecht,
Jurisdische Bibliotheek, The Netherlands; see also "Topical
Issues" near the bottom of the Public International Law page for
links related to hot issues in the news: Iraq, Pinochet,
Kosovo, Lockerbie, International Criminal Court,
Eritrea-Yemen Arbitration)
- Research Guide to
International Resources (William R. Slomanson; online text of
Appendix to Fundamental Perspectives on International Law (3d
ed., West Group/Wadsworth, 2000); includes extensive links to International Web
- Droit
international public (Denis Le May, Bibliothèque de
l'Université de Laval; public international law - page in French)
- Overview:
International Law (collection of links arranged by the subject
classification system/outline used in the Public International
Law bibliography published by the Max Planck Institute for
Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg, Germany)
- Researching
International Law (Nicholas Pengelley, Monash University Law Library)
- International Law
Dictionary and Directory (Ray August, Washington State University)
- Definitions of Treaty Terms:
- Treaty
Reference Guide (definition of key terms used in the UN Treaty
Collection; was at
- Glossary of
Terms Relating to Treaty Actions (was at
- Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (ASCII
Text and HTML
- "The Names and Scope of Treaties", 51 American Journal of
International Law 574 (1957).
- Paul Reuter, Introduction to the Law of Treaties (Mico &
Haggenmacher trans., London & NY: Pinter Publishers, 1989).
- Definitions of Latin Terms Used in International Law:
- James R. Fox, Dictionary of International and Comparative
Law (2d ed., Dobbs Ferry, NY: Oceana Publications, 1997).
JX1226.F69 1997 LawRef.
- Clive Parry & John P. Grant, Parry and Grant Encyclopaedic
Dictionary of International Law (New York: Oceana Publications,
1986). JX1226.P330 1986 LawRef.
- Georg Schwarzenberger, A Manual of International Law (5th ed.,
New York: Praeger; London: Stevens, 1967)(25-page glossary includes
Latin terms). JX3275.S4M3 1967 Law.
- Manual of Public International Law (Max Sorensen ed., New York:
St. Martin's Press; London: Macmillan, 1968)(includes 3-page list of
Latin terms). JX3091.S68 Law.
- Background Sources on International Law:
- Akehurst's Modern Introduction to International Law (Peter
Malanczuk, 7th rev. ed., London;New York: Routledge, c1997)(previous
editions by Michael Barton Akehurst)(ISBN 041511120X). 449p.
XXKZ1242.M35 1997 Law. 8th rev. ed., on order, due March 2004. ISBN: 0415243556.
- Anthony Aust, Modern Treaty Law and Practice (Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000)(ISBN: 0521591538). 443p. XXKZ1301.A93 2000 LawRes.
- David J. Bederman, International Law Frameworks (New York, New York: Foundation Press, 2001)(Concepts and Insights Series)(ISBN: 1587780259).
284p. XXKZ3110.B434 2001 LawRes.
- James Leslie Brierly, The Law of Nations: An Introduction to
the International Law of Peace (Humphrey Waldock ed., 6th ed.,
Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1963). JX3225.B6L4 1963 Law.
- Ian Brownlie, Principles of Public International Law (5th
ed., Oxford: Clarendon Press ; New York : Oxford University Press,
1998). XXKZ3225.B76 A37 1998 LawRes. 6th ed., on order, due November 2003. 816p. ISBN: 0199260710.
- Thomas Buergenthal & Harold G. Maier, Public International Law
in a Nutshell (3d ed., St. Paul, Minn. : West Group, 2002)(Nutshell
Series)("International legal research": pp. 344-368).
XXKZ3092.B844 2002 LawRes.
- Antonio Cassese, International Law (Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2001). XXKZ3395.C25A35 2001 LawRes. Includes a companion website. 2d ed. forthcoming August 2004.
- Lung-Chu Chen, An Introduction to Contemporary International Law: A Policy-Oriented Perspective (2d ed., New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 2000)(ISBN: 0300084544). 493p. XXKZ3110.C48 2000 LawRes.
- The Classics of International Law (James Brown Scott ed.,
Washington: Carnegie Institution, 1911- )(1995 reprint, 22 titles in
40 volumes available from William S. Hein & Co.,
Inc.). JX2087.D4 c.2 Law.
- Digest of United States Practice in International Law
([Washington], Dept. of State. Office of the Legal Advisor, 1974-1980)
(Department of State publication 8756)(continued by Cumulative
Digest of United States Practice in International Law). JX237.D57
c.2 Law.
- Martin Dixon, Textbook on International Law (4th ed., London : Blackstone, 2000)(ISBN: 1854318942). 356p. XXKZ3225.D59T49 2000 Law.
- "International
Law", Encyclopaedia Britannica Online.
- Encyclopedia of Public International Law (published under
the auspices of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and
International Law ; under the direction of Rudolf Bernhardt;
[Consolidated library ed.]; Amsterdam ; New York : North-Holland, Elsevier, 1992- )(Reprints, with
addenda and some new articles, articles published in the 12 volume set
of the same name issued 1981- ; v. 1. A-D -- v. 2. E-I -- v. 3. J-P --
v.4. Q-Z -- v.5. Index). XXKZ1160.E53 1992 LawRes.
- Louis Henkin, Foreign Affairs and the United States Constitution (2d ed., Oxford, England : Clarendon Press : New York : Oxford University Press, 1996)(ISBN: 0198260989). 582p. XXKF4651.H450 1996 LawRes.
- Mark W. Janis, An Introduction to International Law (4th ed.,
New York : Aspen Publishers, c2003). XXKZ3140.J36A35 2003 LawRes.
- Lassa Oppenheim, Oppenheim's International Law (Sir Robert Jennings
& Sir Arthur Watts eds., 9th ed., London : Longmans, 1992- )(v. 1 (in
2). Peace). XXKZ3264.A3I68 1992 LawRes.
- Restatement of the Law, Third, The Foreign Relations Law of the United States (rev. and enl., St. Paul, Minn. : American Law Institute Publishers, 1987- ). 2v. XXKF4651.R470 1987 Law, LawRes. Updated with pocket part supplements (most recent is 2003). 3d ed.
- Shabtai Rosenne, Practice and Methods of International Law
(Dobbs Ferry, NY: Oceana, 1984). XXKZ3405.R66A37 1984 LawRes.
- Oscar Schachter, International Law in Theory and Practice (Dordrecht ; Boston : M. Nijhoff Publishers, c1991)(Developments in international law v. 13)(ISBN: 0792310241). 431p. JX3091.S2640 1991 Law.
- Malcolm N. Shaw, International Law (4th ed., New York; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997)("A Grotius Publication")(ISBN: 0521593840). 939p. XXKZ3295.S43I68 1997 LawRes. 5th ed., 2003, on order. ISBN: 0521824737. 1432p.
- Ivan Anthony Shearer, Starke's International Law (11th ed., London
: Butterworths, 1994)(ISBN 0406016232)(continues Joseph Gabriel
Starke's Introduction to International Law). 629p.
JX3295.S8I52 1994 Law. 12th ed., 2003, forthcoming. ISBN: 0406988250.
- William R. Slomanson, Fundamental Perspectives on International Law (3d ed., Belmont, CA: West; Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2000)(ISBN: 0534529844). XXKZ3180.S59 F86 2000 LawRes. 4th ed., 2003, on order, via Thomson/West. 694p. ISBN: 0534573878.
- Rebecca M.M. Wallace, International Law (4th ed., London: Thomson/Sweet & Maxwell, 2002)(ISBN: 0421768800). 339p. XXKZ3295.W35 I58 2002 LawRes.
- Jeremy Bentham, "The
Principles of International Law" (four essays scanned from Volume
2 of the 1843 Bowring Edition of Bentham's works (pp. 535-560), from
the University of Texas)
- International Law Casebooks
- Ray August, Public International Law: Text, Cases, and
Readings (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995).
- Curtis A. Bradley & Jack L. Goldsmith, Foreign Relations Law: Cases and Materials (New York : Aspen Publishers, 2003)(ISBN: 0735528403). 704p. XXKF4651.A4B73 2002 LawRes.
- Barry E. Carter & Phillip R. Trimble, International Law (4th ed., New York : Aspen Publishers, c2003)(Includes supplement entitled: International Law : Selected Documents). 1159p. ISBN: 0735527067. XXKZ1242.5.C37 2003 LawRes.
- Lori F Damrosch, International Law: Cases and Materials
(4th ed., St. Paul, MN: West Group, 2001)(Damrosch, Henkin, Pugh,
Schachter & Smit's International Law).
- Martin Dixon & Robert McCorquodale, Cases and Materials on International Law (4th ed., Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press/Blackstone Press, 2003). XXKZ1242.5.M33 2003 LawRes.
- Jeffrey Dunoff, Steven Ratner, & David Wippman, International Law:
Understanding Process Through Problems (Aspen, forthcoming 1 August
2002)(Casebook Series). With Teacher's Manual.
- Valerie Epps, International Law (2d ed., Carolina Academic
Press, 2001)(and Documentary Supplement 2001). First edition was
intended for undergraduates.
- Mark W. Janis & John E. Noyes, Cases and Commentary on International Law (2d ed., St. Paul, Minn. : West Group, 2001)(American Casebook Series). XXKZ1242.J365 2001 Law, LawRes.
- Robert McCorquodale & Martin Dixon, Cases and Materials on International Law (4th ed., Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2003). 628p. ISBN: 0199259992. XXKZ1242.5.M33 2003 LawRes.
- Daniel G Partan, The International Process: Cases and
Materials (Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 2d ed. forthcoming 2002)
- Guide to Electronic
Resources for International Law (American Society of
International Law; Chapters: An Introduction to
the ASIL Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law (ERG) and
Researching International Law on the Internet (Marci Hoffman and
Jill Watson), Human Rights (Marci
Hoffman), Treaties (Jill Watson), United Nations (Paul
Zarins), Lists, Newsgroups, and Other Electronic Networks
(Lyonette Louis-Jacques), International Environmental Law (Anne
Burnett), International Criminal Law (Gail Partin), Private
International Law (David A. Levy), International Economic
Law (Jean M. Wenger), International Commercial Arbitration
(Charlotte Bynum))
- Presentations from Oceana's "The Future of International Legal
Resources...It's the Web" (Special Library Association (SLA)
International Law Roundtable, June 1999):
- Brief Guide to Public
International Law Research (Queens University)
- International
Law: The Online Casebook (Professor Gaubatz, PS 142K: Introduction to
International Law, Stanford)
- International
Law: A Canadian Dimension (Queens University - full text
- JURIST: The Law
Professors' Network (International and Comparative Law course and
home pages)
- Electronic
Media in International Legal Research (Mary Whisner, for
Oceana Publications, Inc. program)
- Foreign and
International Law Resources on the Internet: Annotated (Jean
Wenger, Cornell University Law Library)
- Introduction to
International Legal Research (Marci Hoffman, Georgetown
University Law Center)
- Researching
Foreign and Comparative Law (Marci Hoffman, Georgetown
University Law Center)
- Guide to
International and Foreign Legal Databases (Mirela Roznovschi,
New York University Law Library)
- LLRX Resource
Center - Foreign & International Law (Law Library Resource Xchange
- Evaluating Foreign
and International Legal Databases on the Internet (Mirela
Roznovschi, New York University Law Library)
- Sources
of International and Foreign Law in English (Jane Williams,
University of Illinois College of Law Library)
- Researching
U.S. Treaties (Marci Hoffman, LLRX, May 15, 2001)
- Researching
Non-U.S. Treaties (Stefanie Weigmann, LLRX, May 15, 2001)
- International
Treaty Research (Radu Popa, New York University Law Library)
- Guide to
International Treaties (Los Angeles County Law Library)
- Search
Strategies: Researching Treaties and Other International
Agreements (Ceceile Kay Richter, Law Library Resource Xchange)
- Finding
U.S. Treaties (Cardozo Law Library Research Guide)
- Fundamentals of
Treaty Research: Electronic Resources (Lyonette
- Marylin J. Raisch & Gail Partin, Update to
International Criminal Law: A Selective Resource Guide
(, October 15, 2001)
Crimes: Resources and Research Steps (Sandra J. Lamar, New
England School of Law Library, April 1999; see also War Crimes Resources
on the Internet)
- Gunnar Theissen, International
Internet Bibliography on Transitional Justice (includes link
to the Transitional
Justice Project of the University of the Western Cape, Faculty of
Law, South Africa, and Humboldt University of Berlin)
- Boalt Express:
Document Delivery and Research Service (University of California,
Berkeley; strong international law collections)
- Spicers Centre for Europe
(European Union Authorised Document Delivery Service)
- Researching
International Economic Law (Timothy F. Mulligan, June 28,
2000, O'Quinn Law Library, University of Houston Law Center)
- International Economic
Law (Jean M. Wenger, ASIL Guide to ELectronic Resources for
International Law, October 6, 2000; covers International Trade Law,
International Financial Law, Regional Economic Integration, Private
International Law, International Business Regulation, and Intellectual
Property Law)
- Researching
Intellectual Property Law in an International Context (Law Library
Resource Xchange (LLRX) feature article, March 1, 2000; by
Stefanie Weigmann, Boston University School of Law, Boston University
School of Law; includes "primary and secondary hard copy materials, as
well as a wealth of Web links encompassing more than 65 countries,
sponsored by state and private organizations"; see also November 1, 2000 update)
- Intellectual
Property Research Guide (by Nicholas Pengelley, Centre for
Innovation Law and Policy Librarian, Bora Laskin Law Library,
University of Toronto; focus on Canadian law, but with information
on international intellectual property law resources)
- Jean M. Wenger, International
Commercial Arbitration: Locating the Resources (June 1, 2000;
via Law Library Resource Xchange (LLRX))
- Eye
on International Business Law (Guido Zoellner, Institut für
Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht = Institute for International Business
Law, Universität Münster)
- Guide to International
Trade Sources on the Internet (Marci Hoffman, Law Library
Resource Xchange, December 1, 1998; see January 3, 2000 update)
- Trade Winds Across the Plains: International Trade Resources in the
Information Age (Jean M. Wenger, LibraryFest MidWest, October 8,
1998, Milwaukee, Wisconsin). Was at
- International
Trade Resources (Jon Haveman, Krannert School of Management,
Purdue University; see also Researching
Companies on the Internet)
- "International
Law", Encyclopaedia Britannica Online
- "International
Trade", in Encyclopedia of Law and Economics (Alan
O. Sykes; general background paper and survey of the law and economics
literature on international trade topics)
- Researching
International Intellectual Property Law: Internet Resources
(Lyonette Louis-Jacques)
- Background Sources on Human Rights:
- Thomas Buergenthal, International Human Rights in a
Nutshell (2d ed., St. Paul, Minn. : West Pub. Co., 1995)(Nutshell
series)(ISBN: 0314065326). 385p. XXK3240.4.B840 1995 LawRes.
- Guide to
International Human Rights Practice (Hurst Hannum
ed., 3d ed., Ardsley,NY: Transnational Publishers, Inc., 1999)("The
Procedural Aspects of International Law Institute)(ISBN:
1-57105-56-6). 348p. XX3240.4.G942 1999 LawRes.
2d ed. at XXK3240.4.G940 1992 Law.
- Louis Henkin, Gerald L. Neuman, Diane F. Orentlicher, & David
W. Leebron, Human Rights (New York, NY: Foundation Press,
Inc., 1999 & Supplement 2003)(University Casebook Series). XXK3240.3.H465 1999 Law, LawRes.
- Louis Henkin & Oscar Schachter, Protecting the
World's Exiles: The Human Rights of Non-Citizens (New York:
Forced Migration Project (FMP), Soros Foundation, 1999; a 60-minute
video-taped discussion between Louis Henkin, Oscar Schachter,
and moderator Ann Bayefsky, with introduction by Arthur C. Helton).
- International Human Rights Law & Practice: Cases, Treaties and
Materials (Francisco Forrest Martin et al. eds., Rights International, The
Center for International Human Rights Law, Inc.;
The Hague; Boston: Kluwer Law International, 1997)(ISBN
9041106162 - Casebook)(ISBN 9041106170 - Documentary Supplement)(ISBN
9041106081 - Set). 2v. 2250p. XXK3240.3 .I567 1997 Law.
- International Human Rights: Problems of Law, Policy, and Practice
(Richard B. Lillich & Hurst Hannum eds., 3d ed., Boston: Little, Brown, 1995).
(ISBN: 0316526878). 1100 pp. XXK3240.3.I570 1995 Law.
- David S. Weissbrodt, Joan Fitzpatrick & Frank C. Newman, International Human Rights : Law,
Policy, and Process (3d ed., Cincinnati, Ohio : Anderson Pub. Co.,
c2001)(accompanied by supplement entitled : Selected international human rights instruments and bibliography for research on international human rights law ; (xiv, 454 p.). XXK3240.4.N392 2001 Law.
- Henry J. Steiner & Philip Alston, International Human Rights in
Context: Law, Politics, Morals: Text and Materials (2d ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000). XXK3240.6.S745 2000 LawRes.
- Researching
International Human Rights Law (Marci Hoffman, Georgetown
University Law Center)
International Protection of Human Rights (Marylin J. Raisch,
Bora Laskin Law Library, University of Toronto)
- The Rights
International Research Guide for International Human Rights
Lawyers (Stephen J. Schnably)
- International
Human Rights Law and Article 38(1) of the Statute of the International
Court of Justice (Steven C. Perkins)
- Human
Rights Reference Handbook (2d ed, The Hague: Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, 1999)(ISBN 90-5328-227-0). 203p. Available as a PDF
file linked to from the Ministry's Handboek
Mensenrechten page.
- Human Rights
Explained: A Guide to Human Rights in Australia in a Global
Context (Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity
Commission (HREOC), 1999; includes "Human Rights on the Internet"
research guide with links to web sites)
- Human Rights
on the Internet: Sites That Encourage Activism (Elisa Mason
for the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL),
September 1999)
- Concise
Guide to Human Rights on the Internet (Margarita Lacabe, 2d
ed., September 1998; see also the Derechos Human Rights Directory of Human Rights
- International
Human Rights Resources on the Web (Patti Ogden, Kresge Law Library,
University of Notre Dame Law School, July 1997)
- The Guiding Principles of the 21st
Century: The 50 Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights (Marci Hoffman, University of Minnesota Law Library, for
the American Association of Law Libraries Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA,
July 12, 1998; includes links to key human rights research resources)
- Bibliography
for Research on International Human Rights Law (University of
Minnesota; Marci Hoffman & David Weissbrodt)
- Guide to Human
Rights Research (Harvard Human Rights Program; Jack Tobin)
- United Nations
Documentation: Research Guide: Special Topics: Human Rights
(UN Dag Hammarskjöld Library)
- International
Human Rights Cases/Decisions (Cardozo Law Library Research Guide)
- Women's Human Rights
Resources (University of Toronto, Canada; including a select
bibliography by Rebecca J. Cook and Valerie L. Oosterveld)
- Researching
Indigenous Peoples Rights Under International Law (Steven
C. Perkins)
- Foreign
& International Guides: World Trade Organization (Harvard Law
School Library)
Research (Jeanne Rehberg, Law Library Resource Xchange,
October 15, 1999; Updated September 3,
- From
the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade to the World Trade Organization:
An Overview for Georgetown University Law Center Students
(originally prepared by Ellen Schaffer; revised and expanded by the
International and Foreign Law Department; updated December 2000)
- World Trade
Organization (WTO panel decisions)
- The United
Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
Guide to Research and Literature (Claire M. Germain)
- Germain's International Court
of Justice Research Guide (ICJ; Claire M. Germain)
- International
Labour Organization (ILO) Research Guide (Charlotte Bynum)
- International
Commercial Arbitration: Resources in Print and Electronic Format (Lyonette
- United
Nations Documentation: A Research Guide (UN Dag Hammarskjöld
- United Nations Scholars WorkStation
(Yale University)
- Guide to
Researching the Council of Europe (Anne Burnett, Law Library
Resource Xchange (LLRX), April 17, 2000)
- Guide
to European Union Legal Research (Jeanette Yackle & Stephen
Wiles; issued as Harvard Jean Monnet Chair Paper Series, No. 8/97)
- The
Nuts and Bolts of European Union Law Research (Jean Wenger)
- European Union Law (Marylin Raisch's guide)
- European Information (Patrick Overy's excellent guide with links on European Union law sources)
- Researching the
European Union (Barbara Sloan & Ann R. Sweeney, Delegation of
the European Commission to the United States)
- A Citation
Manual for European Community Materials (Fordham University)
- The EU and Human
Rights (Academy of European Law; includes the full text of the
Final Project Report and the Human Rights Agenda for the
European Union for the Year 2000; see also background info on An EU Human Rights
Agenda for the Year 2000 and print publications: Leading By
Example: A Human Rights Agenda for the European Union for the
Year 2000: Agenda of the Comité des Sages and Final Project Report
(Florence: European University Institute, 1998); Philip Alston, The
EU and Human Rights (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming
May 1999)(ISBN 0198298064))
- Europe
on the Internet (Ian Thomson)
- Accessing
European Parliament Documentation - 1996 Edition (John Tomlinson)
- European
Union Internet Resources (Andrea Sevetson, University of
California, Berkeley, Library)
- EuroInternet
(Michael Nentwich)
- History
of European Integration (Leiden University, Historical Institute;
links to full texts of historical documents)
- European Legal Information
Network ("European Union Law" page of EUROLI.NET -
a subscription-database on European Community law and institutions,
managed by the Institute of Baltic Studies in co-operation with the
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities (Eur-OP) and
the multi-country distance education programme of the European
Training Foundation; includes CELEX).
- Bibliographies
and Guides (Sally Kelley, Young Law Library, National Center for
Agricultural Law Research and Information (NCALRI), University of Arkansas;
International Environmental Law, Comparative and Foreign Law, Public
International Law, International Business Law, International Trade
Law, European Union)
- Research:
International (Stefanie Weigman, Pappas Law Library, Boston University
School of Law; includes guide, bibliography, and "webography" on Treaty
Research, Researching Other Sources of International Law, Researching
IGOs: UN/OAS/OAU/ASEAN, Researching European Institutions, Researching
Human Rights Law, Researching International Trade Law)
- Research
Guides (Duke University School of Law Library; Canadian and
English Law, Council of Europe, EU, GATT, NAFTA, Foreign and
Comparative Law, Treaties, UN, etc.)
- Foreign
and International Law Research Guides (Harvard Law School Library;
EU, ICJ/PCIJ, WTO/GATT, NAFTA, UN, Treaty Law, Islamic Law, French
Law, etc.)
Newsletter (Foreign, Comparative, and International Law
Special Interest Section of the American Association of Law
Clearinghouse for Internships and International Personnel
Exchanges (webpage contains a list of law libraries that are
willing to participate in exchanges and testimonials from law
librarians who
have gone on exchanges)
- Researching
Careers in International Law: Resources in Print and Electronic
Format (Lyonette Louis-Jacques)
- Sexuality,
Gender, and the Law: National and International (Lyonette
- Researching
International Law (Lyonette Louis-Jacques - INT-LAW posting of 16
October, 1996)
- Researching Foreign
Law (Lyonette Louis-Jacques - INT-LAW posting of 28 October
- Foreign Law:
Legal Research Resources on the Internet (Lyonette
Louis-Jacques; includes special links to Asylum and Refugee Law and
Children's Rights)
- Normann Witzleb, Dieter Martiny, Ulrich Thoelke, & Tim Frericks,
Comparative Law
and the
(October 1999), (the article
"presents the most important links to resources on uniform law,
comparative law, private international law, European Union Law as well
as legal material and related information on more than twenty European
jurisdictions, the USA, Israel and Australia")
- Foreign
Primary Law on the Web (Timothy F. Mulligan)
- Ukraine:
Legal Materials in English: A Bibliography (Marta Tarnawsky;
lists books and articles on Ukrainian law, and contains citations of
English translations of Ukrainian legislation, including treaties)
- Legal
Research Using the Internet (Lyonette Louis-Jacques)
- What Every
International Lawyer Should Know About The Internet, Its Resources &
Risks (Joseph Jacobson, Continuing Legal Education program for
the International Law Section of the Dallas Bar Association, July 15,
- Information
for Lawyers on the Internet (Juridische Bibliotheek,
Universiteit Utrecht)
- The Practicing
Attorney's Home Page (Peter Krakaur; includes Legal Ethics information)
- The
Internet Lawyer (Josh Blackman; includes links to "How to Find
Anything on the Net", "Fact-Finding Research", "Cool Sites for
Lawyers", and "Legal Research" on the Internet generally)
- The
Compleat Internet Researcher: Advanced Strategies and Techniques
(AALL conference workshop materials by Donald A. Arndt, Elliot
C. Chabot, Mary E. Cornaby, Kenneth S. Kozlowski, Sheri H. Lewis, and
Genie Tyburski)
- The
Annotated Guide
to Resources for Legal Professionals (Genie Tyburski; part of
The Virtual Chase: A
Research Site for Legal Professionals; was at
- Internet
Research for Legal Professionals (Genie Tyburski; formerly "Internet
Skills and Strategies for the Legal Researcher"; includes links to
finding international and foreign law)
- Finding Legal
Information on the Internet: Meta-Sites & Search Engines
(Cindy Chick; PowerPoint presentation at Legal Tech, Los Angeles, June
24, 1998)
- Research on
the Internet: What Works, What Doesn't and Finding Law-Related
Internet Resources (updated June 5, 1999; Cindy Chick; at the Law Library Resource Xchange)
- Conducting Legal
Research on the World Wide Web (Michael Geist)
Legal Information on the Internet (Sarah Carter; was at until April 2000)
- The Legal
List: Research on the Internet (Diana Botluk; previous editions
by Erik J. Heels, author of new
Internet resources column of Law Practice Management magazine)
- Internet Legal
Research (Bradley J. Hillis)
- List of
Law-Related Internet Books and Newsletters: North America
(G. Burgess Allison)
- List of
Law-Related Internet Books and Newsletters: International
(G. Burgess Allison)
- Reference
Books and Articles on Legal Research on the Internet (Makoto
Ibusuki; a section of his World
List: Non-U.S. Law Related Resources for Internet Users - covers
over 70 countries)
- Internet Catalogs
and Search Engines (Yahoo, Lycos, Altavista, Google, Infoseek,
- Makoto Ibusuki, Internet:
Gateway to the Foreign Law (ISBN 4-535-51126-8)(in Japanese;
includes URLs for sources of national law worldwide)
- Print Research Guides on International Law:
- Institutes
on Training the Next Generation of Foreign and International Law
Librarians (books resulting from five Institutes conducted by the
American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) and published by Oceana
Publications, Inc.)
- Contemporary Practice of Public International Law.
XXKZ1234.C66 1997 LawRef.
- Introduction to Foreign Legal Systems. XXK583.I570 1994 LawRef.
- Introduction to International Business Law: Legal Transactions
in a Global Economy. XXK3943.I576 1996 LawRef.
- Introduction to International Organizations. JX1954.I570
1996 LawRef.
- Introduction to Transnational Legal Transactions.
XXK7615.4.I580 1995 LawRef.
- Accidental
Tourist on the New Frontier: An Introductory Guide to Global Legal
Research (1998, Jeanne Rehberg & Radu D. Popa eds., Fred B. Rothman
& Co., 10368 W. Centennial Rd., Littleton, CO 80127-4200; phone:
800-457-1986; fax: 800-243-9611)(ISBN 0-8377-1075-8). 294p. "A basic guide to
foreign, comparative, and international law research for the
non-specialist". XXK85.A27 1998 LawRef.
- Guide to International Legal
Research (3d ed., George Washington Journal of
International Law and Economics; Charlottesville, VA: LEXIS Law Publishing,
1998)(ISBN 0-327-00235-2)(includes tips/strategies for
researching foreign and international law, URLs for Internet sites
on foreign and international law, lists of databases/files on WESTLAW
and LEXIS, annotated lists of books, etc). 784p. xxK87.G85 1998
LawRef. The 1999 Supplement to the Third Edition has the ISBN
number 0-327-01272-2 (165p.).
- 1996 Supplement, A Guide to Internet and Commercial Online Research
(Charlottesville, VA: Michie, 1996)(supplement to Guide to International
Legal Research (2d ed., 1993) published by the George
Washington University Journal of International Law and Economics;
Michie is now LEXIS Law
Publishing). 335p. JX1297.G842 1993 LawRef.
- Jonathan Pratter, "International Law", in J. Myron Jacobstein, Roy
M. Mersky & Donald J. Dunn, Fundamentals of Legal Research
475-522 (7th ed., Westbury, NY:
Press, Inc., 1998)(ISBN: 1-56662-613-7). 810p. XXKF240.J320 1998
- International Law Video
Course (Elizabeth F. Defeis, Project Director, Seton Hall
University School of Law, in cooperation with the American Society of
International Law, funded by the U.S. Department of Education Center
for International Education; participants include Thomas Buergenthal,
Thomas Franck, Louis Henkin, Rosalyn Higgins, Roy S. Lee, Ronald
St. John MacDonald, Oscar Schachter, Stephen M. Schwebel, Louis
B. Sohn, Rebecca M.M. Wallace, and Ruth Wedgwood:
"This 10-part VHS video course is available in the ENGLISH,
CHINESE, RUSSIAN and SPANISH language...features scholars and
experts in International Law...Each program is approximately
30 minutes in length and includes the following:
--Introduction of the subject and its historical perspective;
--Presentations of scholars and experts
--Historical and contemporary film footage, still photos,
--Learner's Guide and Reading List."
Please send comments or suggestions to Lyonette Louis-Jacques at
Note that the focus of this page is on International Trade Law and
Human Rights resources. This page was last updated on 14 April 2002.